The classical nonstationary autoregressive models are
both linear and Markov. They include unit root and
cointegration models. A possible nonlinear extension
is to relax the linearity and at the same time keep
general properties such as nonstationarity and the
Markov property. A null recurrent Markov chain is
nonstationary, and β-null
recurrence is of vital importance for statistical
inference in nonstationary Markov models, such as,
e.g., in nonparametric estimation in nonlinear
cointegration within the Markov models. The standard
random walk is an example of a null recurrent Markov
In this paper we suggest that the concept of null
recurrence is an appropriate nonlinear
generalization of the linear unit root concept and
as such it may be a starting point for a nonlinear
cointegration concept within the Markov framework.
In fact, we establish the link between null
recurrent processes and autoregressive unit root
models. It turns out that null recurrence is closely
related to the location of the roots of the
characteristic polynomial of the state space matrix
and the associated eigenvectors. Roughly speaking
the process is β-null recurrent if
one root is on the unit circle, null recurrent if
two distinct roots are on the unit circle, whereas
the others are inside the unit circle. It is
transient if there are more than two roots on the
unit circle. These results are closely connected to
the random walk being null recurrent in one and two
dimensions but transient in three dimensions. We
also give an example of a process that by
appropriate adjustments can be made
β-null recurrent for any
β ∈ (0, 1) and can also be made
null recurrent without being β-null