Coelioxys Foxii, n. sp.
Coelioxys vigilans, Fox, not Sm. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc, XVIII., 344, 1891, ♀ ♂.
Conspicuous by its deeply-punctured thoracic dorsum and the orange to yellowish pubescence.
♀ Length, 10.5 mm. Clypeus rugose, with close, large, poorly defined punctures, covered with a fine whitish pubescence, and having a whitish moustache; sides of the face covered with a yellowish appressed pubescence; near the ocelli this becomes erect; around the latter the hairs and dark brown, and form and erect fringe; a raised space in front a auterior ocellus, tapering down in front to a point terminating between insertion of antennæ, has longitudinal impressed line along the middle on its lower half, and branches up to each side of the anterior ocellus impunctate, dullish, the space between and surrounding punctured; an impunctate space between lateral ocelli and eye margins; top of the head punctured, dullish, the punctures smaller than those on dorsulum, almost bare; cheeks with appressed pubescence paler than that on sides of face.