This paper generalizes the univariate results of Chan
and Tran (1989, Econometric Theory
5, 354–362) and Phillips (1990, Econometric
Theory 6, 44–62) to multivariate time
series. We develop the limit theory for the
least-squares estimate of a VAR(l) for a random walk
with independent and identically distributed errors
and for I(1) processes with weakly dependent errors
whose distributions are in the domain of attraction
of a stable law. The limit laws are represented by
functional of a stable process. A semiparametric
correction is used in order to asymptotically
eliminate the “bias” term in the limit law. These
results are also an extension of the multivariate
limit theory for square-integrable disturbances
derived by Phillips and Durlauf (1986,
Review of Economic Studies 53,
473–495). Potential applications include tests for
multivariate unit roots and cointegration.