Let Ω be a bounded connected open set in ℝN,
N[ges ]2, and let −ΔΩ[ges ]0 be the
Dirichlet Laplacian defined in L2(Ω).
Let λΩ>0 be the smallest eigenvalue of
and let ϕΩ>0 be its corresponding eigenfunction,
normalized by ∥ϕΩ∥2=1. For
sufficiently small ε>0 we let R(ε) be a connected
open subset of Ω satisfying
formula here
Let −Δε[ges ]0 be the Dirichlet Laplacian
on R(ε), and let λε>0 and
ϕε>0 be its
ground state eigenvalue and ground state eigenfunction, respectively, normalized
∥ϕε∥2=1. For functions
f defined on Ω, we let Sεf
denote the restriction of f to R(ε).
For functions g defined on R(ε), we let
Tεg be the extension of g to
Ω satisfying
formula here