A further study has been made of the disintegration of boron by slow neutrons, B10 (n, α) Li, in the cloud chamber. The total ranges of the α-particles and the lithium particles were measured and two groups found. 91·4 % of the disintegrations form the main group, which was previously measured, and 8·6 % a long-range group corresponding to the lithium being left in the ground state. The results of the previous measurements are corrected for the variation of stopping power with velocity and the ranges in standard air of the particles of the two groups are now given as 7·7 mm. α-particle and 4·8 mm. lithium particle, total 12·5 mm. for the main group, and 9·3 mm. α-particle and 5·6 mm. lithium particle, total 14·9 mm. for the long-range group.
These results, taken together with those of other workers, make it certain that in about 92 % of disintegrations the lithium is left in an excited state of about 0·47 MeV. energy and in the remaining 8 % in the ground state. The energies calculated from this scheme by using the known masses do not agree with those deduced from the measured ranges and the range-energy relation for a-particles. It is suggested that the rangeenergy relation is at fault and that these measurements provide two experimental points to which a range-energy relation should be fitted.