A avitaminosis and coryza in domestic Fowls. Differinzierung einer A-Avitaminose vom ansteckenden Schnupfen des Hausgeflügels. St. Angeloff and L. Grebenaroff, Sofia. Annual Report veterinary Faculty University Sofia, 1935, p. 333.
The writers investigated cases of infectious catarrh in fowls (infectious Laryngotracheitis). They discovered it to be an A avitaminosis caused by lack of green fodder. It causes retardation of growth, loss of appetite, changes in the eyes, catarrh of the upper air-channels, where yellow cheese-like centres form, about the size of a poppy seed. It also causes nervous disorders and an increase of uric-acid in the blood and is further characterised by the hornifying of the epitels of the pituitary membranes and glands. Plenty of green fodder or dosing with liver-oil are recommended.