C. Hauton, University of Southampton, UK
Editorial Board
M. Cock, Roscoff Marine Station, France
Area of Expertise: Algal developmental biology and genomics
N. De Voogd, Netherlands Biodiversity Centre, Netherlands
Area of Expertise: Sponges
P.G.H. Evans, Sea Watch Foundation, UK
Area of Expertise: Marine mammals; also SIC Guest Editor
C. Goatley, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, NOCS, UK
Area of Expertise: fish function, biodiversity and evolution; coral reef ecology; taxonomy; community ecology
N. Mieszkowska, Marine Biological Association, UK
D. Power, University of Algarve, Portugal
Area of Expertise: Blue biotechnology and integrative biology of marine organisms
H. Solo-Gabriele, University of Miami, USA
Area of Expertise: Oceans and human health; coastal marine water quality
Reviews and Social Media Editor
B. Stewart, Marine Biological Association and University of Plymouth, UK
Associate Editors
J.A. Baeza, Smithsonian Marine Station, USA
Area of Expertise: Evolutionary ecology and reproductive biology of marine invertebrates; molecular phylogenetics, ecology, diversification and trait evolution in marine invertebrates, behavioural adaptations and the role of the environment in favouring/constraining behaviour; taxonomy and systematics of selected groups of decapod crustaceans, ornamental marine invertebrates with particular emphasis to decapod crustaceans
C.N. Bianchi, University of Genoa, Italy
Area of Expertise: Shallow hydrothermalism and marine communities; submarine sulphur springs and feeding; polychaete distribution; Posidonia (seagrass) and its communities and management; epibenthic communities; suspension feeding
J. Cartes, Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona (C.S.I.C.), Spain
Area of Expertise: Deep-sea benthos
J. Ellis, Cefas, Lowestoft, UK
Area of Expertise: Biology and ecology of elasmobranch fish; fish life-history; structure and diversity and fish assemblages
S. Fowler, Save Our Seas, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), UK
J. C. Hernandez, Universidad de la Laguna, Spain
M.Y. Hu, University of Kiel, Germany
Area of Expertise: Physiology; acid-base regulation; ion transport; development; cephalopods; marine invertebrates; environmental change; ocean acidification
J. Hui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Area of Expertise: Genetics, genomics of marine species
D. Kaullysing, University of Mauritius, Mauritius
Area of Expertise: Marine malacology, marine ecology, corallivory (in particular gastropods and Crown-of-Thorns starfish), coral reefs ecology and biodiversity, intertidal/benthic ecology
V. Laptikhovsky, Falklands Islands Fisheries Department, UK
Area of Expertise: Population biology; fishery management and stock assessment in cephalopods; finfish and elasmobranchs; reproductive biology of cephalopods and teleost fish; trophic relations in fish and cephalopods; seabird biology and interaction with fishery fleet; also Ascension Island SI Guest Editor
S. C. K. Lau, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
M.-L. Liao, Ocean University China, China
F. Maltagliati, University of Pisa, Italy
Area of Expertise: Phylogeography; population genetics; molecular systematics
M.L. Mardones, University of Southampton, UK
J.A. Raven FRS, University of Dundee, UK
Area of Expertise: Primary production in algae
L. Riekkola, Auckland University, New Zealand
Area of Expertise: marine mammal ecology, spatial ecology, spatial analysis and modelling, conservation
A. Schulze, Texas A&M University, USA
Area of Expertise: marine invertebrates (anellids)
J. Taylor, Salford University, UK
Area of Expertise: Microbial ecology; molecular ecology; phytoplankton/protist community ecology; harmful algae; genomics/metagenomics/metabarcoding
M. Thiel, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Area of Expertise: Behavioural ecology of invertebrates, crustacean reproductive biology, citizen science
D. Thieltges, NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research/Utrecht University, Netherlands
Area of Expertise: Marine parasitology
L. Turner, University of Plymouth, UK
O. Wangensteen, University of Barcelona, Spain
Area of Expertise: Marine benthic invertebrates; molecular ecology; population genetics/genomics; phylogeography; metabarcoding/metagenomics; bioinformatics; marine benthic ecology; echinoderms