Research Article
The genetic basis of response in mouse lines divergently selected for body weight or fat content. I. The relative contributions of autosomal and sex-linked genes
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 169-175
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Do self-fertilization and genetic drift promote a very low genetic variability in the allotetraploid Bulinus truncatus (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) populations?
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 89-100
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The genetics of the Luria–Latarjet effect in bacteriophage T4: evidence for the involvement of multiple DNA repair pathways
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 1-9
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The genetic basis of response in mouse lines divergently selected for body weight or fat content. II. The contribution of genes with a large effect
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 177-182
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Correction of chlorophyll deficiency in alloplasmic male sterile Brassica juncea through recombination between chloroplast genomes
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 11-14
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Linkage disequilibrium in the white locus region of Drosophila melanogaster
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 101-109
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Dosage dependent modifiers of white alleles in Drosophila melanogaster
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 15-22
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Mutability, sterility and suppression in P—M hybrid dysgenesis: the influence of P subline, cross, chromosome, sex and P-element structure
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 111-123
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Inheritance of a meiotic abnormality that causes the ovulation of primary oocytes and the production of digynic triploid mice
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 183-193
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Evidence for a Wolbachia symbiont in Drosophila melanogaster
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 23-29
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The use of retrotransposons as markers for mapping genes responsible for fitness differences between related Drosophila melanogaster strains
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 125-131
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Detection of quantitative trait loci from frequency changes of marker alleles under selection
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 195-203
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Constitutive magnification by the Ybb− chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 205-212
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The mouse t complex distorter-3 (Tcd-3) locus and transmission ratio distortion
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 133-137
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Identification of ornithine decarboxylase as a trait gene for growth in replicated mouse lines divergently selected for lean body mass
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 31-37
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Parental imprinting on the mouse X chromosome: effects on the early development of X0, XXY and XXX embryos
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 139-148
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Parental origin of mutant allele does not explain absence of gene dose in X-linked Hyp mice
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 39-43
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Artificial sexual selection alters allometry in the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni (Diptera: Diopsidae)
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 213-222
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Heritabilities of growth curve parameters and age-specific expression of genetic variation under two different feeding regimes in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 45-55
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The probability of fixation of a favoured allele in a subdivided population
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2009, pp. 149-157
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