Egg.—Diameter .03 inch. Shape globular, the base rather broad, the sides ribbed longitudinally, 12 of these ridges which reach the apex alternating with twice as many more of different lengths. The ridges are connected by slender cross bars, the transverse sides of the included spaces being longer than the longitudinal. The small apical space is punctured. Color white. Duration of this period, 4 days.
Young Larva.—Length .07 of an inch. Color pale grayish-white, a little pinkish on the anterior part. Head and top of joint 1 black. Piliferous spots small, black, the gray hairs arising from each a little longer than the diameter of the body. Legs 16, but the first and second pairs of abdominal, short so that the middle of the body is arched a little in walking. After eating the color of the body is pale grayish green. The piliferous spots, or at least the thoracic, in a single transverse row to each joint. Duration of this period, 8 days.