Egg.—Globular, a little flattened at base, smooth; color orange yellow. Duration of this period, 24 days.
Young Larva.—Length .08 of an inch. Color pale brownish green. Head and a small cervical shield jet black. Each segment has about six blackish tubercles from which arise rather long gray hairs, the dorsal tubercles on segments 5 and 12 a little more prominent than the others. Duration of this period, 3 days.
After First Moult.—Length .14 of an inch. Color pale yellowish green. Head black, as also a plate and a small spot on the top of the second segment. To each segment six purplish black slightly tubercular spots; those on the dorsum faint except those on 5 and 12, which are prominent, each pair confluent; a few hairs from each spot. Thoracic feet black. Duration of this period, 4 days.