This paper will focus on the development of the Inter-Agency Material Production Committee, its objectives, terms of reference and their evolution. An assessment on whether the Committee has achieved what it initially set out to achieve will be made.
The idea of forming the IAMPC was conceived at a conference on Libraries and Literacy held in Kanye in 1985. The actual launching of the Committee was done three years later in 1988. The Committee, a joint venture between the Botswana National Library Service (BNLS) and the Department of Non-Formal Education (DNFE) comprised officers of the two departments and other extension departments and NGOs. 30 institutions were represented initially.
The two departments, BNLS and DNFE, were already cooperating in the provision of the Village Reading Rooms Service (VRRs), another joint venture which has been operational since 1986. These are cultural centres set up in primary school classrooms for local rural communities in smaller and remote villages where there are no library facilities.