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05–03Benati, Alessandro (U of Greenwich, UK; a.benati@gre.ac.uk). The effects of processing instruction, traditional instruction and meaning-output instruction on the acquisition of the English past simple tense. Language Teaching Research (London, UK) 9.1 (2005), 67–93.
05–04Carless D. (Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong). Issues in teachers' reinterpretation of a task-based innovation in primary schools. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA) 38.4 (2004), 639–662.
05–05Curry, M. J. & Lillis, T. (U of Rochester, New York, USA). Multilingual scholars and the imperative to publish in English: negotiating interests, demands, and rewards. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA) 38.4 (2004), 663–688.
05–06Dufficy, Paul (U of Sydney, Australia; p.dufficy@edfac.usyd.edu.au). Predisposition to choose: the language of an information gap task in a multilingual primary classroom. Language Teaching Research (London, UK) 8.3 (2004), 241–261.
05–07Evans, Michael & Fisher, Linda (U of Cambridge, UK; mje1000@hermes.cam.ac.uk). Measuring gains in pupils' foreign language competence as a result of participating in a school exchange visit: the case of Y9 pupils at three comprehensive schools in the UK. Language Teaching Research (London, UK) 9.2 (2005), 173–192.
05–08Gunn, Cindy (The American U of Sharjah, UAE; cgunn@ausharjah.edu). Prioritizing practitioner research: an example from the field. Language Teaching Research (London, UK) 9.1 (2005), 97–112.
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05–11Kabat, Kaori, Weibe, Grace & Chao, Tracy (U of Alberta, Canada). Challenge of developing and implementing multimedia courseware for a Japanese language program. CALICO Journal (TX, USA), 22.2 (2005), 237–250.
05–12Kuo, Wan-wen (U of Pennsylvania, USA). Survival skills in foreign languages for business practitioners: the development of an online Chinese project. Journal of Language for International Business (Glendale, AZ, USA) 16.1 (2005), 1–17.
05–13Liu, D., Ahn, G., Baek, K. & Han, N. (Oklahoma City U, USA). South Korean high school English teachers' code switching: questions and challenges in the drive for maximal use of English in teaching. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA) 38.4 (2004), 605–638.
05–14Lotherington, Heather (York U, Canada). What four skills? Redefining language and literacy standards for ELT in the digital era. TESL Canada Journal (Burnaby, Canada) 22.1 (2004), 64–78.
05–15Lutjeharms, Madeline (Vrije U, Belgium). Der Zugriff auf das mentale Lexikon und der Wortschatzerwerb in der Fremdsprache [Access to the mental lexicon and vocabulary acquisition in a foreign language]. Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen (Tübingen, Germany) 33 (2004), 10–24.
05–16Lyster, Roy (McGill U, Canada; roy.lyster@mcgill.ca). Research on form-focused instruction in immersion classrooms: implications for theory and practice. French Language Studies (Cambridge, UK) 14.3 (2004), 321–341.
05–17Mackey, Alison (Georgetown U, USA; mackeya@georgetown.edu), Polio, Charlene & McDonough, Kim The relationship between experience, education and teachers' use of incidental focus-on-form techniques. Language Teaching Research (London, UK) 8.3 (2004), 301–327.
05–18MacLennan, Janet (U of Puerto Rico). How can I hear your voice when someone else is speaking for you? An investigation of the phenomenon of the classroom spokesperson in the ESL classroom. TESL Canada Journal (Burnaby, Canada) 22.1 (2004), 91–97.
05–19Mangubhai, Francis (U of Southern Queensland, Australia; mangubha@usq.edu.au), Marland, Perc, Dashwood, Ann & Son, Jeong-Bae. Similarities and differences in teachers' and researchers' conceptions of communicative language teaching: does the use of an educational model cast a better light?Language Teaching Research (London, UK) 9.1 (2005), 31–66.
05–20Meskill, Carla & Anthony, Natasha (Albany State U of New York, USA; cmeskill@uamail.albany.edu). Foreign language learning with CMC: forms of online instructional discourse in a hybrid Russian class. System (Oxford, UK) 33.1 (2005), 89–105.
05–21Paribakht, T. S. (U of Ottawa, Canada; parbakh@uottowa.ca). The role of grammar in second language lexical processing. RELC Journal (Singapore) 35.2 (2004), 149–160.
05–22Ramachandran, Sharimllah Devi (Kolej U Teknikal Kebangsaan, Malaysia; sharimllah@kutkm.edu.my) & Rahim, Hajar Abdul. Meaning recall and retention: the impact of the translation method on elementary level learners' vocabulary learning. RELC Journal (Singapore) 35.2 (2004), 161–178.
05–23Roessingh, Hetty & Johnson, Carla (U of Calgary, Canada). Teacher-prepared materials: a principled approach. TESL Canada Journal (Burnaby, Canada) 22.1 (2004), 44–63.
05–24Rogers, Sandra H. (Otago Polytechnic English Language Institute, New Zealand; sandrar@tekotago.ac.nz). Evaluating textual coherence: a case study of university business writing by EFL and native English speaking students in New Zealand. RELC Journal (Singapore) 35.2 (2004), 135–147.
05–25Sheen, Young Hee (Teachers College, Columbia U, USA; ys335@columbia.edu). Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicative classrooms across instructional settings. Language Teaching Research (London, UK) 8.3 (2004), 263–300.
05–26Sparks, Richard L. (College of Mt. St. Joseph, USA) Ganschow, Leonore, Artzer, Marjorie E., Siebenhar, David & Plageman, Mark. Foreign language teachers' perceptions of students' academic skills, affective characteristics, and proficiency: replication and follow-up studies. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA) 37.2 (2004), 263–278.
05–27Taguchi, Naoko (Carnegie Mellon U, USA). The communicative approach in Japanese secondary schools: teachers perceptions and practice. The Language Teacher (Japan) 29.3 (2005), 3–12.
05–28Tsang, Wai King (City U of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; entsanwk@cityu.edu.hk). Feedback and uptake in teacher-student interaction: an analysis of 18 English lessons in Hong Kong secondary classrooms. RELC Journal (Singapore) 35.2(2004), 187–209.
05–29Weinberg, Alice (U of Ottowa, Canada). Les chansons de la francophonie website and its two web-usage-tracking systems in an advanced listening comprehension course. CALICO Journal (TX, USA) 22.2 (2005), 251–268.
05–30West, D. Vanisa (Messiah College, PA, USA). Literature in lower-level courses: making progress in both language and reading skills. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA) 37.2 (2004), 209–223.
05–31Williams, Cheri (U of Cincinnati, USA) & Hufnagel, Krissy. The impact of word study instruction on kindergarten children's journal writing. Research in the Teaching of English (Urbana, IL, USA) 39.3 (2005), 233–270.