To Wamboldt, Schmitz, & Mrazek (1998). Genetic association between atopy and behavioural symptoms in middle childhood. Volume 39 (7), pp. 1007–1016.
Through Dr Emily Simonoff's re-analysis of our data (see article above, pp. 667–674) we found a slight model specification change which has now been corrected and which actually provides stronger results. Revised Tables 4–6 are available from the authors by request.
Correct covariance matrix for the DZ opposite-sex pairs for atopy and total problem score
1 2 3 4
1 0.710
2 0.352 2.393
3 0.213 0.044 0.825
4 0.025 1.717 0.137 2.980
Corrected last paragraph of the Results section
Additive genetic effects accounted for most of the correlation between atopy and the three CBCL scores: 77% of the correlation between atopy and internalising symptoms, 100% of the correlation between atopy and externalising symptoms, and 93% of the correlation between atopy and total problem scores. The genetic correlation (rG) between atopy and INT was .34 and the nonshared environmental correlation (rE) was .16; for atopy and EXT rG was .29 and there was no rE; for total problems and atopy rG was estimated at .37 and rE at .06. The parameter estimates obtained from the bivariate factor model (full model, or A & E) are as follows: for atopy, h2 = .72 and e2 = .28; for INT, h2 = .35, c2 = .28 and e2 = .37; for EXT, h2 = .55, c2 = .23 and e2 = .22; and for Total Problems, h2 = .34, c2 = .45 and e2 = .21.