Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
As has been shown by several previous writers, the Synopsis published in instalments by Fieber, in Lotos, Volrtme III., all appeared on or before August 1853. Such being the case, all his new generic names have precedence over those of L. H. Fischer,* the preface of whose work bears the date, November, 1853, and which is unlikely to have appeared before 1854.
page 316 note * Orthoptera Europaea, Lipsiæ.
page 317 note * Scudder (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XX., p. 96), in treating the name Podisma, Latreille, came to the conclusion that Pezotettix, Burmeister, should replace Platyphyma, Fischer. As there set forth, Podisma possessed two originally included species, which two, “and these only,” were the species on which Burmeister's genus Pezotettix was founded. In such cases the golden rule, “once a synonym, always a synonym,” should be applied, and Pezotettix should be relegated to its true position as a synonym of Podisma, subsequent restriction having no validity where originally included species are identical.