Pullorum Disease of Domestic Fowl. A Monograph. L. F. Rettger and W. N. Plastridge. Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 178, May, 1932. With Bibliography of 194 numbers.
Foreword. Introduction. Part I—Chiefly Historical, Including a Systematic Review of the Investigations Conducted at the Storrs Experiment Station.—Discovery of the Etiological Agent. Morphological, Cultural and Biochemical Properties of Bacterium Pullorum. Early Attempts to Transmit Infection. Pullorum Feeding Experiment, 1910. Original Source of Infection. Bacteriological Examination of Egg Shell. Bacteriological Examination of the Yolks of Incubated Eggs. Bacteriological Examination of the Yolks of Fresh Eggs. Simplification of Technique in the Examination of Fresh Eggs. Bacteriological Examination of the Ovaries of Breeding Hens. Comparative Susceptibility of Chicks at different Ages to Pullorum Disease. Infection of Mature Poultry Stock. Bacterium Pullorum Infection in Maturing and Adult Male Birds. Experimental Oviduct Infection and Permanent Localisation of Bacterium Pullorum in the Ovary.