1. Introduction
One of the central questions in extremal graph theory consists of determining degree conditions forcing the containment of rich substructures. One of the most notable examples here is Dirac’s theorem [Reference Dirac5] from 1952, which states that every graph on
$n\ge 3$
vertices and minimum degree at least
contains a Hamilton cycle. This result has been highly influential in extremal graph theory for more than 70 years, leading to a large collection of results usually referred to as Dirac-type results. Roughly speaking, the Dirac problem for a family of graphs
$\mathcal F$
asks for the minimum degree threshold which forces the containment of all members of
$\mathcal F$
Definition 1.1.
For an
-vertex host graph
and a family
$\mathcal F$
of graphs on at most
vertices, the minimum degree threshold for containing
$\mathcal F$

Due to the emergence of sophisticated embedding techniques in the last few decades, the Dirac problem is nowadays well-understood for a large class of graphs. For instance, the family of
-vertex trees with maximum degree
$o(n/\log n)$
has minimum degree threshold
(see [Reference Kathapurkar and Montgomery14, Reference Komlós, Sárközy and Szemerédi17]), as conjectured by Bollobás [Reference Bollobás2] in the late 70s. For
divisible by
, the threshold for containing a
-factor is
as shown by Hajnal and Szemerédi [Reference Hajnal and Szemerédi11]. For a general graph
, the minimum degree threshold for the containment of a perfect
-tiling was determined (up to a constant additive term) by Kühn and Osthus [Reference Kühn and Osthus22] (see [Reference Komlós16, Reference Shokoufandeh and Zhao30] for the threshold of almost perfect tilings and [Reference Hurley, Joos and Lang12] for a recent result on mixed tilings). The threshold for powers of Hamilton cycles was determined by Komlós et al. [Reference Komlós, Sárközy and Szemerédi18, Reference Komlós, Sárközy and Szemerédi19], proving the celebrated Pósa–Seymour conjecture for large graphs (see [Reference Seymour29] for example). A breakthrough in the area was the proof of the Bollobás–Komlós bandwidth conjecture [Reference Komlós15] by Böttcher et al. [Reference Böttcher, Schacht and Taraz4], which asymptotically establishes the minimum degree threshold for the class of bounded degree
-vertex graphs with bounded chromatic number and sublinear bandwidth. For a more extensive revision of Dirac-type problems, we recommend looking at the excellent surveys [Reference Kühn and Osthus21, Reference Simonovits and Szemerédi31].
In this paper, we investigate Dirac-type problems for subdivisions of graphs. Given a graph
, say a graph
is an
-subdivision if
is obtained from
by replacing one or more edges from
with vertex-disjoint paths. Very recently, Lee [Reference Lee23] determined the minimum degree threshold for the containment of a perfect
-subdivision tiling, that is, a collection of vertex-disjoint subdivisions of
covering every vertex in the host graph. In this article, we will continue this study by investigating the minimum degree threshold of certain spanning graph subdivisions.
Problems regarding degree conditions forcing the containment of subdivisions have been extensively studied since the 60s, when Mader [Reference Mader27] proved that graphs with large average degree contain clique subdivisions. Independently, Mader [Reference Mader27] and Erdős and Hajnal [Reference Erdős and Hajnal7] conjectured that graphs with average degree
$\Omega (k^2)$
contain a subdivision of the clique on
vertices, which is optimal as the complete bipartite graph with parts of size
cannot contain a subdivision of
, the complete graph on
vertices. This conjecture was solved in the 90s by Bollobás and Thomason [Reference Bollobás and Thomason3] and by Komlós and Szemerédi [Reference Komlós and Szemerédi20]. Two variations of this conjecture have been proposed:
• Thomassen’s conjecture [Reference Thomassen32]: For each
$k\in \mathbb N$ , there exists some
$d=d(k)$ such that every graph with average degree at least
$d$ contains a balanced Footnote 1 subdivision of
$K_k$ .
• Verstraëte’s conjecture [Reference Verstraëte33]: If
$G$ is a graph with average degree at least
$\Omega (k^2)$ , then
$G$ contains a pair of disjoint isomorphic subdivisions of
$K_k$ .
These two conjectures have been recently solved. Firstly, Thomassen’s conjecture was solved by Liu and Montgomery [Reference Liu and Montgomery25] in their recent solution of the Erdős–Hajnal odd cycle problem [Reference Erdős and Hajnal8]. Secondly, Luan et al. [Reference Luan, Tang, Wang and Yang26] and Gil Fernández et al. [Reference Fernández, Hyde, Liu, Pikhurko and Wu9] showed that graphs with average degree
$\Omega (k^2)$
contain two pairwise disjoint isomorphic balanced subdivisions of
, settling Verstraëte’s conjecture and also giving optimal bounds for Thomassen’s conjecture. Note that for dense graphs, the above-mentioned results imply that every
-vertex graph with
$\Omega (n^2)$
edges contains a balanced subdivision of a clique on
$\Omega (\sqrt{n})$
vertices. Answering an old question of Erdős [Reference Erdős6], Alon et al. [Reference Alon, Krivelevich and Sudakov1] (see also [Reference Fox and Sudakov10]) showed that every
-vertex graph with at least
$\varepsilon n^2$
edges contains a
-subdivision Footnote 2 of the clique on
$\varepsilon \sqrt{n}/4$
vertices. In particular, if an
-vertex graph
has minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge \frac{n}{2}$
, then it has at least
edges and thus contains a
-subdivision of the clique of size
Our first result is that we can embed a spanning subdivision of a clique in graphs with minimum degree slightly above Dirac’s condition.
Theorem 1.2.
For every
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
, there exists a positive constant
such that for all
$C\ge C_0$
$n\ge 2$
the following holds. Let
be a graph on
vertices and minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge (1+\varepsilon )\frac{N}{2}$
. Then,
contains a spanning subdivision of
The constant
in the minimum degree condition in Theorem 1.2 is essentially best possible, as shown by considering the graph consisting of two disjoint cliques of size
. Moreover, Theorem 1.2 is a direct consequence of the following more general result about subdivisions of
-regular graphs.
Theorem 1.3.
For every
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
, there exists a positive constant
such that for all
$C\ge C_0$
$n\ge 2$
the following holds. Let
$\log n\le d\lt n$
and let
be a graph on
vertices and minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge (1+\varepsilon )\frac{N}{2}$
. Then,
contains a spanning subdivision of every
-regular graph.
The proof of Theorem 1.3 is probabilistic in nature and avoids any use of the regularity lemma. In particular, we can pick the constant
in Theorem 1.3 to be of order
$C_0=O(\varepsilon ^{-4})$
instead of being of tower-type. Also, from the proof of Theorem 1.3, we can embed a balanced subdivision covering all but a linear proportion of the vertices of the host graph. Thus, by randomly partitioning the vertex set into
$k\in \mathbb N$
subsets of roughly the same size, one can find
vertex-disjoint isomorphic balanced subdivisions covering all but a linear proportion of the vertices.
2. Proof
2.1. Notation
For a graph
, we let
denote its vertex set and edge set, respectively, and we write
. The neighbourhood of a vertex
, denoted
, is the set of vertices that are adjacent to
, and we write
for the degree of
. The minimum degree of
is denoted
$\delta (G)$
. Also, for a vertex
$x\in V(G)$
and a subset
$U\subset V(G)$
, we write
for the set of neighbours of
and let
denote the degree of
. Given a set
$A\subset V(G)$
, we denote by
the graph induced by
, and, for disjoint subsets
$A,B\subset V(G)$
, we let
denote the bipartite graph induced by
. When working with more than one graph, we use subscripts to explicit which graph are we working with, for instance,
denotes the degree of a vertex
in the graph
A path
is an ordered sequence of distinct vertices
$P=u_1\ldots u_{t+1}$
such that
is an edge for each
$i\in [t]$
, in which case we say that
has length
, endpoints
, and interior
$u_2,\ldots, u_t$
. For vertices
, an
-path is a path with endpoints
. For a path
$P=v_1\ldots v_t$
, we let
$P^\triangleleft =v_t\ldots v_1$
denote the path
traversed in reverse order. For an
, we say that a vertex
$v\in V(H^{\prime})$
is a branch vertex if it is the copy of some vertex from
As usual,
denotes the set of the first
positive integers. Also, we use standard hierarchy notation, that is, we write
$a\ll b$
to denote that given
one can choose
sufficiently small so that all relevant statements hold.
2.2. Probabilistic tools
$N,m,n\in \mathbb N$
$m,n\le N$
, let
be a set of size
and let
$I\subset J$
be a subset of size
. If a subset
$I^{\prime}\subset J$
is chosen uniformly at random amongst all subsets of size
, then the random variable
$X=|I\cap I^{\prime}|$
is said to have a hypergeometric distribution with parameters
, and
. For example, for a graph
and a vertex
$v\in V(G)$
, if we pick a random subset
$U\subset V(G)$
of size
, then
is a hypergeometric random variable with parameters
. We will use the following standard concentration result for hypergeometric random variables.
Lemma 2.1 (Theorem 2.10 in [Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński13]). Let
be a hypergeometric random variable with parameters
, and
. Then, for every
$t\gt 0$

Definition 2.2.
be a graph with vertex set
. An
$(H,\alpha )$
-good partition of a graph
is a vertex partition
$V(G)=V_1\cup \ldots \cup V_t$
which satisfies the following properties.
$m=|V_1|=\dots =|V_t|$ .
$\delta (G[V_i])\ge \alpha m$ for all
$i\in [t]$ .
$\delta (G[V_i,V_j])\ge \alpha m$ for all
$i,j\in [t]$ such that
$ij\in E(H)$ .
We now show that a randomly chosen partition is likely to be good when the host graph has linear minimum degree.
Lemma 2.3.
$1/C\ll \delta \lt \alpha$
$n\ge 2$
. Suppose
$\log n\le d\lt n$
and that
is a graph on
vertices and minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge \alpha N$
. Then, for every
-regular graph
admits an
$(H,\alpha -\delta )$
-good partition.
Proof. Let
$V(G)=V_1\cup \ldots \cup V_n$
be a random partition of
into sets of size
. Then, for any vertex
$v\in V(G)$
and index
$i\in [n]$
follows a hypergeometric distribution with parameters
, and has expectation

Then, from Lemma 2.1, we have

Therefore, using the union bound and that
-regular, we have

Lemma 2.4.
$1/C\ll \delta \lt \alpha$
$d\in \mathbb N$
, and suppose
is a graph on
vertices and minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge \alpha N$
. Then, for every set of distinct vertices
$v_0,v_1,\ldots, v_d\in V(G)$
, there is a partition
$V(G)\setminus \{v_0,v_1,\ldots, v_d\}=V_1\cup \ldots \cup V_d$
such that
$|V_1|=\dots =|V_{d-1}|=C-1$ and
$|V_d|=C-2$ ,
$d(v_0,V_i)\ge (\alpha -\delta )|V_i|$ and
$d(v_i,V_i)\ge (\alpha -\delta )|V_i|$ for all
$i\in [n]$ , and
$\delta (G[V_i])\ge (\alpha -\delta )C$ for all
$i\in [n]$ .
Proof. Set
$m_1=\dots =m_{d-1}=C-1$
. We start by dividing
into a collection of subintervals that we will use as a guide for constructing our partition. Let
and let
$s\ge 0$
be minimal integer such that
$2^{s-1}\lt d\le 2^{s}$
. Iteratively, for
$0\le i\lt s$
$1\le j\le 2^{i}$
, we partition
into intervals
such that
$\big ||I_{i+1,2j-1}|-|I_{i+1,2j}|\big |\le 1$
. Note that at each step
is divided into two subintervals of length roughly
and thus, after
is divided into
subintervals of length approximately
. Furthermore, as
$\big ||I_{i+1,2j-1}|-|I_{i+1,2j}|\big |\le 1$
for all
$0\le i\lt s$
$1\le j\le 2^i$
, by definition of
$I_{s-1,\ell }$
, for
$\ell \in [2^{s-1}]$
, is either a singleton or contains exactly
$V_{0,1}=V(G)\setminus \{v_0,v_1,\ldots, v_d\}$
. Iteratively, for
$0\le i\lt s$
$1\le j\le 2^i$
, partition
uniformly at random into sets
such that

This is possible as
$I_{i,j}=I_{i+1,2j-1}\cup I_{i+1,2j}$
$|V_{i,j}|=\sum _{\ell \in I_{i,j}}m_\ell$
. Let
$J\subset [2^{s-1}]$
be the set of those indices
$j\in [2^{s-1}]$
such that
is a singleton. Let
and note that
$0\le t\lt 2^{s-1}$
, as
$2^{s-1}\lt d\le 2^s$
. After relabelling the indices, we may assume that
$[2^{s-1}]\setminus J=[2^{s-1}-t]$
. At step
, for each
$1\le j\le 2^{s-1}-t$
we partition
uniformly at random into sets
such that
$\big ||V_{s,2j-1}|-|V_{s,2j}|\big |\le 1$
, and, noting that
, for each
$2^{s-1}-t\lt j^{\prime}\le 2^{s-1}$
we set
. For
$0\le i\lt s$
$1\le j\le 2^i$
, let
denote the event where the following three properties hold:
$\delta (G[V_{i,j}])\ge (\alpha -2|V_{i,j}|^{-1/4})|V_{i,j}|$ .
$d(v_0,V_{i,j})\ge (\alpha -2|V_{i,j}|^{-1/4})|V_{i,j}|$ .
$d(v_\ell, V_{i,j})\ge (\alpha -2|V_{i,j}|^{-1/4})|V_{i,j}|$ for all
$\ell \in I_{i,j}$ .
$j\in [d]$
, let
denote the event where A1, A2 and the following hold:
$d(v_j,V_{s,j})\ge (\alpha -2|V_{s,j}|^{-1/4})|V_{s,j}|$ .
$0\le i\le s$
, let
be the event where
holds for all
$1\le j\le \min \{2^{i},d\}$
Claim 2.5.
For all
$1\le i\le s$
$\mathbb P(\mathbf{Y}_i\mid \mathbf{Y}_{i-1})\ge \exp (\!-2^{i-1})$
Before proving Claim 2.5, let us show how to conclude the proof. We observe that if
holds, then we would have found the required partition. Indeed, after a relabelling of the indices, each set
has size exactly
and A1–A4 imply that (i)–(iii) hold, as
$1/m_j\ll \delta$
. Therefore, it is enough to show that
occurs with positive probability. Noting that
holds with probability 1, as
$\delta (G)\ge \alpha N$
, from Claim 2.5 we have

which finishes the proof. It is left only to prove Claim 2.5.
Proof of Claim
. Let
$1\le i\lt s$
and suppose that we have chosen our partition
$V(G)=\bigcup _{j\in [2^{i-1}]}V_{i-1,j}$
for which
holds. In what follows, all probabilities and expectations are conditioned on
. Let
$1\le j\le 2^{i-1}$
. For a vertex
$v\in V_{i-1,j}$
, observe that
follows a hypergeometric distribution with parameters
. Then, assuming
and hence
, from A1 we deduce that

and thus, from Lemma 2.1,

On the other hand, using that
$|V_{i,2j}|\le \frac{11}{20}|V_{i-1,j}|$
, we have

where we have used that
$|V_{i,2j}|\ge C-2$
$1/C\ll 1$
. Combining (1) and (2), we finally have

Using the union bound over all
$v\in V_{i-1,j}$
, it follows that A1 holds for
with probability at least

where we have used that
$2|V_{i,2j}|^{1/3}\ge 2\cdot \left (\tfrac{9}{20}\right )^{1/3}|V_{i-1,j}|^{1/3}\ge |V_{i-1,j}|^{1/3}$
. Similar calculations show that A2 and A3 hold with probability at least (3), and clearly the same conclusions hold for
. Therefore, the probability that
hold, given a partition
$V(G)=\bigcup _{j\in [2^{i-1}]}V_{i-1,j}$
for which
holds, is at least

Finally, using that the events
$(\mathbf{Y}_{i,2j-1}\wedge \mathbf{Y}_{i,2j})_{1\le j\le 2^{i-1}}$
are mutually independent given a partition
$V(G)=V_{i-1,1}\cup \ldots \cup V_{i-1,2^{i-1}}$
for which
holds, we can compute

where we have used that
$e^{-2x}\le 1-x$
holds for all
$0\lt x\le \frac{1}{2}$
and that
$|V_{i-1,j}|\cdot \exp (\!-|V_{i-1,j}|^{1/3})\ll 1$
$|V_{i-1,j}|\ge C-2$
$1/C\ll 1$
. Similar arguments show that
$\mathbb{P}(\mathbf{Y}_s\mid \mathbf{Y}_{s-1})\ge \exp (\!-2^{s-1})$
2.3. Proof of Theorem 1.3
We say that a graph
is Hamiltonian path-connected if for every pair of distinct vertices
$x,y\in V(G)$
there is a Hamiltonian
-path in
. The last ingredient that we need is the following classical result due to Ore [Reference Ore28].
Lemma 2.6.
Every graph
$n\ge 4$
vertices and minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge \frac{n+1}{2}$
is Hamiltonian path-connected.
Proof of Theorem
. We start by picking a constant
$1/C_0\ll \varepsilon$
and let
$C\ge C_0$
$n\ge 2$
. Let
$\log n\le d\lt n$
and let
be a
-regular graph with vertex set
. Given a graph
vertices and minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge (1+\varepsilon )N/2$
, we now find a partition of
which will be used as a template to embed the
Claim 2.7.
There are distinct vertices
$v_1,\ldots, v_n$
and pairs
$i\in [n]$
$j\in N_H(i)$
, where
$V_{i,j}\subset V(G)$
is a subset and
$v_i,v_{i,j}\in V_{i,j}$
, such that the following properties hold.
$V(G)=\bigcup _{i\in [n], j\in N_H(i)}V_{i,j}$ .
$V_{i,j}$ and
$V_{k,\ell }$ are disjoint for all
$i\not = k$ and
$j\in N_H(i), \ell \in N_H(k)$ .
$V_{i,j}\cap V_{i,k}=\{v_i\}$ for every
$i\in [n]$ and distinct
$j,k\in N_H(i)$ .
$|V_{i,j}|\in \{C,C+1\}$ for all
$i\in [n]$ and
$j\in N_H(i)$ .
$\delta (G[V_{i,j}])\ge \frac{|V_{i,j}|+1}{2}$ for all
$i\in [n]$ and
$j\in N_H(i)$ .
B6 For every
$i\in [n]$ and
$j\in N_H(i)$ ,
$v_{ij}v_{ji}\in E(G)$ .
For now, let us assume Claim 2.7 in order to show Theorem 1.3. Firstly, we use the vertices
$(v_i)_{i\in [n]}$
as the branch vertices of the
-subdivision. Secondly, for each
$i\in [n]$
$j\in N_H(i)$
, find a Hamilton
. This is possible since B5 and Lemma 2.6 imply that
is Hamiltonian path-connected. We claim that this gives the spanning
-subdivision. Indeed, for all
$ij\in E(H)$
, B6 implies that
$Q_{ij}=P_{i,j}P^\triangleleft _{j,i}$
is a
-path (see Fig. 1) which, because of B2 and B3, is internally disjoint from every other possible path
$Q_{k\ell }$
. This gives an
$F\subset G$
. Finally, B1 clearly implies that
uses all vertices from
Proof of Claim
. Use Lemma 2.3, with parameter
$\delta =\varepsilon/2$
, to find an
$\left(H,\frac{1}{2}+\frac{\varepsilon }{2}\right)$
-good partition
$V(G)=\bigcup _{i\in [n]}V_{i}$
such that
$|V_{i}|=Cd$ for all
$i\in [n]$ ,
$\delta (G[V_i])\ge (1+\tfrac{\varepsilon }{2})\frac{Cd}{2}$ , and
$\delta (G[V_i,V_j])\ge (1+\tfrac{\varepsilon }{2})\frac{Cd}{2}$ for all
$ij\in E(H)$ .

Figure 1. Creating the
Then, for each
$ij\in E(H)$
pick vertices
$v_{i,j}\in V_i$
$v_{j,i}\in V_j$
such that
$v_{i,j}v_{j,i}\in E(G)$
, and, for
$i\in [n]$
, pick an arbitrary vertex
$v_i\in V_i$
, choosing new vertices at each time. For each
$i\in [n]$
, use Lemma 2.4, with parameter
$\delta =\varepsilon/4$
, to find a partition
$V_i=\{v_i\}\cup \{v_{i,j}:j\in N_H(i)\}\cup \bigcup _{j\in N_H(i)}V_{i,j}^{\prime}$
such that
$|V^{\prime}_{i,j}|\in \{C-2,C-1\}$ for all
$j\in N_H(i)$ ,
$d(v_{i,j},V^{\prime}_{i,j}), d(v_i,V^{\prime}_{i,j})\ge (1+\tfrac{\varepsilon }{4})\frac{|V^{\prime}_{i,j}|}{2}$ , and
$\delta (G[V^{\prime}_{i,j}])\ge (1+\tfrac{\varepsilon }{4})\frac{|V^{\prime}_{i,j}|}{2}$ .
Finally, for each
$i\in [n]$
$j\in N_H(i)$
, we set
$V_{i,j}=V_{i,j}^{\prime}\cup \{v_i,v_{i,j}\}$
, which clearly satisfies B1–B6.
3. Concluding remarks
Let us observe that having a host graph on
vertices in Theorem 1.3 is just an artificial setup to make the subdivision as balanced as possible. However, by adjusting the length of the connecting paths, the same arguments work if we put
$N=\Theta (dn)$
or if we drop the condition of being
-regular, that is, one can show that if the host graph
$N=\Theta (m)$
vertices, where
$m\le \binom{n}{2}$
, and
is an
-vertex graph with
edges and minimum degree at least
$\log n$
, then
contains a spanning
-subdivision. Having said this, it is tentative to conjecture that the condition
$d\ge \log n$
in Theorem 1.3 could be totally dropped.
Conjecture 3.1.
For every
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
, there exists a positive constant
such that for all
$C\ge C_0$
$m\in \mathbb N$
the following holds. Let
be a graph on
vertices and minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge (1+\varepsilon )\frac{N}{2}$
. Then,
contains a spanning
-subdivision of every graph
edges and no isolated vertices.
After this article was submitted, Conjecture 3.1 was solved by Lee [Reference Lee24] using the absorption method. The only drawback in Lee’s proof is that it requires one of the paths in the subdivision to be very long compared with the other paths. So, it would be still interesting to find a spanning subdivision where all the paths in the subdivision have nearly the same length.
Question 3.2.
Is it possible to find a spanning
-subdivision in the context of Conjecture 3.1 where all the paths in the subdivision have similar lengths?
Let us finish by mentioning that similar arguments as those in the proof of Theorem 1.3 can be used to find a perfect
-subdivision tiling, where
is a graph whose size could even grow depending on the size of the host graph. However, a more precise result was shown by Lee [Reference Lee23] in this context. Indeed, the leading constant in the threshold for containing a perfect
-subdivision tiling can be smaller than
in certain cases.
This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 947978).