Four papers were available for discussion at the meeting:
(1) ‘Continuing Care Retirement Communities — Attractive to Members, but what about Sponsors?’ by R. A. Humble and D. G. Ryan, was previously presented to the Institute of Actuaries on 26 January 1998, and the paper and the discussion of it appear in British Actuarial Journal, 4, 547-614.
(2) ‘A Model for Projecting the Number of People who will Require Long-Term Care’, by R. R. Ainslie, C. O. Daly, S. P. Laurie, B. D. Rickhayzen, M. A. E. Thraves and D. E. P. Walsh; and
(3) ‘The Actuarial Modelling of NHS Data’, by C. G. Orros, M. Iqbal, I. W. Lane, I. P. McKeever and M. R. Moliver, were both presented at the 1998 Health Care Conference, held at the University of Warwick. These papers are available in the Faculty and the Institute Libraries.
(4) ‘The Elderly and Continuing Care’, by Dr R. G. Smith, Chairman of the Geriatricians Committee of the Royal College of Physicians, commences on the next page.