We propose a new kernel estimator for nonparametric regression with
unknown error distribution. We show that the proposed estimator is
adaptive in the sense that it is asymptotically equivalent to the
infeasible local likelihood estimator (Staniswalis, 1989, Journal of the American Statistical
Association 84, 276–283; Fan, Farmen, and Gijbels, 1998, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,
Series B 60, 591–608; and Fan and Chen, 1999, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,
Series B 61, 927–943), which requires knowledge of the error
distribution. Hence, our estimator improves on standard nonparametric
kernel estimators when the error distribution is not normal. A Monte Carlo
experiment is conducted to investigate the finite-sample performance of
our procedure.We thank Yuichi Kitamura,
Yanqin Fan, Joel Horowitz, Roger Koenker, Jens Perch Nielsen, Peter
Phillips, Peter Robinson, Tom Rothenberg, and two referees for helpful
comments. Financial support from the NSF and the ESRC (UK) is gratefully