At the Stockholm meeting of the Congress in 1910 an invitation to hold the twelfth meeting in Canada was accepted. As the Congress met in the United States in 1891 and in Mexico in 1906, members were thus afforded an opportunity of visiting all the great divisions of North America. The Canadian meeting was held at Toronto from August 7 to 14, 1913, under the presidency of Professor F. D. Adams, of McGill University. About 600 members attended it, although the total enrolled was nearly twice as great, and 46 countries were represented among the members. The Congress was formally opened by the Right Hon. Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, on behalf of H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, the Honorary President, who was unavoidably absent, and speeches of welcome were made by others. Dr. R. W. Brock, Director of the Geological Survey of Canada and General Secretary of the Congress, presented to the Congress a monograph entitled “The Coal Resources of the World”, the result of an inquiry made upon the initiative of the Executive Committee of the Twelfth Congress, with the assistance of Geological Surveys and mining geologists of different countries. It consists of three quarto volumes of about 400 pages each (11 by 8 1¼4 inches) and an atlas of 66 pages of maps in colours (13 1¼2 by 191¼2 inches) published by Morang & Co., of Toronto, at $25 per set, net.