If Denmark is attacked by Sweden we must defend Denmark, for we cannot see Norway in the hands of Sweden.
Copenhagen is the entrance and key of the Baltick, thro' which all naval stores must pass—of great importance, therefore, whether we want them for ourselves, or wish to keep them from our Enemys.
The Danes have the best regulated Marine of any of the Northern Powers.
They have no other natural Enemy than Sweden—with Sweden they are able to cope by themselves, and would, if attacked from that Quarter, prefer our pecuniary to our effective assistance.
Russia also would join them, and we run no risk of embarking in a war for Denmark if she is attacked by Sweden alone; if France seconds Sweden we must in that case be engaged in it whether we have or have not an alliance with Denmark.
Proposals for this Alliance should be made under great Secrecy, and no communication of the intended connection made to any Power whatever till it is too far advanced to be broken off.