The less than 10 μm and less than 3 μm fractions of the heterogenous Haldon Gravels have been examined by X-ray diffractometry. Kaolinite of high to low crystallinity is the dominant clay mineral, with variable amounts of illite (clay mica) ; quartz, a little feldspar and anatase also occur. The kaolinite has been ranked using the crystallinity index of Hinckley and also by indices derived from the ratio of peak height to background height for the 1
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Clay from the matrix of the psaphitic members of the Buller's Hill Gravel contains intermediate grade kaolinite with a little illite, but clay bodies included in this formation contain only low grade kaolinite with a high, but variable proportion of illite. The Tower Wood Gravel contains two distinct populations; one is identical to that of the Buller's Hill Gravel, the other consists of high crystallinity kaolinite with a little illite. Head Gravel formed from the Buller's Hill Gravel by solifluction contains intermediate to low crystallinity kaolinite.