Call for Papers: Biomaterials
Biomaterials is an interdisciplinary field of research with perspectives and contributions from scientists, engineers, and physicians. JMR seeks research papers that substantially increase our understanding about the structure-process-property relationships of biomaterials, ranging from materials under in vitro, in vivo, and in silico environments through biomedical applications. The era of 3D printing (3DP), or additive manufacturing (AM), adds another dimension to these areas of research, addressing the clinical need for patient specific devices. AM is transforming the technology platform, impacting various disciplines including biomaterials and biomedical devices. JMR will capture the perspectives of professionals from different disciplines towards understanding the need and outcomes of current biomaterials research.
Suggested topical areas include, but are not limited to:
• Bioceramics
• Biomaterials for tissue engineering
• Biopolymers
• Bioprinting
• Biosensors
• Hydrogels
• Materials for drug delivery
• 3D printing in bone tissue engineering
• Mechanical behavior of 3D printed biomaterials
• Modeling and simulation of biomaterials and devices
• Nano-biomaterials
• Patient specific biomedical devices
• Surface modification of biomaterials
Associate Editor
Susmita Bose, Washington State University, USA
Gary L. Messing, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Manuscript Submission
To be considered for the journal, new and previously unpublished results significant to the development of this field should be presented. The manuscripts must be submitted via the JMR electronic submission system. Note our manuscript submission minimum length of 3250 words, excluding figures, captions, and references, with at least 6 and no more than 10 figures and tables combined. Review articles may be longer but must be pre-approved by proposal to the Editor-in-Chief via The proposal form and author instructions may be found at All manuscripts will be reviewed in a normal but expedited fashion.
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