1 Introduction
An isometric immersion
$f\colon M^{2n}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
is called a real Kaehler submanifold if
is a connected Kaehler manifold of complex dimension
$n\geq 2$
isometrically immersed into Euclidean space with local substantial codimension p. The latter means that the image of f restricted to any open subset of
does not lie in a proper affine subspace of
$\mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
. Moreover, when p is even, we focus in the case in which f restricted to any open subset of
is not holomorphic with respect to any complex structure of the ambient space
$\mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
Since the pioneering work by Dajczer and Gromoll [Reference Dajczer and Gromoll8], there has been an increasing interest in the study of the real Kaehler submanifolds. The reason, in good part, it is due because when these submanifolds are minimal then they enjoy several of the feature properties of minimal surfaces. For instance, they admit an associated one-parameter family of noncongruent isometric minimal submanifolds all with the same Gauss map. Another one is being the real part of its holomorphic representative. Moreover, the immersions are pluriharmonic maps and, in some cases, they admit a Weierstrass-type representation. For a partial account of results on this subject of research, as well as many references, we refer to [Reference Dajczer and Tojeiro12].
There is plenty of knowledge on real Kaehler submanifolds
$f\colon M^{2n}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
when the codimension is as low as
. For instance, in the hypersurface case, there is the local parametric classification obtained in [Reference Dajczer and Gromoll8] that can be seen in [Reference Dajczer and Tojeiro12] as Theorem
. The classification of the metrically complete submanifolds with codimension
follows from [Reference Dajczer and Gromoll9, Reference Florit and Zheng15]. Moreover, for both codimensions, the submanifolds carry a foliation by complex relative nullity leaves of dimension
as described next.
$f\colon M^{2n}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
be a real Kaehler submanifold, and let
$L\subset N_fM(x)$
be a normal vector subspace at
$x\in M^{2n}$
. We denote the
$\alpha _L\colon TM\times TM\to L$
the L-component of its normal vector-valued second fundamental form
$\alpha \colon TM\times TM\to N_fM$
and by
$\mathcal {N}(\alpha _L)\subset T_xM$
the tangent vector subspace

$\Delta (x)=\mathcal {N}(\alpha _{N_fM(x)})$
is called the relative nullity subspace of f at
$x\in M^{2n}$
. Its complex part
$\Delta _c(x)=\Delta (x)\cap J\Delta (x)$
is named the complex relative nullity subspace whose dimension
$\nu _f^c(x)$
is the index of complex relative nullity. It is well known that the vector subspaces
$\Delta _c(x)$
form a smooth integrable distribution on any open subset of
$\nu _f^c(x)$
is constant. Moreover, the totally geodesic leaves are holomorphic submanifolds of
as well as open subsets of even-dimensional affine vector subspaces of
$\mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
Real Kaehler submanifolds in codimension at least 3 can be obtained just by considering holomorphic submanifolds of a given real Kaehler submanifold. More precisely, let
$F\colon N^{2n+2m}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
$m\geq 1$
, be a real Kaehler submanifold, and then let
$j\colon M^{2n}\to N^{2n+2m}$
be any holomorphic isometric immersion. Then the composition of isometric immersions
$f\colon M^{2n}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
given by

is a real Kaehler submanifold.
It is clearly relevant to establish conditions asserting that a real Kaehler submanifold is locally a composition as in (1.1). This was achieved for
by Dajczer and Gromoll [Reference Dajczer and Gromoll10] and for
by Yan and Zheng [Reference Yan and Zheng16] under the assumption that the index of complex relative nullity of
$f\colon M^{2n}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
$\nu _f^c(x)<2n-2p$
at any
$x\in M^{2n}$
. The result in the latter paper was complemented by us in [Reference Chion and Dajczer5].
A bold conjecture by Yan and Zheng in [Reference Yan and Zheng16] states, under the same assumption as above on the index of complex relative nullity, that any real Kaehler submanifold in codimension
$p\leq 11$
is a composition as in (1.1) along connected components of an open dense subset of
. The purpose of this paper is to walk a fundamental step in order to treat that rather challenging conjecture. We prove that the second fundamental form of the submanifold behaves pointwise as expected if the conjecture were true. Moreover, we have that our proof fails for
, indicating that proposing
in the conjecture as the largest codimension seems appropriate. For codimension
$p\leq 6$
, our result was obtained in [Reference de Carvalho and Guimarães2] up to some inconsistencies in the argument (see Remark 3.10). As for higher codimension, it is shown by this paper that the proof is much more difficult.
Before stating our main theorem, we roughly explain why this result turns out to be the one we expected. For this purpose, let
$f=F\circ j\colon M^{2n}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
be a composition, as in (1.1) but where F itself is not such a composition. Then the second fundamental form
$\alpha ^f\colon TM\times TM\to N_f M$
of f splits as the sum of the second fundamental forms
$\alpha ^j$
of j and
$\alpha ^F$
of F that one restricted to
, and where both components need to satisfy certain conditions now discussed. On one hand, there is a vector bundle isometry
${\cal J}\in \Gamma (Aut(\Omega ))$
such that

$\Omega =F_*N_jM$
. In fact, being j holomorphic, we have that
for any
$X\in \mathfrak {X}(M)$
. Differentiating once and then taking normal component yields
$J^N\alpha ^j(X,Y)=\alpha ^j(X,JY)$
. Then
${\cal J} F_*|_{N_jM}=F_*J^N|_{F_*N_jM}$
satisfies the requirement. On the other hand, since F is not a composition, then
$\alpha ^F$
should have a large index of complex relative nullity, and hence the same remains to be the case when it is restricted to
$N_1(x)\subset N_fM(x)$
denote the vector subspace spanned at
$x\in M^{2n}$
by the second fundamental form of f, namely,
$N_1(x)=\mbox {span}\{\alpha (X,Y)\colon X,Y\in T_xM\}$
. It is usually called the first normal space of f at
$x\in M^{2n}$
. Then let
$Q(x)\subset N_1(x)$
be the complex vector subspace defined as

where if
$\eta =\sum _{i=1}^k\alpha (X_i,Y_i)$
, then
$\bar \eta =\sum _{i=1}^k\alpha (X_i,JY_i)$
Theorem 1.1 Let
$f\colon M^{2n}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
$2\leq p\leq n-1$
, be a real Kaehler submanifold whose index of complex relative nullity satisfies
$\nu _f^c(x_0)<2n-2p$
at a point
$x_0\in M^{2n}$
. If
$p\leq 11$
, then the following facts hold:
(i) If
$Q=Q(x_0)$ , then
$\dim Q=\ell>0$ , and there is an isometry
${\cal J}\in Aut(Q)$ such that
$$ \begin{align*}{\cal J}\alpha_Q(X,Y)=\alpha_Q(X,JY)\;\;\mbox{for any}\;\; X,Y\in T_{x_0}M. \end{align*} $$
(ii) If
$N_1(x_0)=Q\oplus P$ is an orthogonal decomposition, then
$\nu ^c(\alpha _P)\geq 2(n-p+\ell )$ .
If the submanifold satisfies
$\dim N_1(x_0)=q<p$
, then the proof of Theorem 1.1 gives a stronger result. Indeed, one can replace the assumption
$p\leq 11$
$q\leq 11$
and assume in part
$\nu _f^c(x_0)<2n-2q$
The extrinsic assumption on index of complex relative nullity in Theorem 1.1 can be replaced by an intrinsic hypothesis, namely, there is no complex vector subspace
$L^{2n-2p}\subset T_{x_0}M$
such that the sectional curvature satisfies
for any plane
$P^2\subset L^{2n-2p}$
. Notice that part
gives that
${\cal J}$
is a complex structure, that is, that we have
${\cal J}^2=-I$
. It also yields that
$\alpha _Q(JX,Y)=\alpha _Q(X,JY)$
holds for any
$X,Y\in T_{x_0}M$
. Finally, we observe that the inequality
$\nu _f^c(x)<2n-2p$
holds in a neighborhood of
Although the above result can be seen as a validation of the Yan and Zheng conjecture at the level of the structure of the second fundamental form of the submanifold, it is a distance apart from proving that the conjecture is true. In fact, we believe that for codimensions
$p\geq 7$
, there is just one other possibility, namely, that we may have complex ruled submanifolds that are not compositions. By being complex ruled, we mean that there is a holomorphic foliation of
such that the image by f of each leaf is part of an affine vector subspace of
$\mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
, but it does not have to be part of the complex relative nullity.
An immediate application of Theorem 1.1 is the following result under a pinching curvature condition.
Theorem 1.2 Let
$f\colon M^{2n}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
$2\leq p\leq n-1$
, be a real Kaehler submanifold whose index of complex relative nullity satisfies
$\nu _f^c(x_0)<2n-2p$
$x_0\in M^{2n}$
. If
$p\leq 11$
, there is a neighborhood U of
such that at any point
$x\in U$
, there is a complex vector subspace
$L^{2m}\subset T_xM$
$m\geq n-p+\ell $
$\dim Q(x)=\ell>0$
such that for any complex plane
$P^2\subset L^{2m}$
, the sectional curvature satisfies
$K_M(P)\leq 0$
$p\leq n$
and without the assumption on the index of complex relative nullity, the weaker estimate
$m\geq n-p$
was given as Corollary
in [Reference Dajczer and Tojeiro12].
Finally, we observe that if p is even and
$f\colon M^{2n}\to \mathbb {R}^{2n+p}$
is holomorphic with respect to some complex structure in the ambient space, then
holds everywhere and hence both results given above are trivial.
2 Preliminaries
This section provides several basic facts used throughout the paper.
$\varphi \colon V_1\times V_2\to W$
denote a bilinear form between real vector spaces of finite dimension. The image of
$\varphi $
is the vector subspace of W defined by

whereas the (right) nullity of
$\varphi $
is the vector subspace of
given by

whose dimension
$\nu (\varphi )$
is the index of nullity of
$\varphi $
A vector
$X\in V_1$
is called a (left) regular element of
$\varphi $
$\dim \varphi _X(V_2)=\kappa (\varphi )$

$\varphi _X\colon V_2\to W$
is the linear map defined by

$RE(\varphi )\subset V_1$
denotes the subset of regular elements of
$\varphi $
. Given
$X\in RE(\varphi )$
, then the vector subspace
$N(X)=\ker \varphi _X$

Let W be endowed with an inner product of any signature. Then we denote

$\tau _\varphi (X)=\dim \mathcal {U}(X)$
, and
$\tau (\varphi )=\min _{X\in RE(\varphi )}\{\tau _\varphi (X)\}$
The following result will be used throughout the paper without further reference.
Proposition 2.1 The following facts hold:
(i) The subset
$RE(\varphi )\subset V_1$ is open and dense.
(ii) If
$V_1=V_2=V$ and
$\varphi $ is symmetric, then
$$ \begin{align*}RE^*(\varphi)=\{X\in RE(\varphi):\varphi(X,X)\neq 0\} \end{align*} $$
(iii) If W is endowed with an inner product, then
$$ \begin{align*}RE^\#(\varphi)=\{X\in RE(\varphi):\tau_\varphi(X)=\tau(\varphi)\} \end{align*} $$
$V_1$ .
Proof Part
is Proposition
in [Reference Dajczer and Tojeiro12], whereas the proof of Lemma
in [Reference Dajczer and Rodríguez11] gives part
. An easy argument gives part
, for instance, see the proof of Lemma
in [Reference Dajczer and Tojeiro12].
Let W be endowed with the inner product
${\langle \!\langle }\,,\,{\rangle \!\rangle }$
. Then the bilinear form
$\varphi $
is said to be flat if

for any
$X,Z\in V_1$
$Y,T\in V_2$
. It is said that
$\varphi $
is null if

for any
$X,Z\in V_1$
$Y,T\in V_2$
$X\in RE(\varphi )$
, we denote

Then let
$\sigma _\varphi (X)=\dim \mathcal {L}(X)$
$\sigma (\varphi )=\min _{X\in RE(\varphi )}\{\dim \sigma _\varphi (X)\}$
Proposition 2.2 If
$X\in RE(\varphi )$
, then
$\mathcal {L}(X)\subset \varphi _X(V_2)$
. Moreover, if
$\varphi $
is flat, then

and thus
$\sigma (\varphi )\leq \sigma _\varphi (X)\leq \tau _\varphi (X)$
Proof See Proposition
in [Reference Dajczer and Tojeiro12].
be a p-dimensional vector space induced with a positive definite inner product
. Set
$W^{p,p}=U^p\oplus U^p$
, and let
$\pi _1\colon W^{p,p}\to U^p$
$\pi _2$
) denote taking the first (resp. second) component of
. Then let
be endowed with the inner product
${\langle \!\langle }\,,\,{\rangle \!\rangle }$
of signature
given by

$\mathcal {T}\in \text {Aut}(W)$
defined by

is a complex structure, which means that
$\mathcal {T}^2=-I$
. Moreover, it holds that

A vector subspace
$L\subset W^{p,p}$
is called degenerate if
$L\cap L^\perp \neq 0$
and nondegenerate if otherwise. A degenerate vector subspace
$L\subset W^{p,p}$
is called isotropic if
$L=L\cap L^\perp $
Proposition 2.3 Given a vector subspace
$L\subset W^{p,p}$
, there is a direct sum decomposition

$\mathcal {U}^r=L\cap L^\perp $
, the vector subspace
$\hat {\mathcal {U}}^r$
is isotropic, the vector subspace
$\mathcal {U}^r\oplus \hat {\mathcal {U}}^r$
is nondegenerate, and
$L\subset \mathcal {U}^r\oplus \mathcal {V}^{p-r,p-r}$
, where
$\mathcal {V}^{p-r,p-r}=(\mathcal {U}^r\oplus \hat {\mathcal {U}}^r)^\perp $
Proof See Sublemma
in [Reference do Carmo and Dajczer3] or Corollary
in [Reference Dajczer and Tojeiro12].
Remark 2.4 In the decomposition (2.4), only
$\mathcal {U}^r$
is completely determined by L. In fact, if
$\hat {\mathcal {U}}^r=\mbox {span}\{\xi _1,\ldots ,\xi _r\}$
, then any alternative description is as
$\mbox {span}\{\xi _1+\delta _1,\ldots ,\xi _r+\delta _r\}$
$\{\delta _1,\ldots ,\delta _r\}$
is any set of vectors belonging to
$\mathcal {V}^{p-r,p-r}$
that span an isotropic subspace.
Let the vector space
carry a complex structure
$J\in \text {Aut}(V_2)$
. It is a standard fact that
is even-dimensional and admits a basis of the form
$\{X_j,JX_j\}_{1\leq j\leq n}$
. Assume that the bilinear form
$\varphi \colon V_1\times V_2\to W^{p,p}$
satisfies that

and let
$W^{p,p}=\mathcal {U}\oplus \hat {\mathcal {U}}\oplus \mathcal {V}$
be the decomposition given by (2.4) for
$L={\cal S}(\varphi )$
. Then we have
$\mathcal {T}\mathcal {U}=\mathcal {U}$
. In effect, if
${\langle \!\langle }\varphi (X,Y),(\xi ,\bar \xi ){\rangle \!\rangle }=0$
for any
$X\in V_1$
$Y\in V_2$
, then

Proposition 2.5 The following facts hold:
$\mathcal {T}|_{{\cal S}(\varphi )}\in \text {Aut}\,\,({\cal S}(\varphi ))$ and
$\mathcal {T}|_{\mathcal {U}}\in \text {Aut}(\mathcal {U})$ are complex structures.
(ii) The vector subspaces
${\cal S}(\varphi )$ and
$\mathcal {U}$ of
$W^{p,p}$ have even dimension.
(iii) The vector subspace
$\mathcal {N}(\varphi )\subset V_2$ is J-invariant and thus of even dimension.
(iv) If
$\Omega =\pi _1(\mathcal {U})$ , then
$\dim \mathcal {U}=\dim \Omega $ and if
$\varphi _\Omega =\pi _{\Omega \times \Omega }\circ \varphi $ then
${\cal S}(\varphi _\Omega )=\mathcal {U}$ .
Proof The considerations given above yield parts
. Being the subspace
$\mathcal {U}$
isotropic, then
$\pi _1|_{\mathcal {U}}\colon \mathcal {U}\to \Omega $
is an isomorphism. Since
$\mathcal {T}\mathcal {U}=\mathcal {U}$
gives that
$\pi _2(\mathcal {U})=\Omega $
, then part
Proposition 2.6 Let the bilinear form
$\varphi \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
be symmetric and satisfy the condition (2.5). Then

Proof Since
$\mathcal {T}|_{\varphi _X(V)}$
is a complex structure, then
$\kappa (\varphi )=2m$
. Fix
$X\in RE^*(\varphi )$
, and let
$\{X_j,JX_j\}_{1\leq j\leq n}$
be a basis of
such that

$X_r,JX_r\in \ker \varphi _X$
$r\geq m+1$
. Since Proposition 2.2 yields
${\cal S}(\varphi |_{V\times \ker \varphi _X}) \subset \varphi _X(V)$
, then given
$Z\in V^{2n}$
$q\geq m+1$
, there is
$Y\in \mbox {span}\{X_j,JX_j, 1\leq j\leq m\}$
such that

$\varphi $
symmetric, we have

for any
$X,Y\in V^{2n}$
. Hence,

and (2.6) follows.
3 The proofs
In this section, we first give a general result in the theory of flat bilinear forms tailored for our purposes in this paper. After that, we prove both results that have been stated in the Introduction.
$\alpha \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to U^p$
be a symmetric bilinear form, and let
$J\in \text {Aut}(V)$
be a complex structure. Then let
$\gamma \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
be the associated bilinear form defined by

$\gamma $
is symmetric if and only if
$\alpha $
is pluriharmonic with the latter meaning that

$\mathcal {T}\in \text {Aut}(W)$
is the complex structure given by (2.3), then

and thus Proposition 2.5 applies to
$\gamma $
$\beta \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
be the bilinear form defined by

By (3.2), we have that

and hence Proposition 2.5 applies to
$\beta $
. Then part
gives that
$\nu (\beta )$
is even. We observe that
$\nu (\beta )$
was called in [Reference Florit and Zheng14] the index of pluriharmonic nullity since it satisfies

Theorem 3.1 Let the bilinear forms
$\gamma ,\beta \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
$p\leq n$
, be flat and satisfy

$p\leq 11$
$\nu (\gamma )<2n-\dim {\cal S}(\gamma )$
, then the vector subspace
${\cal S}(\gamma )$
is degenerate. Moreover, if
$\Omega =\pi _1({\cal S}(\gamma )\cap {\cal S}(\gamma )^\perp )$
$U^p=\Omega \oplus P$
is an orthogonal decomposition, then the following holds:
(i) There is an isometric complex structure
${\cal J}\in \text {End}(\Omega )$ so that
$\alpha _\Omega =\pi _\Omega \circ \alpha $ satisfies
$$ \begin{align*}{\cal J}\alpha_\Omega(X,Y)=\alpha_\Omega(X,JY)\;\;\mbox{for any}\;\;X,Y\in V^{2n}. \end{align*} $$
(ii) The bilinear form
$\gamma _P=\pi _{P\times P}\circ \gamma $ is flat, the vector subspace
${\cal S}(\gamma _{P})$ is nondegenerate, and
$\nu (\gamma _P)\geq 2n-\dim {\cal S}(\gamma _P)$ .
The proof of Theorem 3.1 will require several lemmas.
Lemma 3.2 Let the bilinear form
$\gamma \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
be symmetric and flat. If
$p\leq 11$
${\cal S}(\gamma )=W^{p,p}$
, then

Proof We argue for the most difficult case
being the other cases similar but easier as p decreases. The first inequality in (3.6) just means that

Thus, for what follows, we fix
$X\in RE(\gamma )$
and prove the latter. Proposition 2.3 yields

$\mathcal {U}^\tau (X)=\gamma _X(V)\cap \gamma _X(V)^\perp $
$\gamma _X(V)\subset \mathcal {U}^\tau (X)\oplus \mathcal {V}^{p-\tau ,p-\tau }(X)$
, and
$\tau =\tau _\gamma (X)$
for simplicity. Thus,
$\kappa (\gamma )\leq 2p-\tau $
. Then (2.2) yields
$\kappa (\gamma )+\sigma _\gamma (X)\leq \kappa (\gamma )+\tau \leq 2p$
, which gives the second inequality in (3.6).
The vector subspace
$\mathcal {U}^\tau (X)$
is zero or is by Proposition 2.5 isotropic of even dimension. It follows from (2.2) that
$0\leq \sigma \leq \tau \leq 10$
$\sigma =\sigma _\gamma (X)$
for simplicity of notation.
$\sigma =0$
, that is, we have
$N(X)=\mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
and then (3.6) follows from (2.1). Hence, we assume
. Moreover, using first part
and then part
of Proposition 2.5, we obtain that
$\sigma $
is even. Thus, henceforth, we assume
$\sigma \geq 2$
In view of (2.2), there is a decomposition

$\hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)\subset \hat {\mathcal {U}}^\tau (X)$
is such that the vector subspace
$\mathcal {V}_0^{\tau -\sigma ,\tau -\sigma } =(\mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)\oplus \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X))^\perp $
is nondegenerate. We denote
$\hat \gamma =\pi _{\hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)}\circ \gamma $
and show that
$\mathcal {T}\hat \gamma (Y,Z)=\hat \gamma (Y,JZ)$
, that is, that

$\mathcal {T}|_{{\cal S}(\hat {\gamma })}$
is a complex structure and
$\kappa _0=\kappa (\hat \gamma )$
is even. Part
of Proposition 2.5 gives that
is J-invariant. If
$(\xi ,\bar \xi )\in {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
, then part
of Proposition 2.5 applied to
$\varphi =\gamma |_{V\times N(X)}$
yields that
$\mathcal {T}(\xi ,\bar \xi )\in {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
. Using (3.7) and (3.8), we have

for any
$(\xi ,\bar \xi )\in {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
and this gives (3.9).
We have that

In effect, it follows from (2.1) that the dimension of
$RE(\gamma )$
is constant. Then, by continuity,
$\sigma \leq \sigma _\varphi (Y)$
in a neighborhood of X in
$RE(\gamma )$
. On the other hand, we obtain from (2.2) that
$\sigma _\varphi (Y)\leq \tau (\gamma )$
for any
$Y\in RE^\#(\gamma )$
which is open and dense in
. Then (3.10) follows.
Claim Given
$Z\in V^{2n}$
, then
$\dim \gamma _Z(N(X))$
is even and

$\dim \gamma _Z(N(X))$
is even follows from parts
of Proposition 2.5, whereas (3.10) yields the second inequality in (3.11).
To prove the first inequality in (3.11), it suffices to argue for
$Z\in RE^\#(\gamma )\cap RE(\hat \gamma )$
since this subset of
is open and dense. Let
$V_0\subset V^{2n}$
be the vector subspace
$V_0=\gamma _Z^{-1}(\mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X))$
$s_0=\dim \gamma _Z(V_0)$
. Since
$N(X)\subset V_0$
by (2.2), then
$r\leq s_0$
, where
$r=\dim \gamma _Z(N(X))$
. Because
$Z\in RE(\hat \gamma )$
, there is a vector subspace
$V_1^{\kappa _0}\subset V^{2n}$
$\hat \gamma _Z(V_1)=\hat \gamma _Z(V)$
. Since any vector in
$\gamma _Z(V_1)$
has a nonzero
$\hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
-component, then

$Y_0\in V_0$
$\gamma _ZY_0\in {\mathcal {U}}^{\bar \tau }(Z)$
, where
$\bar \tau =\tau (\gamma )$
for simplicity of notation. Since
$\gamma _Z(V_0)\subset {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
$\hat \gamma _Z(V_1)\subset \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
, then using (3.8), we have


$Y_1\in V_1^{\kappa _0}$
$\gamma _ZY_1\in {\mathcal {U}}^{\bar \tau }(Z)$
. Since
$\gamma _Z(V_0)\subset {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
$\hat \gamma _Z(V_1)\subset \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
, then (3.8) gives

$\dim \pi _{\hat {\mathcal {L}}(X)}(\gamma _Z(V_1)\cap {\mathcal {U}}^{\tilde {\tau }}(Z)) \leq \sigma -s_0$
. But since
$V_1^{\kappa _0}$
has been chosen to satisfy that
$\pi _{\hat {\mathcal {L}}(X)}|_{\gamma _Z(V_1)}$
is injective, then

The decomposition (3.7) for Z yields
$\gamma _Z(V)\subset \mathcal {U}^{\bar \tau }(Z)\oplus \mathcal {V}^{p-\bar \tau ,p-\bar \tau }(Z)$
. Let the vector subspace
$\mathcal {R}\subset \gamma _Z(V)$
be such that
$\gamma _Z(V)=(\gamma _Z(V)\cap \mathcal {U}^{\bar {\tau }}(Z))\oplus \mathcal {R}$
. Since any vector in
$\mathcal {R}$
has a nonzero
$\mathcal {V}^{p-\bar \tau ,p-\bar \tau }(Z)$
-component, then
$\pi _{\mathcal {V}(Z)}|_{\mathcal {R}}$
is injective.
$\mathcal {S}=\pi _{\mathcal {V}(Z)}(\gamma _Z(V_0)\cap \mathcal {R})$
$\hat {\mathcal {S}}=\pi _{\mathcal {V}(Z)}(\gamma _Z(V_1)\cap {\mathcal {R}})$
. Since
$\dim \gamma _Z(V_0)=s_0$
$\dim \gamma _Z(V_1)=\kappa _0$
, it follows from (3.13) and (3.14) that
$\dim \mathcal {S},\dim \hat {\mathcal {S}}\geq \kappa _0-\sigma +s_0$
. Let
$\delta \in \mathcal {S}\cap \hat {\mathcal {S}}$
. Then
$\delta =\pi _{\mathcal {V}(Z)}(\gamma _ZY_i)$
, where
$Y_i\in V_i$
$\gamma _ZY_i\in \mathcal {R}$
. By (3.12) and the injectivity of
$\pi _{\mathcal {V}(Z)}|_{\mathcal {R}}$
, we have that
$\gamma _ZY_1=\gamma _ZY_0=0$
. Thus,
$\delta =0$
, and hence

$r\leq s_0$
, then that

concludes the proof of the claim.
$\mathcal {S}(\gamma )=W^{p,p}$
, it holds that

From (3.15) and
$\sigma \geq 2$
, we have
$\hat \gamma \neq 0$
. Since
$\alpha $
is pluriharmonic, then
$\gamma $
symmetric and hence also is
$\hat \gamma $
. Thus, (2.6), (3.9), and (3.15) yield that

$\kappa _0=\sigma $
. This says that
$\hat {\gamma }_Z(V)=\hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
for any
$Z\in RE(\hat \gamma )$
. Given
$Z\in RE(\hat \gamma )$
, set
$\gamma _1=\gamma _Z|_{N(X)}\colon N(X)\to \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
$N_1=\ker \gamma _1$
. Then
$\dim N_1\geq \dim N(X)-\sigma $
. On one hand, if
$\eta \in N(X)$
$Y\in V^{2n}$
, it follows from (3.8) that
$\gamma _Y\eta =0$
if and only if
${\langle \!\langle }\gamma _Y\eta ,\hat {\gamma }_Z(V){\rangle \!\rangle }=0$
. On the other hand, from (3.7), (3.8), and the flatness of
$\gamma $
, we obtain

for any
$\eta \in N_1$
$Y\in V^{2n}$
. Thus,
$N_1=\mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
. Now, (2.1) yields

and gives (3.6).
We have seen that
$\kappa _0$
$2\leq \sigma \leq 10$
are both even. Since
$\kappa _0\leq \sigma $
and the case of equality has already been considered, then we assume that
$\kappa _0<\sigma $
. Hence, in view of (3.16), it remains to consider the cases
$(\kappa _0,\sigma )=(4,6),(6,8),(6,10)$
, and
. By (3.9), the vector subspace
$\hat \gamma _R(V)\cap \hat \gamma _S(V)$
$\mathcal {T}|_{{\cal S}(\hat {\gamma })}$
-invariant for any
$R,S\in V^{2n}$
and thus of even dimension. Then, by (3.15), there are
$Z_1,Z_2\in RE(\hat \gamma )$
such that

$\eta \in N(X)$
$Y\in V^{2n}$
, it follows from (3.8) and (3.18) that
$\gamma _Y\eta =0$
if and only if
${\langle \!\langle }\gamma _Y\eta ,\hat {\gamma }_{Z_j}(V){\rangle \!\rangle }=0$
. Set
$\gamma _1=\gamma _{Z_1}|_{N(X)}\colon N(X)\to \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
$N_1=\ker \gamma _1$
$\gamma _2=\gamma _{Z_2}|_{N_1}\colon N_1\to \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
, and
$N_2=\ker \gamma _2$
. Then
$N_2=\mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
since from (3.7), (3.8), and the flatness of
$\gamma $
, we have

for any
$\eta \in N_2$
$Y\in V^{2n}$
. From the claim above,
$\dim \gamma _{Z_j}(N(X))\leq 4$
, and

as wished.
. If we have
$Z_1,Z_2\in RE(\hat {\gamma })$
such that (3.18) holds, then a similar argument as in the previous case gives (3.6). Otherwise, by (3.15), there are
$Z_1,Z_2,Z_3\in RE(\hat {\gamma })$
such that

$\dim (\hat {\gamma }_{Z_1}(V)+\hat {\gamma }_{Z_2}(V))=8$
. Set
$\gamma _1=\gamma _{Z_1}|_{N(X)}\colon N(X)\to \mathcal {L}^{10}(X)$
$N_1=\ker \gamma _1$
$\gamma _2=\gamma _{Z_2}|_{N_1}\colon N_1\to \mathcal {L}^{10}(X)$
$N_2=\ker \gamma _2$
$\gamma _3=\gamma _{Z_3}|_{N_2}\colon N_2\to \mathcal {L}^{10}(X)$
, and
$N_3=\ker \gamma _3$
. From (3.7), (3.8), and the flatness of
$\gamma $
, we have

$\eta _2\in N_2$
$Y\in V^{2n}$
. Hence,
$\dim \gamma _{Z_3}(N_2)\leq 2$
. Moreover, as in the previous case, we obtain
$N_3=\mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
. From the claim above, we have
$\dim \gamma _{Z_j}(N(X))\leq 4$
, and

as wished.
. Given
$Z_1\in RE(\hat \gamma )$
, by (3.15), there is
$Z_2\in RE(\hat \gamma )$
such that (3.18) holds. Suppose that there is
$Z_1\in RE(\hat \gamma )$
such that
$\dim \gamma _{Z_1}(N(X))\leq 4$
. Since
$\tau (\gamma )$
is even, by (3.11), this always holds if
$\tau (\gamma )>6$
. Set
$\gamma _1=\gamma _{Z_1}|_{N(X)}\colon N(X)\to \mathcal {L}^6(X)$
$N_1=\ker \gamma _1$
. From (3.7), (3.8), and the flatness of
$\gamma $
, we obtain

for any
$\eta _1\in N_1$
. Since
$\kappa _0=4$
, then
$\dim \gamma _{Z_2}(N_1)\leq 2$
$\eta \in N(X)$
$Y\in V^{2n}$
, it follows from (3.8) and (3.18) that
$\gamma _Y\eta =0$
if and only if
${\langle \!\langle }\gamma _Y\eta ,\hat {\gamma }_{Z_j}(V){\rangle \!\rangle }=0$
. Set
$\gamma _2=\gamma _{Z_2}|_{N_1}\colon N_1\to \mathcal {L}^6(X)$
$N_2=\ker \gamma _2$
. As above, we obtain that
$N_2=\mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
. Now, (2.1) yields

as wished.
By the above, it remains to consider the case when
$\tau (\gamma )=6$

$Y\in RE(\gamma )$
, then
$\sigma _\gamma (Y)\leq \tau (\gamma )=6$
by (3.10). Suppose that there is
$Y\in RE(\gamma )$
such that
$\sigma _\gamma (Y)\leq 4$
. From (3.16), we are in case
$\kappa _0=\sigma $
for Y and thus
$\nu (\gamma )\geq 2n-k(\gamma )-\sigma _\gamma (Y)$
. Since
$\sigma _\gamma (Y)<6=\sigma $
, then (3.6) also holds for X.
In view of the above, we assume further that
$\sigma _\gamma (Y)=6$
for any
$Y\in RE(\gamma )$
. Now, let
$Z_1\in RE(\gamma )\cap RE(\hat \gamma )$
and then let
$\tilde {\gamma }\colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to \hat {\mathcal {L}}^6(Z_1)$
stand for taking the
$\hat {\mathcal {L}}^6(Z_1)$
-component of
$\gamma $
. Suppose that there is
$Z_2\in RE(\tilde \gamma )$
such that
$\tilde {\gamma }_{Z_2}(V)=\hat {\mathcal {L}}^6(Z_1)$
. Under this assumption for
, we are in the situation analyzed in Case
$\kappa _0=\sigma $
and thus (3.6) holds for
. Since
$\sigma _\gamma (Z_1)=\sigma $
, it also holds for X.
In view of (3.16), we now also assume that
$\dim \tilde {\gamma }_{Z_2}(V)=4$
for any
$Z_2\in RE(\tilde \gamma )$
. If
$\dim \gamma _{Z_2}(N(Z_1))\leq 4$
for some
$Z_2\in RE(\tilde \gamma )$
, then the initial part of the proof of this case gives that (3.6) holds for
and then also for X since
$\sigma _\gamma (Z_1)=\sigma $
. Hence, we assume that
$\gamma _{Z_2}(N(Z_1))=\mathcal {L}(Z_1)$
for any
$Z_2\in RE(\tilde \gamma )$
The remaining case to consider is when there are
$Z_1,Z_2\in RE(\gamma )\cap RE(\hat \gamma )$
$Z_2\in RE(\tilde \gamma )$
for which (3.18) holds,
$\sigma _\gamma (Z_j)=6$
$\gamma _{Z_2}(N(Z_1))=\mathcal {L}(Z_1)$
, and
$\dim \tilde \gamma _{Z_2}(V)=4$
. To conclude the proof, we show that this situation is not possible. Hence, suppose otherwise. In particular, we have
$\mathcal {L}(Z_1)\subset \gamma _{Z_2}(V)$
. From (3.19), we obtain that
$\mathcal {L}(X)\subset \gamma _{Z_j}(V)$
. Thus, given
$\eta _0\in \mathcal {L}(X)$
, there are
$Y_1,Y_2\in V^{2n}$
such that
$\eta _0=\gamma _{Z_1}Y_1=\gamma _{Z_2}Y_2$
. Let
$\xi _0\in \mathcal {L}(X)$
$\xi _j\in \mathcal {L}(Z_j)$
. Then

$\eta _1\in \mathcal {L}(Z_1)$
, then
${\langle \!\langle }\xi _0,\eta _1{\rangle \!\rangle }=0$
$\mathcal {L}(X)\subset \gamma _{Z_1}(V)$
$\mathcal {L}(Z_1)\subset \mathcal {U}(Z_1)$
. Let
$Y_3\in V^{2n}$
be such that
$\eta _1=\gamma _{Z_2}Y_3$
. Since
$\mathcal {L}(Z_2)\subset \mathcal {U}(Z_2)$
, then

$\eta _2\in \mathcal {L}(Z_2)$
, then
${\langle \!\langle }\xi _j,\eta _2{\rangle \!\rangle }=0$
, since
$\mathcal {L}(X)\subset \gamma _{Z_2}(V)$
$\mathcal {L}(Z_1)\subset \gamma _{Z_2}(V)$
$\mathcal {L}(Z_2)\subset \mathcal {U}(Z_2)$
. Thus,
${\langle \!\langle }\xi _0+\xi _1+\xi _2,\eta _2{\rangle \!\rangle }=0$
. Hence,
$\mathcal {L}(X)+\mathcal {L}(Z_1)+\mathcal {L}(Z_2)$
is an isotropic vector subspace.
We argue that
$\dim \mathcal {L}(X)\cap \mathcal {L}(Z_j)=\dim \mathcal {L}(Z_1)\cap \mathcal {L}(Z_2)=2$
. On one hand, we have that
$\mathcal {L}(X)\cap \mathcal {L}(Z_j)\neq 0$
since otherwise the vector subspace
$\mathcal {L}(X)\oplus \mathcal {L}(Z_j)$
would be isotropic of dimension
which is not possible. On the other hand, we have

for any
$\xi \in \mathcal {L}(X)\cap \mathcal {L}(Z_j)$
. Since
$\kappa _0=4$
, it follows from part
of Proposition 2.5 that
$\dim \mathcal {L}(X)\cap \mathcal {L}(Z_j)=2$
. Having that
$\mathcal {L}(Z_1)\oplus \mathcal {L}(Z_2)\subset \gamma _{Z_2}(V)$
is isotropic yields
$\mathcal {L}(Z_1)\cap \mathcal {L}(Z_2)\neq 0$
. If
$\xi \in \mathcal {L}(Z_1)\cap \mathcal {L}(Z_2)$
, then

where the second equality follows from
$\mathcal {L}(Z_2)\subset \mathcal {U}(Z_2)$
. Since
$\dim \tilde \gamma _{Z_2}(V)=4$
, then
$\mathcal {L}(Z_1)\cap \mathcal {L}(Z_2)=2$
. We have shown that
$\mathcal {L}(X)+\mathcal {L}(Z_1)+\mathcal {L}(Z_2)$
has dimension
, but this is a contradiction.
Remark 3.3 The estimate
$\nu (\gamma )\geq 2n-2p$
is Proposition
in [Reference de Carvalho, Chion and Dajczer1]. A counterexample constructed in [Reference de Carvalho, Chion and Dajczer1] shows that this estimate is false already for
$U^p=U_1^s\oplus U_2^{p-s}$
is an orthogonal decomposition where

Lemma 3.4 If (3.5) holds, then

$\mathcal {N}(\beta )=\mathcal {N}(\gamma _{U_1})$
, where
$\gamma _{U_1}=\pi _{U_1\times U_1}\circ \gamma $
Proof We have that

Thus, if
$(\xi ,\eta )=\sum _k\beta (X_k,Y_k)$
, then

Hence, if
$(\xi ,\eta )\in {\cal S}(\beta )$
, then
$(\xi ,0),(0,\xi ),(\eta ,0)\in {\cal S}(\beta )$
and thus
$\mathcal {S}(\beta )\subset U_1\oplus U_1$
. On the other hand, if
$(\xi ,\eta )\in U_1\oplus U_1$
, there are
$\bar {\xi },\bar {\eta }\in U^p$
so that
$(\xi ,\bar {\xi }),(\eta ,\bar {\eta })\in {\cal S}(\beta )$
and thus
$(\xi ,\eta )\in {\cal S}(\beta )$
, which proves (3.20).
From (3.5), (3.20), and
$(U_2\oplus U_2)^\perp =U_1\oplus U_1$
, we obtain
$\mathcal {S}(\gamma |_{V\times \mathcal {N}(\beta )}) \subset U_2\oplus U_2$
. Then
${\langle \!\langle }\gamma (X,Y),(\xi ,\bar \xi ){\rangle \!\rangle }=0$
$X\in V^{2n}$
$Y\in \mathcal {N}(\beta )$
, and
$\xi ,\bar \xi \in U_1^s$
. Thus,
$\mathcal {N}(\beta )\subset \mathcal {N}(\gamma _{U_1})$
. On the other hand, if
$S\in \mathcal {N}(\gamma _{U_1})$
, then
$\beta (X,S)=\gamma _{U_2}(X,S)+\gamma _{U_2}(JX,JS)$
=0 by (3.20) for any
$X\in V^{2n}$
Lemma 3.5 Let the bilinear form
$\beta \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
$p\leq n$
, be flat. Then

Moreover, if
$\kappa (\beta )=2p$
, there is a basis
$\{X_i,JX_i\}_{1\leq i\leq n}$
such that:
$\mathcal {N}(\beta )=\mbox {span}\{X_j,JX_j,\; p+1\leq j\leq n\}$ .
$\beta (Y_i,Y_j)=0\;\;\mbox {if}\;\;i\neq j$ and
$Y_k\in \mbox {span}\{X_k,JX_k\}\;\;\mbox {for}\;\;k=i,j$ .
$\{\beta (X_j,X_j),\beta (X_j,JX_j)\}_{1\leq j\leq p}$ is an orthonormal basis of
$W^{p,p}$ .
Proof Proposition
in [Reference de Carvalho, Chion and Dajczer1] gives (3.21). The remaining of the statement is Proposition
in [Reference Chion and Dajczer4] as well as Lemma
in [Reference Florit, Hui and Zheng13].
$\theta \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
be the pluriharmonic symmetric bilinear form defined as

It follows from (3.2) that

If the condition (3.5) holds, then also

In fact, we have using (3.2) and (3.4) that

$\gamma $
is flat, then also is
$\theta $
. In effect, using (3.2), we have

$2\gamma =\beta +\theta $
, then
$\mathcal {N}(\beta )\cap \mathcal {N}(\theta )\subset \mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
, whereas the opposite inclusion follows from (3.3), (3.22), and that
$\mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
is J-invariant. Therefore,

and, in particular, we have that
$\nu (\beta )\geq \nu (\gamma )$
Lemma 3.6 Let
$\gamma ,\beta \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
$p\leq n$
, be flat and satisfy the condition (3.5). If
$\nu (\beta )=2n-2s$
, then the bilinear forms
$\theta _j=\pi _{U_j\times U_j}\circ \theta $
, are flat.
Proof By (3.20) and Lemma 3.5, there is a basis
$\{X_j,JX_j\}_{1\leq j\leq n}$
satisfying that
$\mathcal {N}(\beta )=\mbox {span}\{X_j,JX_j,\;s+1\leq j\leq n\}$
, that

and that
$\{\beta (X_j,X_j),\beta (X_j,JX_j)\}_{1\leq j\leq s}$
is an orthonormal basis of
$U_1^s\oplus U_1^s$
From (3.20), we have that (3.24) is equivalent to

In particular, we obtain using (3.26) that

Moreover, since
$\theta _1$
is symmetric, it follows from (3.26) and (3.27) for
$k\neq \ell $

and thus

We have that

for any
$X,Y\in V^{2n}$
. Then

and hence

We have shown that
$\theta _1$
$\theta $
are flat. Since
$\theta =\theta _1\oplus \theta _2$
, then also
$\theta _2$
is flat.
Lemma 3.7 Let
$\gamma ,\beta \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
$p\leq n$
, be flat and satisfy the condition (3.5). If
${\cal S}(\gamma )=W^{p,p}$
$p-s\leq 9$
, the flat bilinear form
$\varphi =\theta |_{V\times \mathcal {N}(\beta )} \colon V^{2n}\times \mathcal {N}(\beta )\to W^{p,p}$

Proof It follows from (3.20) and (3.24) that
${\cal S}(\varphi )\subset U_2^{p-s}\oplus U_2^{p-s}\subset W^{p,p}$
. Thus,
$\varphi $
is seen in the sequel as a map

To obtain the proof, it suffices to show for any
$X\in RE(\varphi )$
that we have

$X\in RE(\varphi )$
and set
$\sigma =\sigma _\varphi (X)$
for simplicity. Proposition 2.3 gives a decomposition

$\mathcal {U}^\tau (X)=\varphi _X(\mathcal {N}(\beta ))\cap \varphi _X(\mathcal {N}(\beta ))^\perp $
$\tau =\tau _\varphi (X)$
for simplicity of notation and
$\varphi _X(\mathcal {N}(\beta ))\subset \mathcal {U}^\tau (X) \oplus \mathcal {V}^{p-s-\tau ,p-s-\tau }$
. Thus,
$\kappa (\varphi )\leq 2p-2s-\tau $
. From (2.2), we obtain that
$\sigma (\varphi )\leq \sigma \leq \tau $
and the last inequality in (3.30) follows.
We have that
$0\leq \sigma \leq \tau \leq p-s\leq 9$
. From (3.23) and the J-invariance of
$\mathcal {N}(\beta )$
, we obtain that
$\mathcal {T}\varphi (Y,Z)=\varphi (Y,JZ)$
for any
$Y\in V^{2n}$
$Z\in \mathcal {N}(\beta )$
. Thus, part
of Proposition 2.5 gives that
$N(X)=\ker \varphi _X$
is J-invariant and hence part
$\sigma $
is even. Therefore, we have that
$0\leq \sigma \leq 8$
$\sigma =0$
. Since
$\theta (Y,N(X))=0$
for any
$Y\in V^{2n}$
, then
$N(X)\subset \mathcal {N}(\beta )\cap \mathcal {N}(\theta ) =\mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
from (3.25). On the other hand, it is a general fact that

and since
$\sigma =0$
, then (3.30) follows from (3.32).
Henceforward, we assume that
$\sigma \geq 2$
. As in (3.8), we have a decomposition

We claim that the symmetric bilinear form defined by
$\hat \theta =\pi _{\hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)}\circ \theta $

In fact, if otherwise, there is
$0\neq \eta =\sum _{j=1}^r\varphi (Y_j,S_j)\in \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
$Y_1,\ldots ,Y_r\in V^{2n}$
$S_1,\ldots ,S_r\in N(X)$
such that

for any
$Z,T\in V^{2n}$
. Since
$2\gamma =\beta +\theta $
, we obtain from (3.24) and (3.35) that

for any
$Z,T\in V^{2n}$
. Since
$0\neq \eta =2\sum _{j=1}^r\gamma (Y_j,S_j)$
, this is a contradiction by the assumption for
${\cal S}(\gamma )$
that proves the claim.
of Proposition 2.5 gives that
$\mathcal {T}|_{\mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)} \in \text {Aut}(\mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X))$
is a complex structure. Then, from (3.31) and (3.33), we obtain for any
$(\xi ,\bar \xi )\in \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$

which says that

for any
$Z,Y\in V^{2n}$
. Hence, if
$Z\in RE(\hat \theta )$
, then
$\kappa _0=\kappa (\hat \theta )$
is even. Being
$\theta $
symmetric then also is
$\hat \theta $
, and it follows from (2.6) and (3.34) that

Therefore, if
$\sigma =2,4$
, then
$\sigma =\kappa _0$
, and if
$\sigma =6,8$
, then either
$\sigma =\kappa _0$
$\sigma =\kappa _0+2$
$\sigma =\kappa _0$
. Given
$Z\in RE(\hat \theta )$
, we have
$\hat \theta _Z(V)=\hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
. Since
$\varphi (Y,\eta )\in \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
, if
$Y\in V^{2n}$
$\eta \in N(X)$
, then

for any
$T\in V^{2n}$
. Set
$\theta _1=\theta _Z|_{N(X)}\colon N(X)\to \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
$N_1=\ker \theta _1$
. From (3.31), (3.33), and the flatness of
$\theta $
, we obtain

for any
$\delta \in N_1$
$Y,T\in V^{2n}$
. Hence, from (3.38), we have
$N_1\subset \mathcal {N}(\beta )\cap \mathcal {N}(\theta ) =\mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
. Then (3.25) and (3.32) give

and (3.30) follows.
$\sigma =\kappa _0+2$
. Suppose that there is
$Z\in RE(\varphi )$
such that
$\mathcal {L}(Z)={\cal S}(\varphi |_{V\times N(Z)})$
$\sigma _\varphi (Z)\leq 4$
. Then, by (3.37), for such
$Z\in RE(\varphi )$
, we are in Case
$\sigma =\kappa _0$
. Hence,

and since
$\sigma \geq 6$
, then (3.30) holds. Thus, henceforward, we assume that
$\sigma _\varphi (Z)\geq 6$
for any
$Z\in RE(\varphi )$
$Z_1,Z_2\in RE(\hat \theta )$
, then (3.36) gives that
$\hat \theta _{Z_1}(V)\cap \hat \theta _{Z_2}(V)$
$\mathcal {T}$
-invariant and therefore of even dimension. Given
$Z_1\in RE(\hat \theta )$
, then by (3.34) there is
$Z_2\in RE(\hat \theta )$
such that we have
$\hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)=\hat \theta _{Z_1}(V)+\hat \theta _{Z_2}(V)$
$\varphi (Y,\eta )\in \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
, if
$\eta \in N(X)$
$Y\in V^{2n}$
, then

for any
$T\in V^{2n}$
. If
$\theta _1=\theta _{Z_1}|_{N(X)}\colon N(X)\to \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
$N_1=\ker \theta _1$
, then

$\theta _2=\theta _{Z_2}|_{N_1}\colon N_1\to \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
$N_2=\ker \theta _2$
, we have from (3.31) and (3.33) that

for any
$\delta _1\in N_1$
$Y\in V^{2n}$
. Thus,
$\dim \theta _2(N_1)\leq \sigma -\kappa _0=2$
and hence

It follows from (3.31) and (3.33) that

for any
$\delta _2\in N_2$
$Y,T\in V^{2n}$
. Then, from (3.39), we have
$N_2\subset \mathcal {N}(\beta )\cap \mathcal {N}(\theta )$
. Hence, using (3.25), (3.32), (3.40), and (3.41), we obtain

$\sigma =\kappa _0+2$
, then in order from the above to have (3.30), it is necessary to show that there is
$Z\in RE(\hat \theta )$
such that
$\dim \theta _{Z}(N(X))\leq \kappa _0$
. Arguing by contradiction, assume that
$\dim \theta _{Z}(N(X))>\kappa _0$
for any
$Z\in RE(\hat \theta )$
. Since
is J-invariant, then
$\theta _{Z}(N(X))$
has even dimension and thus the assumption means that
$\theta _{Z}(N(X))=\mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
for any
$Z\in RE(\hat \theta )$
. Let us take
$Z\in RE(\varphi )\cap RE(\theta )\cap RE(\hat \theta )$
. Then
$N(Z)=\ker \varphi _{Z}$
$N(Z)\subset \ker \theta _Z$
. From (2.2) and (3.29), we have

and from (3.31) and (3.33) that there is a decomposition

Thus, if
$\delta \in {\cal R}$
, then
$\delta =\delta _1+\delta _2+\delta _3$
, where
$\delta _1\in \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
$\delta _2\in \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
, and
$\delta _3\in \mathcal {V}_0\oplus \mathcal {V}$
. Since
$\delta \in \theta _{Z}(V)^\perp $
$\theta _{Z}(N(X))=\mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
, then

and hence
$\delta _2=0$
. Thus, if
$\delta ^1,\delta ^2\in {\cal R}$
, we have

Hence, if
$\pi \colon {\cal R}\to \mathcal {V}_0\oplus \mathcal {V}$
is defined by
$\pi (\delta )=\delta _3$
, then the vector subspace
$\pi ({\cal R})\subset \mathcal {V}_0\oplus \mathcal {V}$
is isotropic and thus
$\dim \pi ({\cal R})\leq p-s-\sigma $
. Since
$p-s\leq 9$
by assumption and
$\sigma \geq 6$
, then
$\dim \pi ({\cal R})\leq 3$
. From (3.42), we have
$\dim {\cal R}\geq \sigma _\varphi (Z)$
, and hence
$\dim \ker \pi \geq \sigma _\varphi (Z)-3\geq 3$
. On the other hand, we have that
$\ker \pi \subset \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)\cap {\cal R}$
. Since
${\cal R}\subset \theta _Z(V)^\perp $
, we obtain from (3.31) and (3.33) that

for any
$\zeta \in \ker \pi $
$Y\in V^{2n}$
. Therefore, that
$\ker \pi \subset \mathcal {L}^{\sigma }(X)$
$\hat \theta _{Z}(V)\subset \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\sigma }(X)$
and that
$\dim \hat \theta _{Z}(V)=\kappa _0=\sigma -2$
$\dim \ker \pi \leq 2$
, and we reached a contradiction.
Lemma 3.8 Let
$\gamma ,\beta \colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to W^{p,p}$
$p\leq n$
, be flat and satisfy the condition (3.5). If
$p\leq 11$
${\cal S}(\gamma )=W^{p,p}$
, then
$\nu (\gamma )\geq 2n-2p$
Proof First, assume that
$s\geq 2$
in which case (3.28) holds. Let
$\varphi \colon V\times \mathcal {N}(\beta )\to U_2^{p-s}\oplus U_2^{p-s}$
be given by (3.29), and let
$X\in RE(\varphi )$
$\sigma _\varphi (X)=\sigma (\varphi )$
. By (3.31), we have that

$\varphi _X(\mathcal {N}(\beta ))\subset \mathcal {U}^\tau (X) \oplus \mathcal {V}^{p-s-\tau ,p-s-\tau }$
. Then
$\kappa (\varphi )\leq 2p-2s-\tau $
. On the other hand, it follows from (3.20) and (3.21) that
$\nu (\beta )\geq 2n-2s$
, whereas by (3.28) we have that
$\nu (\beta )-\nu (\gamma )\leq \kappa (\varphi )+\sigma (\varphi )$
. Hence,

$\tau \geq \sigma (\varphi )$
, by (2.2), then
$\nu (\gamma )\geq 2n-2p$
as we wished.
, then
$\beta =0$
, that is,
$\alpha $
is pluriharmonic and then Lemma 3.2 gives the result. Thus, it remains to consider the case
and thus
$\beta \neq 0$
. Part
of Proposition 2.5 yields that the vector space
$\beta _X(V)$
is even-dimensional. Thus,
$\kappa (\beta )=2$
and then (3.21) gives that
$\nu (\beta )=2n-2$
. Then, by Lemma 3.6, we have that
$\theta =\theta _1+\theta _2$
, where the bilinear form
$\theta _2\colon V^{2n}\times V^{2n}\to U_2^{p-1}\oplus U_2^{p-1}$
is flat.
We claim that
$\theta _2$
satisfies the assumptions of Lemma 3.2. From (3.20) and
$2\gamma =\beta +\theta $
, we have

${\cal S}(\gamma )=W^{p,p}$
, by assumption, then
${\cal S}(\theta _2)=U_2^{p-1}\oplus U_2^{p-1}$
. If follows from (3.20) that the symmetric bilinear form
$\alpha _{U_2}$
is pluriharmonic and hence also is
$\theta _2$
By Lemma 3.2, we have
$\nu (\theta _2)\geq 2n-2p+2$
. Then (3.22) yields
$\mathcal {N}(\gamma _{U_1})\subset \mathcal {N}(\theta _1)$
, whereas Lemma 3.4 yields that
$\mathcal {N}(\beta )\subset \mathcal {N}(\theta _1)$
. Then (3.25) gives

Hence, we have

and since
$\nu (\beta )=2n-2$
, we conclude that
$\nu (\gamma )\geq 2n-2p$
Remark 3.9 The estimate given by Lemma 3.8 is sharp. For instance, if we take as
$\alpha $
in (3.1) and (3.3) the second fundamental form of a product of real Kaehler hypersurfaces, then the hypotheses of the lemma are satisfied and we have equality in the estimate.
Proof of Theorem 3.1
By Lemma 3.8, the vector subspace
${\cal S}(\gamma )$
is degenerate since, if otherwise, then by (3.2) it is of the form
${\cal S}(\gamma )=W_1^{q,q}\subset W^{p,p}$
and then Lemma 3.8 yields a contradiction. Parts
of Proposition 2.5 give, respectively, that
$\dim \Omega \geq 2$
and that
$\gamma _\Omega =\pi _{\Omega \oplus \Omega }\circ \gamma $
${\cal S}(\gamma _\Omega )={\cal S}(\gamma )\cap {\cal S}(\gamma )^\perp $
. Hence,

for any
$X,Y,Z,T\in V^{2n}$
. Thus, the complex structure
${\cal J}\in \text {End}({\cal S}(\alpha _\Omega ))$
defined by
${\cal J}\alpha _\Omega (X,Y)=\alpha _\Omega (X,JY)$
is an isometry. Part
of Proposition 2.5 gives that
${\cal S}(\alpha _\Omega )=\Omega $
and hence
${\cal J}\in \text {Aut}(\Omega )$
is a complex structure. In particular, we have that
$\alpha _\Omega $
is pluriharmonic. Then
${\cal S}(\beta )\subset P\oplus P$
and hence
$\beta =\beta _P =\pi _{P\times P}\circ \beta $
. Thus, if
$\gamma _P=\pi _{P\times P}\circ \gamma $
$\gamma =\gamma _\Omega \oplus \gamma _P$
, then

$\gamma _P$
$\beta _P$
satisfy the condition (3.5). Since
$\gamma $
is flat and the bilinear form
$\gamma _\Omega $
is null, then also
$\gamma _P$
is flat. Then, by (3.2), we have that
${\cal S}(\gamma _P)=W^{q_1,q_1}$
and the remaining of the proof follows from Lemma 3.8.
We now prove the results stated in the Introduction.
Proof of Theorem 1.1
Let the bilinear forms
$\gamma ,\beta \colon T_{x_0}M\times T_{x_0}M\to N_1^f(x_0)\oplus N_1^f(x_0)$
be defined by (3.1) and (3.3) in terms of the second fundamental form
$\alpha $
of f at
$x_0\in M^{2n}$
. We endow
$N_1^f(x_0)\oplus N_1^f(x_0)$
with the inner product defined by

We claim that
$\gamma $
$\beta $
are flat and that (3.5) holds. For a Kaehler manifold, it is a standard fact that the curvature tensor
$x\in M^{2n}$
for any
$X,Y,Z\in T_xM$
. From this and the Gauss equation for f, we obtain

$\gamma $
satisfies (3.2), then using (2.3), we have

Using (3.5) and since
$\beta (JX,Y)=-\beta (X,JY)$
from (3.3), then

Then, by (3.3), we have

and the claim has been proved. The proof now follows from Theorem 3.1 since we have that
$\Delta _c(x_0)=\mathcal {N}(\gamma )$
$Q(x_0)=\Omega $
Remark 3.10 The proof of Theorem 1.1 in [Reference de Carvalho and Guimarães2] makes use of Theorem
in [Reference Dajczer and Florit6], but that result does not hold for
as was clarified in [Reference Dajczer and Florit7]. Nevertheless, it was also established in [Reference Dajczer and Florit7] that Theorem
in [Reference Dajczer and Florit6] still holds for
under a slightly stronger assumption which happens to be satisfied in our case of real Kaehler submanifolds.