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- Contains open access
- ISSN: 1047-9511 (Print), 1467-1107 (Online)
- Editor: Dr Jeffrey P. Jacobs, MD, FACS, FACC, FCCP, Editor-in-Chief, Cardiology in the Young|Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics, University of Florida Congenital Heart Center, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Departments of Surgery and Pediatrics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA|Past-President, The International Society for Nomenclature of Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease (ISNPCHD) |Co-Chair, World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 2023|Past-President, The Southern Thoracic Surgical Association
- Editorial board
Cardiology in the Young is devoted to all aspects of paediatric and congenital cardiac care, including cardiovascular issues affecting the young as well as older patients with congenital heart disease or illness secondary to other cardiac diseases acquired during childhood. The journal serves the interests of all professionals concerned with paediatric and congenital cardiac care. By design, the journal is international and multidisciplinary in its approach, and members of the Editorial Board take an active role in its mission, helping to make it an indispensable reference for paediatric and congenital cardiac care.
All aspects of paediatric and congenital cardiac care are covered within the journal. The content includes original articles, brief reports, editorials, reviews, and papers devoted to continuing professional development. High-quality colour figures are published on a regular basis, and without charge to the authors. Regular supplements are published containing the abstracts of the annual meetings of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), along with other occasional supplements. These supplements are supplied free to subscribers. Previous supplements documented the proceedings of the meetings organised annually by the Johns Hopkins All Children's Heart Institute and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The editorial team is currently looking to expand the number of supplements published each year.
The vision of Cardiology in the Young is to use electronic media to improve paediatric and congenital cardiac care.
The mission of Cardiology in the Young is to be a premier global journal for paediatric and congenital cardiac care - an essential journal that spans the domains of patient care, research, education, and advocacy, and also spans geographical, temporal, and subspecialty boundaries.
All aspects of paediatric and congenital cardiac care are covered within the journal. The content includes original articles, brief reports, editorials, reviews, and papers devoted to continuing professional development. High-quality colour figures are published on a regular basis, and without charge to the authors. Regular supplements are published containing the abstracts of the annual meetings of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), along with other occasional supplements. These supplements are supplied free to subscribers. Previous supplements documented the proceedings of the meetings organised annually by the Johns Hopkins All Children's Heart Institute and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The editorial team is currently looking to expand the number of supplements published each year.
The vision of Cardiology in the Young is to use electronic media to improve paediatric and congenital cardiac care.
The mission of Cardiology in the Young is to be a premier global journal for paediatric and congenital cardiac care - an essential journal that spans the domains of patient care, research, education, and advocacy, and also spans geographical, temporal, and subspecialty boundaries.