First International Pullorum Congress at Hannover, October 1931. Erste Europäische Konferenz von Fachleuten für Geflügelkrankheiten in Hannover am 23. und 24. Okt. 1931. Prof. Dr. Mieszner, Dr. te Hennepe, Dr. Berge and Dr. Schütt. Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 1932, p. 33.
At these Pullorum-days 26 specialists in poultry diseases from Germany, England, Turkey and Holland were present. The meetings were held in Prof. Mieszner's Institute in Hannover. During the opening speech, Dr. te Hennepe, Secretary for Europe of the World's Poultry Science Association, drew the attention to similar meetings in America already taken place, and that he, in conjunction with Prof. Mieszner, had taken the initiative for the present meeting.