Eradication of pullorum disease in Massachusetts, 1928–1929, W. R. Hinshaw, E. F. Sanders, and G. L. Dunlap, Massachusetts Sta, Control Ser. Bul. 48, 1929.
This is the ninth annual progress report on the work with pullorum disease in Massachusetts, where eradication rather than control has now become the objective. During the 1928-29 testing season, 304,092 tests were made on 254,512 birds in 413 flocks. There were 228 (55.21 per cent) nonreacting flocks having a total of 153,334 (60.25 per cent) birds tested; 157 of these flocks, totaling 121,277 birds, were 100 per cent tested, while the remaining 71 flocks were partially tested. Indications that progress in eradication is being made are supported by an increase of 92 flocks and 63,861 birds tested, and by the fact that there were 90 more nonreacting flocks and 72,505 more birds in such flocks than in the preceding year. The percentage of poultry population in nonreacting flocks increased from 3.98 per cent in 1927–28 to 7.55 per cent in 1928–29.