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Unbound by Symposium

Volume 119 - 2025

Transdisciplinary Approaches to Migrant Solidarity in Theory, Law, and Praxis

Volume 118 - 2024

New Pathways Toward Supply Chain Accountability

Institutionalizing Investment Dispute Prevention

Unsettling the Sovereign “Right to Exclude”

Next Generation EU, Crisis Budgeting, and the Empowerment of Supranational Institutions

Rabiat Akande, “An Imperial History of Race-Religion in International Law"

Ownership in the Deep Seas

Digital Evidence

International Laws Public and Private in Memory of Karen Knop

Volume 117 - 2023

The Contours and Limits of Advisory Opinions

Anna Saunders, “Constitution-Making as a Technique of International Law: Reconsidering the Post-War Inheritance”

150 Years of the Institut de Droit International and the International Law Association

UN Recognition of the Human Right to a Healthy Environment

Critical International Law and Technology

Digital Trade and International Law

Race, Racism, and International Law

Infrastructuring International Law

Volume 116 - 2022

Joost Pauwelyn and Krzysztof Pelc, “Who Guards the ‘Guardians of the System’? The Role of the Secretariat in WTO Dispute Settlement”

Derecho Internacional Latinoamericano / Latin American International Law

Feminist Approaches to International Law Thirty Years on: Still Alienating Oscar?

J. Benton Heath, “Making Sense of Security”

Carbon Border Adjustments

Incidental Jurisdiction

Ukraine and the International Order

International Economic Law and Its Others

William I. Pons, Janet E. Lord, and Michael Ashley Stein, “Disability, Human Rights Violations, and Crimes Against Humanity”

Gregory Shaffer, "Governing the Interface of U.S.-China Trade Relations”

Queering International Law

Volume 115 - 2021

The Global Governance Implications of Blockchain

Sara McLaughlin Mitchell & Andrew P. Owsiak, “Judicialization of the Sea: Bargaining in the Shadow of UNCLOS”

Undoing Discriminatory Borders

Frédéric Mégret, "Are There 'Inherently Sovereign Functions' in International Law?"

The Anthropology of International Law

The Limitations of the Behavioral Turn in International Law

Anne van Aaken & Betül Simsek, "Rewarding in International Law"

Interstate Disputes Over Water Rights

Zachary Mollengarden & Noam Zamir “The Monetary Gold Principle: Back to Basics”

The Impact of Indigenous Peoples on International Law

New Challenges in Weapons Inspection

The Biden Administration and the International Legal Order

Global Labs of International Commercial Dispute Resolution

Volume 114 - 2020

The Olympics and International Law

COVID-19, Global Mobility and International Law

Drug Decriminalization, Legalization, And International Law

Ruth Mason, "The Transformation of International Tax"

Authoritarian International Law: Is Authoritarian International Law Inevitable?

Global Plastic Pollution

Soft and Hard Law on Business and Human Rights

How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect International Law?

Art, Aesthetics, and International Justice

Prosper Weil, "Towards Relative Normativity in International Law?"

Jacqueline Peel & Jolene Lin, “Transnational Climate Litigation: The Contribution of the Global South.”

The GDPR and International Law

Volume 113 - 2019

Transnational Futures of International Labor Law

American Convention on Human Rights and its New Interlocutors

New Directions in Anticorruption Law

A Focus on Ethics in International Courts and Tribunals

Non-State Actors and New Technologies in Atrocity Prevention

Kristina Daugirdas, "Reputation as a Disciplinarian of International Organizations"

Cyber Attribution

Julian Nyarko, “Giving the Treaty a Purpose: Comparing the Durability of Treaties and Executive Agreements."

Unilateral Targeted Sanctions

The New Space Race

Dan Efrony and Yuval Shany, a Rule Book on the Shelf? Tallinn Manual 2.0 on Cyberoperations and Subsequent State Practice

Can International Trade Law Recover?

Investor Responsibility: The Next Frontier in International Investment Law

Volume 112 - 2018

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70 and the Future of Being Human

B.S. Chimni, “Customary International Law: A Third World Perspective"

Climate Change Localism

Sergio Puig and Gregory Shaffer, “Imperfect Alternatives: Institutional Choice and the Reform of Investment Law,” and Anthea Roberts, “Incremental, Systemic, and Paradigmatic Reform of Investor-State Arbitration”

BRICS Approach to the Investment Treaty System

The Rome Statute at Twenty

Governing High Seas Biodiversity 

Monica Hakimi, “The Jus ad Bellum's Regulatory Form” 

Thomas Franck's “Emerging Right to Democratic Governance” at 25 

Simon Batifort and J. Benton Heath, “The New Debate on the Interpretation of MFN Clauses in Investment Treaties: Putting the Brakes on Multilateralization” 

The Present and Future of Foreign Official Immunity 

Volume 111 - 2017

Framing Global Migration Law 

Megan Donaldson, “The Survival of the Secret Treaty: Publicity, Secrecy, and Legality in the International Order” 

Treaty Exit at the Interface of Domestic and International Law 

Global Animal Law 

Africa and the Future of International Trade Regimes 

Jeffrey L. Dunoff and Mark A. Pollack, “The Judicial Trilemma” 

Comparative Foreign Relations Law 

Unauthorized Military Interventions for the Public Good 

International Institutional Bypass 

Sovereignty, Cyberspace, and Tallinn Manual 2.0 

Fleur Johns, “Data, Detection, and the Redistribution of the Sensible in International Law” 

Industry Associations and Transnational Legal Ordering 

The Marshall Islands Case 

Revisiting Israel's Settlements 

Volume 110 - 2016

Devika Hovell, “Due Process in the United Nations” 

Theorizing TWAIL Activism 

AGORA: Reflections on RJR Nabisco v. European Community 

Nienke Grossman, “Achieving Sex-Representative International Court Benches” 

Many Lives and Legacies of Sykes-Picot 

Third Restatement of Conflict of Laws 

Colombian Peace Talks and International Law  

International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda: Broadening the Debate 

South China Sea Arbitration 

Critical Perspectives on Human Shields 

Cybersecurity and the Changing International Law of Data 

Volume 109 - 2015

Agora: Reflections on Zivotofsky v. Kerry 

Stavros Gadinis, “Three Pathways to Global Standards: Private, Regulator, and Ministry Networks” 

Rethinking State Jurisdiction in the Internet Era  

Constitutionalization of International Law in Latin America 

The Pope’s Encyclical and Climate Change Policy 

Immunity of State Officials 

Alan O. Sykes, “Economic ‘Necessity’ in International Law” 

International Legal Obligation to Criminalize Marital Rape 

International Indigenous Rights, Financial Decisions, and Local Policy 

Koh & Buchwald, “The Crime of Aggression: The United States Perspective”  

TWAIL Perspectives on ICL, IHL, and Intervention 

Joost Pauwelyn, “The Rule of Law Without the Rule of Lawyers? Why Investment Arbitrators are from Mars, Trade Adjudicators are from Venus” 

Volume 108 - 2014

Nico Krisch, “The Decay of Consent: International Law in an Age of Global Public Goods” 

The Sixty-Fifth Session of the International Law Commission 

Remedies For Harm Caused By UN Peacekeepers 

Agora: The End of Treaties? 

Agora: Bond v. United States 

The Idea of Effective International Law 

Uniting for Peace Resolution 

The True Meaning of Force 

Elephant Law 

Reflections on Customary International Law and the International Law Commission’s Project  

Recognition of Governments and Customary International Law 

Pierre-Hugues Verdier and Erik Voeten, “Precedent, Compliance, and Change in Customary International Law: An Explanatory Theory” 

Janie A. Chuang, “Exploitation Creep and the Unmaking of Human Trafficking Law” 

WTO EC-Seal Products Case 

Volume 107 - 2013

Agora: Reflections on Kiobel