Euceros Canadensis, n. sp.—Female. Shining : head yellow ; two spots behind antennæ, confluent with a mark on vertex, covering ocelli and occiput, and tips of mandibles, black; antennæ black, palish at base beneath; thorax black, lateral margin of mesothorax in front of tegulæ, two lines on disk, a spot on each side before scutellum, a broad V-shaped mark on scutellum, apex of metathorax, which has two black spots above, anterior margin of prothorax, a spot on each side of pleura, and the tegulæ, yellow; wings hyaline, dusky on apical malgin; legs yellow, anterior coxæ in front, posterioi coxæ,their femora, except base and apex,and their tibiæ, except base, black, their tarsi, except tips, fuscous; abdomen yellow; a triangular mark on each side of first segment, a transverse mark on each side of second and third segments, dilated laterally, and the remaining segments, except medial spot at tip of fourth segment, and another on extreme tip of abdomen, blackish; venter entirely yel1ow.—Length, 5¼ lines.