A graph Γ with diameter d is strongly distance-regular if Γ is distance-regular and its
distance-d graph Γd is strongly regular. Some known examples of such graphs are the
connected strongly regular graphs, with distance-d graph Γd = Γ
(the complement of Γ), and the antipodal distance-regular graphs. Here we study some spectral conditions for a
(regular or distance-regular) graph to be strongly distance-regular. In particular, for the
case d = 3 the following characterization is proved. A regular (connected) graph Γ, with
distinct eigenvalues λ0 > λ1 > λ2 > λ3,
is strongly distance-regular if and only if λ2 = −1, and Γ3 is
k-regular with degree k satisfying an expression which depends only on the order
and the different eigenvalues of Γ.