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Call for Submission Proposals for Covid-19 Special Issue

BJPsych Advances, the College’s peer-reviewed CPD journal for consultant psychiatrists, invites clinical experts to submit proposals for a special issue on Covid-19 planned for publication in mid-2022. 

A range of content will be considered for the special issue.  Articles typically discuss comprehensive, practical approaches to clinical problems and explain the full range of therapeutic options, with useful features like MCQs, summary boxes, and associated commentaries. We also encourage shorter reflection pieces (Clinical Reflections) covering clinicians’ experiences during the pandemic.

The issue will have a broad focus and topics might include:  

• How the pandemic has affected the health service and the lessons learnt
• Looking to the future and longer term consequences
• Telemedicine – the benefits and disadvantages
• Ethical and sociological questions. Eg, the implications of vaccine refusal; the role of the media in reporting on Covid and mental health etc
• Repurposing of drugs and pharmacological questions
• Psychosocial and epidemiological considerations
• The CNS effects from long Covid – biological and neurological considerations
• Trauma and loss during the pandemic
• Clinical questions – eg, covid triage wards and their effectiveness
• How personal practice has changed during the pandemic
• Healthcare burnout
• The effect of Covid-19 on people with disabilities and neurodevelopmental conditions and their carers

Closing date for article proposals: 1 July 2021. 
Following the closing date for article proposals, all proposals will be considered and content commissioned to create a balanced issue. The deadline for submissions will be 1 October 2021.

For further information about the journal and all article types visit the Advances site. 

To submit a proposal to the journal (including a summary of approximately 150 words), please email