Egg—Spherical, a little flattened at base ; color greenish-yellow. Duration of this stage four to five days.
Young Larva—Length .1 inch ; near the end of the stage .28 inch, and then cylindrical, greatly thickened from 3 to 6; after 6, tapering to 12, then thickening to end, the back and sides after 6 a little incurved; 2 has a thin square ridge and on each curve of same a thick fleshy process, longer than others on body, thickly beset with straight hairs; there are two rows of similar processes, sub-dorsal, smallest on the narrow segments, colored as the segment they stand on, those on 12 and 13 considerably larger than any others except on 2 ; besides the subdorsal rows, are two dorsal, running the whole length of body, and one row on side, another along base ; all these are small, simple tuberculations with hair on end; color of body brown-yellow marked with white ; a white band, not very clearly defined, especially on its lower edge, passes along the side of segments 3 to 8, turning up on 8 to edge of dorsum, the two extremities there not quite meeting; 12 and 13 are white; under side greenish-brown ; feet and legs same ; head obovoid, a little depressed at top, smooth, shining, color yellow-brown, a shade darker than body. To 1st moult about 4 days.