This article, continuing the account of Gell's note-books of which the first portion was published in the last volume (B.S.A. xxvii. pp. 67 ff.), deals only with note-book (2) in so far as it relates to his journey to Asia Minor and the adjacent islands. The numerous architectural drawings, plans, etc., of ancient sites made during this expedition by Gell and his assistants, Bedford and Gandy, are published in various volumes of the Antiquities of Ionia published by the Dilettanti Society, and do not concern us here. A summary of the activities of the mission and a full list of the drawings appear in Vol. V. of this work (pp. 4 f. and 7 ff.).
The relation of this short diary to a fuller one in two volumes with illustrative sketches, now in the possession of the said Society, is not clear, and could only be established by careful collation; but it is not impossible that Gell either wrote up the latter at intervals from the rougher notes in the smaller book, or, when the smaller book was full, copied its contents into the larger one before continuing in it the narrative of his journey from the time of his arrival at Rhodes.