Fix an integer
$g \geqslant 2$
. Every positive integer
$a \in \mathbb N$
has a base g representation, i.e. it can be uniquely written as

A number
$a \in \mathbb N$
with representation (1) is called a base g palindrome if
$a_i = a_{n-i}$
holds for all
$i=0, \ldots, n$
. Baxter, Cilleruelo and Luca [
Reference Cilleruelo, Luca and Baxter3
] studied additive properties of the set of base g palindromes. Improving on a result of Banks [
Reference Banks2
], they showed that every positive integer can be written as a sum of three palindromes, provided that
$g\geqslant 5$
. The cases
$g=2, 3, 4$
were later covered by Rajasekaran, Shallit and Smith [
Reference Rajasekaran, Shallit and Smith4
Reference Rajasekaran, Shallit and Smith5
]. Baxter, Cilleruelo and Luca also showed that the number of integers at most X which are sums of two palindromes is at least
$X e^{-c_1\sqrt{\log X}}$
and at most
$c_2 X$
, for some constants
$c_1 \gt 0$
$c_2 \lt 1$
depending on g, and asked whether a positive fraction of integers can be written as a sum of two base g palindromes. This was later reiterated by Green in his list of open problems as Problem 95. We answer this question negatively:
Theorem 1. For any integer
$g \geqslant 2$
there exists a constant
$c \gt 0$
such that

for all large enough X.
It is an interesting open problem to close the gap between this result and the lower bound of Baxter, Cilleruelo and Luca [ Reference Cilleruelo, Luca and Baxter3 ]. We now proceed to the proof.
$n \geqslant 1$
, let
be the set of base g palindromes with exactly n digits and
$P = \bigcup_{n\geqslant 1}P_n$
be the set of all base g palindromes. Note that

For an integer
$N \geqslant 1$
, we write
$[N] = \{0, 1, \ldots, N-1\}$
. For
$A, B \subset \mathbb Z$
we let
$A+B = \{a+b, \,a\in A, \,b \in B\}$
denote the sumset of A and B. Let
$k \geqslant 1$
be sufficiently large and let
$X = g^k$
, it is enough to consider numbers X of this form only. With this notation, our goal is to upper bound the size of the intersection
$(P + P) \cap [X]$
. We have

and so we can estimate

We have
$|P_n| \leqslant g^{(n+1)/2}$
$|P_{m}| \leqslant g^{ (m+1)/2}$
so using the trivial bound
$|P_n+P_m| \leqslant |P_n| |P_m|$
we can immediately get rid of the terms where m is small:

$\gamma \gt 0$
is a small constant which we will choose. Now we focus on a particular sumset
$P_n + P_m$
from the remaining range. Write
$m = n-d$
for some
$d \geqslant 0$
For an integer
$a = \overline{a_n \ldots a_0} $
$r(a) = \overline{a_0 \ldots a_n}$
be the integer with the reversed digit order in base g (we allow some leading zeros here). For
$d\geqslant 0$

where we denoted
$\ell = g-1$
. These strings are designed to satisfy the following:

Indeed, note that


We claim that the fact that (4) holds for some a, b, a
′, b
′ forces the sumset
$P_n + P_{n-d}$
to be small. Roughly speaking, whenever palindromes
$p \in P_n$
$q \in P_{n-d}$
contain strings a and b on the corresponding positions, we can swap a with a
′ and b with b
′ to obtain a new pair of palindromes
$p' \in P_n$
$q' \in P_{n-d}$
with the same sum
. A typical pair (p, q) will have
$\gtrsim C^{-d} n$
disjoint substrings (a, b) and so we can do the swapping in
$\gtrsim \exp(C^{-d} n)$
different ways. So a typical sum
$p+q \in P_n + P_{n-d}$
has lots of representations and this means that the sumset has to be small.
$t = [{n}/{3(d+2)}]$
. For
$p = \overline{p_0 p_1 \ldots p_1 p_0} \in P_n$
$q = \overline{q_0 q_1 \ldots q_1 q_0} \in P_{n-d}$
let S(p, q) denote the number of indices
$1 \leqslant j \leqslant t$
such that

i.e. the segments of digits of p and q in the interval
$[(d+2)j, (d+2)j +d+1]$
are precisely a and b.
Proposition 1. The number of pairs
$(p, q) \in P_n \times P_{n-d}$
such that
$S(p, q) \leqslant {t}/{2 g^{2d+4} }$
is at most
$\exp\left( - {t}/{8 g^{2d+4} } \right) |P_n| |P_{n-d}|$
Proof. Draw (p, q) uniformly at random from
$P_n \times P_{n-d}$
. Then S(p, q) is a sum of t i.i.d Bernoulli random variables with mean
. So the expectation
$\mathbb E_{p,q} S(p, q)$
is given by
$\mu = t g^{-2(d+2)}$
and by Chernoff bound (see e.g. [
Reference Alon and Spencer1
, appendix A]),

Now we observe that for any
$p=\overline{p_0 p_1 \ldots p_1 p_0} \in P_n$
$q = \overline{q_0 q_1 \ldots q_1 q_0} \in P_{n-d}$
, the sum
has at least
distinct representations
$s = p'+q'$
$(p', q') \in P_n \times P_{n-d}$
. Indeed, let
$j_1 \lt \ldots \lt j_u$
be an arbitrary collection of indices such that (5) and (6) hold for
$j=j_1, \ldots, j_u$
. Let p
′ and q
′ be obtained from p and q by replacing the a and b-segments on positions
$j_1, \ldots, j_u$
by a
′ and b
′ and replacing r(a) and r(b)-segments on the symmetric positions by r(a
′) and r(b
′), respectively. Then we claim that
$p' \in P_n$
$q' \in P_{n-d}$
. Indeed, more formally, we can write

and so (4) implies that
. Since we can choose
$j_1 \lt \cdots \lt j_u$
to be an arbitrary subset of S(p,q) indices, we get
$2^{S(p, q)}$
different representations
Using this and Proposition 1 we get

Using this bound we can estimate the part of (2) which was not covered by (3):

so if we take, say,
$\gamma = {1}/{4 \log g}$
then this expression is less than, say,
$k^{-1} g^k \lesssim {X}/{\log X}$
provided that k is large enough. Combining this with (3) gives
$|(P+P) \cap [X]| \leqslant {X}/{(\log X)^{0.1}}$
for large enough X (the proof actually gives
instead of