Monthly Public Health Law Webinar Series
1-2 pm ET
Every month ASLME and its partners bring together experts in various public health fields to disccuss timely and critical topics — including distracted driving, obesity prevention, gun violence and firearms law, health impact assessments, primary care provider roles, and many more. The webinars are free and open to all interested parties. Registration is required.
2017 Next Steps in Health Reform
October 26-28, 2017
American University Washington College of Law
Washington, D.C.
Speakers include: Sylvia Matthews Burwell, Timothy Jost, and Rep. Henry A. Waxman
Leading health law, policy, and economics experts from across the country will discuss the dynamic health care landscape, including:
Health care delivery and payment reform
Private insurance regulation
Medicaid and CHIP
State and community responses to the changing federal role in health care.
For more information about ASLME conferences, please visit our website at Calendar, or contact Katie Johnson at 617-262-4990 or