This bibliography
covers publications that appeared during 1998. It follows previous criteria, being divided into two
broad areas: general literature on financial history in section I, and specialised material in section
2. Section 2 is subdivided chronologically and, further, by geographical area (the complete
classification scheme was published in Volume I, Part 2, pp. 157–60). Where there are no entries
for a particular section, the heading has been omitted. Abbreviations have been kept to a minimum but
standard abbreviations such as J. for Journal, Q. for Quarterly,
Rev. for Review/Revue, have been used throughout. Short titles are used for
references to edited volumes within the section in which they are listed, elsewhere they are cited in
full. Articles published in books ‘edited by’ are mentioned only if the bibliographer
accessed the relevant index before the deadline for publication (August 1998). Doctoral theses and
Working Papers are not included.
The bibliographer is pleased to receive suggestions of any kind
at his e-mail address: <>