Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Nicholson, George T.
Goldstein, Bryan H.
Petit, Christopher J.
Qureshi, Athar M.
Glatz, Andrew C.
McCracken, Courtney E.
Kelleman, Michael S.
Meadows, Jeffery J.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
Shahanavaz, Shabana
Mascio, Christopher E.
Chai, Paul J.
Romano, Jennifer C.
Healan, Steven J.
Pettus, Joelle A.
Batlivala, Sarosh P.
Raulston, James E.B.
Hock, Kristal M.
Maskatia, Shiraz A.
Beshish, Asaad
Law, Mark A.
Impact of Management Strategy on Feeding and Somatic Growth in Neonates with Symptomatic Tetralogy of Fallot: Results from the Congenital Cardiac Research Collaborative.
The Journal of Pediatrics,
Vol. 250,
Issue. ,
Law, Mark A.
Glatz, Andrew C.
Romano, Jennifer C.
Chai, Paul J.
Mascio, Christopher E.
Petit, Christopher J.
McCracken, Courtney E.
Kelleman, Michael S.
Nicholson, George T.
Meadows, Jeffery J.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
Shahanavaz, Shabana
Batlivala, Sarosh P.
Pettus, Joelle
Pajk, Amy L.
Hock, Kristal M.
Goldstein, Bryan H.
Qureshi, Athar M.
Eilers, Lindsay F.
Khan, Hala Q.
Smith, Justin D.
Asztalos, Ivor B.
Kamsheh, Alicia M.
Ligon, R. Allen
Juma, Sarina
Juergensen, Stephan
Nicholson, George T.
Rinderknecht, Fatuma Ayann
Merritt, Taylor C.
Candor, Matthew
Pajk, Amy L.
Healan, Steven J.
Palliation Strategy to Achieve Complete Repair in Symptomatic Neonates with Tetralogy of Fallot.
Pediatric Cardiology,
Vol. 43,
Issue. 7,
O’Byrne, Michael L.
Glatz, Andrew C.
Huang, Yuan-shung V.
Kelleman, Michael S.
Petit, Christopher J.
Qureshi, Athar M.
Shahanavaz, Shabana
Nicholson, George T.
Batlivala, Shawn
Meadows, Jeffery J.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
Law, Mark A.
Romano, Jennifer C.
Mascio, Christopher E.
Chai, Paul J.
Maskatia, Shiraz
Asztalos, Ivor B.
Beshish, Asaad
Pettus, Joelle
Pajk, Amy L.
Healan, Steven J.
Eilers, Lindsay F.
Merritt, Taylor
McCracken, Courtney E.
Goldstein, Bryan H.
Comparative Costs of Management Strategies for Neonates With Symptomatic Tetralogy of Fallot.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology,
Vol. 79,
Issue. 12,
Shahanavaz, Shabana
Qureshi, Athar M.
Petit, Christopher J.
Goldstein, Bryan H.
Glatz, Andrew C.
Bauser-Heaton, Holly
McCracken, Courtney E.
Kelleman, Michael S.
Nicholson, George T.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
Pettus, Joelle
Meadows, Jeffery
Hock, Kristal M.
Law, Mark A.
Outcomes Following Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty in Symptomatic Neonates With Tetralogy of Fallot—A CCRC Study.
Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions,
Vol. 2,
Issue. 6,
Petit, Christopher J.
Glatz, Andrew C.
Goldstone, Andrew B.
Law, Mark A.
Romano, Jennifer C.
Maskatia, Shiraz A.
Chai, Paul J.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
Meadows, Jeffery J.
Nicholson, George T.
Shahanavaz, Shabana
Qureshi, Athar M.
McCracken, Courtney E.
Mascio, Christopher E.
Batlivala, Sarosh P.
Asztalos, Ivor B.
Healan, Steven J.
Smith, Justin D.
Pettus, Joelle A.
Beshish, Asaad
Raulston, James E.B.
Hock, Krissie M.
Pajk, Amy L.
Goldstein, Bryan H.
Pulmonary Artery Hypoplasia in Neonates With Tetralogy of Fallot.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology,
Vol. 82,
Issue. 7,
Meadows, Jeffery J.
Bauser-Heaton, Holly
Petit, Christopher J.
Goldstein, Bryan H.
Qureshi, Athar M.
McCracken, Courtney E.
Kelleman, Michael S.
Nicholson, George T.
Law, Mark A.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
Shahanavaz, Shabana
Chai, Paul J.
Romano, Jennifer C.
Batlivala, Sarosh P.
Maskatia, Shiraz A.
Asztalos, Ivor B.
Eilers, Lindsay
Kamsheh, Alicia M.
Healan, Steven J.
Smith, Justin D.
Ligon, R. Allen
Dailey-Schwartz, Andrew
Pettus, Joelle A.
Pajk, Amy L.
Glatz, Andrew C.
Mascio, Christopher E.
Comparison of treatment strategies for neonates with tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary atresia.
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,
Vol. 166,
Issue. 3,
Nicholson, George T.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
Glatz, Andrew C.
Goldstein, Bryan H.
Petit, Christopher J.
Zhang, Yun
McCracken, Courtney E.
Qureshi, Athar M.
Goldberg, Caren S.
Romano, Jennifer C.
Law, Mark A.
Meadows, Jeffery J.
Shahanavaz, Shabana
Batlivala, Sarosh P.
Maskatia, Shiraz A.
Beshish, Asaad
O’Byrne, Michael L.
Ligon, R. Allen
Stack, Kathryn O.
Khan, Hala Q.
Parekh, Shalin
Ilardi, Dawn L.
Health-Related Quality of Life After Neonatal Treatment of Symptomatic Tetralogy of Fallot: Insights from the Congenital Cardiac Research Collaborative.
Pediatric Cardiology,
Petit, Christopher J.
Romano, Jennifer C.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
Pasquali, Sara K.
McCracken, Courtney E.
Chanani, Nikhil K.
Les, Andrea S.
Burns, Kristin M.
Crosby‐Thompson, Allison
Stylianou, Mario
Kato, Bernet
Glatz, Andrew C.
Rationale and design of the randomized COmparison of Methods for Pulmonary blood flow Augmentation: Shunt versus Stent (COMPASS) trial: A Pediatric Heart Network study.
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions,
Vol. 104,
Issue. 4,
Petit, Christopher J.
Romano, Jennifer C.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
Pasquali, Sara K.
McCracken, Courtney E.
Chanani, Nikhil K.
Les, Andrea S.
Burns, Kristin M.
Crosby-Thompson, Allison
Stylianou, Mario
Kato, Bernet
Glatz, Andrew C.
Rationale and Design of the Randomized COmparison of Methods for Pulmonary Blood Flow Augmentation: Shunt Versus Stent (COMPASS) Trial: A Pediatric Heart Network Study.
World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery,
Vol. 15,
Issue. 6,
Maskatia, Shiraz A.
Glatz, Andrew C.
Goldstein, Bryan H.
Qureshi, Athar M.
Zampi, Jeffrey D.
McCracken, Courtney E.
Nicholson, George T.
Meadows, Jeffery J.
Shahanavaz, Shabana
Law, Mark A.
Batlivala, Sarosh P.
Mascio, Christopher E.
Chai, Paul J.
Romano, Jennifer C.
O'Byrne, Michael L.
Ligon, Allen
Beshish, Asaad G.
Petit, Christopher J.
Outcomes of Neonates Born with Symptomatic Tetralogy of Fallot and Absent Ductus Arteriosus.
The Journal of Pediatrics,
Vol. 272,
Issue. ,