1. Introduction
In this article, we study the parameterized complexity of weighted team definability for logics in team semantics. Team definability is a natural analog of the notion of Fagin-definability whose weighted version can be used to characterize the W-hierarchy in parameterized complexity (Downey et al. Reference Downey, Fellows and Regan1998). We give several results on the complexity of this problem for dependence, independence, and inclusion logic formulas.
The birth of the nowadays established logics of dependence and independence can be traced back to the introduction of dependence logic in 2007 (Väänänen Reference Väänänen2007). In team semantics, formulas are interpreted by sets of assignments (teams) instead of a single assignment as in Tarski’s semantics of first-order logic. Syntactically dependence logic extends first-order logic by new dependence atomic formulas (dependence atoms)
expressing that the values of variables
$\mathbf x$
functionally determine the value of the variable y in the team under consideration. Independence and inclusion logics are further extensions of first-order logic by independence atoms
and inclusion atoms
$\mathbf x \subseteq \mathbf y$
which essentially correspond to embedded multivalued dependences and inclusion dependences from database theory (Galliani Reference Galliani2012; Grädel and Väänänen Reference Grädel and Väänänen2013).
For the applications, it is important to understand the complexity theoretic aspects of team-based logics. During the past ten years, the expressivity and complexity theoretic aspects of logics in first-order (also propositional Yang and Väänänen Reference Yang and Väänänen2017, modal Hella et al. Reference Hella, Kuusisto, Meier and Virtema2019, Reference Hella, Kuusisto, Meier and Vollmer2020, temporal Gutsfeld et al. Reference Gutsfeld, Meier, Ohrem, Virtema, Baier and Fisman2022 and probabilistic Durand et al. Reference Durand, Hannula, Kontinen, Meier, Virtema, Ferrarotti and Woltran2018) team semantics have been studies extensively (see, e.g., Hannula et al. Reference Hannula, Kontinen, Virtema and Vollmer2018, Lück Reference Lück2019, Hannula et al. Reference Hannula, Kontinen, Van den Bussche and Virtema2020, Durand et al. Reference Durand, Kontinen, de Rugy-Altherre and Väänänen2022). The baseline for these studies is the well-known results stating that the sentences of dependence logic and independence logic are equivalent to existential second-order logic (Grädel and Väänänen Reference Grädel and Väänänen2013), while inclusion logic corresponds to positive greatest fixed point logic and thereby captures
over finite (ordered) structures (Galliani and Hella Reference Galliani, Hella and Della Rocca2013). In team semantics results for sentences of the logic do not immediately extend to open formulas. In particular, the open formulas of dependence logic correspond in expressive power to sentences of
with an extra relation encoding the team that occurs only negatively in the sentence (Kontinen and Väänänen Reference Kontinen and Väänänen2009). For independence logic, the requirement of negativity can be lifted (Galliani Reference Galliani2012). For inclusion logic an analogous result shows that any first-order sentence
whose truth is preserved under R-unions can be expressed by an inclusion logic formula
$\varphi^*(\mathbf x)$
. In other words, for all
and teams
$T\neq \emptyset$

is a relation encoding the team T (Galliani and Hella Reference Galliani, Hella and Della Rocca2013). These results can be used to relate weighted team definability to weighted Fagin-definablity. However, it is instructive to note that, due to higher expressive power of the logics considered in this article, the syntactic complexity of a formula does not in general correlate with the complexity of the model-checking of the formula. In particular, any formula of dependence and independence logic is logically equivalent to a formula with
-quantifier prefix (Väänänen Reference Väänänen2007, Theorem 6.15) (Kontinen and Väänänen Reference Kontinen and Väänänen2009, Theorem 4.9).
A formalism to enhance the understanding of the inherent intractability of computational problems is brought by the framework of parameterized complexity (Downey and Fellows Reference Downey and Fellows2013). Here, one aims to find parameters relevant for practice allowing to solve the problem by algorithms running in time
$f(k)\cdot n^{O(1)}$
, for some computable function f, where k is the parameter value and n is the input length. Problems with such a running time are called fixed-parameter tractable (
) and correspond to efficient computation in the parameterized setting. The problems solvable within the runtimes of the form
$f(k)\cdot n^{O(1)}$
with respect to nondeterministic machines belong to the complexity class
. Moreover, restricting the amount of nondeterminism allows to study a subclass
${{\mathbf{W}[{{\mathbf{P}}}]}}\subseteq {{\mathbf{para}}}{{\mathbf{NP}}}$
. The complexity class
is defined via nondeterministic machines that have at most
$h(k)\cdot\log n$
many nondeterministic steps, where h is a computable function. In between
, a presumably infinite
-hierarchy is contained:
. It is unknown whether any of these inclusions is strict. Showing
-hardness of a problem in parameterized world intuitively corresponds to being intractable in this setting. Moreover,
contains problems that can be solved by an algorithm whose nondeterministic steps are bounded in terms of the parameter and occur at the end of the computation.
Our contributions. We define and study the parameterized complexity of weighted team definability with respect to formulas of several team-based logics. Moreover, we establish the relationship between our framework and the problem of weighted Fagin definability. In more details, we explore the complexity of weighted team definability in parameterized setting for dependence, independence, and inclusion logic formulas as well as sentences. Thereby, we prove and obtain novel logical characterizations of, and new complete problems for, the aforementioned central parameterized complexity classes, i.e., the
, and
. Table 1 gives a partial overview of our results concerning weighted team definability.
Table 1. Partial overview of our results concerning weighted team definability with pointers to the respective theorem or corollary

Related work. The complexity of counting/enumerating satisfying teams for a fixed first-order formula of team-based logic has been studied before (Haak et al. Reference Haak, Kontinen, Müller, Vollmer and Yang2019, Reference Haak, Meier, Müller and Vollmer2022). Furthermore, there are also recent works on the parameterized complexity model-checking and satisfiability for propositional and first-order team-based logics (Kontinen et al. 2022;Mahmood andMeier Reference Mahmood and Meier2022; Mahmood and Virtema Reference Mahmood and Virtema2021; Meier and Reinbold Reference Meier and Reinbold2018). Regarding the descriptive complexity, Downey et al. (Reference Downey, Fellows and Regan1998) explored the logical characterization of the classes in the
2. Preliminaries
We require a basic knowledge of standard notions from classical complexity theory (Papadimitriou Reference Papadimitriou1994). The classical complexity classes we encounter mostly in this work are
$ {{\mathbf{NP}}}$
together with their respective completeness notions, employing polynomial time many-one reductions (
). Moreover, we assume the reader is familiar with the basic first-order (predicate) logic (Ebbinghaus and Flum Reference Ebbinghaus and Flum1995). In the following, we define a few important classes of first-order formulas that are relevant to the results in this work.
FO-Formula Classes. The class of all first-order formulas is denoted by
. Let
be a relational vocabulary and
$R\in \tau$
be a relation symbol of arity r. An atomic formula is a formula of the form
$x = y$
$R(x_1,\dots, x_r)$
. A literal is an atomic or a negated atomic formula. A quantifier-free formula is a formula that contains no quantifiers and a formula is in negation normal form (NNF) if the negation symbols occurs only front of atoms. A formula
is in prenex normal form if
has the form
$Q_1x_1\dots Q_nx_n \psi$
, where
is quantifier free and
$Q_1,\dots,Q_n\in\{\exists, \forall\}$
. The classes
both consist of quantifier-free formulas. Then, for
$t\geq 0 $
, the class
includes all formulas of the form
$\exists x_1\dots \exists x_\ell \varphi$
, where
$\varphi\in {{\mathrm{\Pi}_{t}}}$
. Similarly,
includes all formulas of the form
$\forall x_1\dots \forall x_\ell \varphi$
, where
$\varphi\in {{\mathrm{\Sigma}_{t}}}$
Fagin Definability. The first-order variables range over individual elements of the universe. In second-order logic, one also quantifies relation variables which range over relations on the universe. We now introduce first-order formulas where we also allow relation variables. Let
be a vocabulary,
$i\leq n$
be free relation variables of arity
$\varphi(X_1,\dots, X_n)$
be a
-formula with free relation variables in
. Notice that
$\varphi(X_1,\dots, X_n)$
does not contain free first-order variables. Moreover, let
be a
-structure and
$S_i\subseteq A^{s_i}$
be relations over
$i\leq n$
. Then we say that the tuple
$\bar S = (S_1,\dots,S_n)$
is a solution for
$\mathcal{A} \models \varphi(\bar S)$
. We call the following decision problem, the problem Fagin-defined by

${{\mathrm{\Theta}}}\subseteq{{\mathcal{FO}}} $
be a class of formulas, then by
we denote the class of all problems
such that
$\varphi\in {{\mathrm{\Theta}}}$
. The following result regarding
is known.
Proposition 1. (Flum and Grohe Reference Flum and Grohe2006, Cor. 4.35).
${{\mathbf{NP}}} = \mathrm{FD}\text-{{\mathcal{FO}}} = \mathrm{FD}\text-{{\mathrm{\Pi}_{2}}}$
Next we introduce the following weighted version of Fagin definabilty, where we restrict our solution to have a specific size for a single free relation symbol S of arity s. Notice that the inclusion of a single free relation variable is without loss of generality as allowing more than one such variables does not increase the complexity (see Flum and Grohe Reference Flum and Grohe2006, p.87).

As before, for a class
${{\mathrm{\Theta}}}\subseteq{{\mathcal{FO}}} $
of formulas, we denote by
the class of all problems
such that
$\varphi\in {{\mathrm{\Theta}}}$
Example 2. We assume standard graph theoretic notation and consider loop-free graphs. The problem is defined as follows. Given a graph
$\mathcal{G}\mathrel{\mathop:}= (V,E)$
$k\in \mathbb N$
. Is there a set
$S\subseteq V$
such that
$(u,v)\in E$
for every
$x,y\in S$
? Then
, where

Consequently, is in
Moreover, Let be the problem to determine if a graph
contains a set
$S\subseteq V$
such that
and every vertex in
$V\setminus S$
is incident to some vertex in S? Then
is in
since the problem is
, where

Parameterized Complexity Theory. A parameterized problem (PP)
$P\subseteq\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N$
is a subset of the cross-product of an alphabet and the natural numbers. For an instance
$(x,k)\in\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N$
, k is called the (value of the) parameter. A parameterization is a polynomial-time computable function that maps a value from
to its corresponding
$k\in\mathbb N$
. The problem P is said to be fixed-parameter tractable (or in the class
) if there exists a deterministic algorithm
$\mathcal A$
and a computable function f such that for all
$(x,k)\in\Sigma^*\times \mathbb N$
, algorithm
$\mathcal A$
correctly decides the membership of
$(x,k)\in P$
and runs in time
. The problem P belongs to the class
$\mathcal A$
runs in time
on a deterministic machine. Abusing a little bit of notation, we write
$\mathcal C$
-machine for the type of machines that decide languages in the class
$\mathcal C$
, and we will say a function f is
$\mathcal C$
-computable if it can be computed by a machine on which the resource bounds of the class
$\mathcal C$
are imposed. The class
includes problems decidable by a nondeterministic algorithm
$\mathcal A$
which runs in time
for some computable function f. One can define a parameterized complexity class
${{\mathbf{para}}}\mathcal C$
corresponding to a complexity class
$\mathcal C$
via a precomputation on the parameter.
Definition 3. Let
$\mathcal C$
be any complexity class. Then
${{\mathbf{para}}}\mathcal C$
is the class of all PPs
$P\subseteq\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N$
such that there exists a computable function
$\pi\colon\mathbb N\to\Delta^*$
and a language
$L\in\mathcal C$
such that for all
$(x,k)\in\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N$
we have that
$(x,k)\in P \Leftrightarrow (x,\pi(k))\in L$
Notice that
and the two definitions of
are equivalent.
A problem P is in the complexity class
, if it can be decided by a NTM running in time
steps, with at most g(k)-many nondeterministic steps, where f,g are computable functions. Moreover,
is contained in the intersection of
(for details see the textbook of Flum and Grohe Reference Flum and Grohe2006).
$c\in\mathbb N$
$P\subseteq\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N$
be a PP, then the c-slice of P, written as
is defined as
$P_c\:=\{\,(x,k)\in\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N\mid k=c\,\}$
. Notice that
is a classical problem then.
Definition 4. Let
$P\subseteq\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N,Q\subseteq\Gamma^*$
be two PPs. One says that P is fpt-reducible to Q,
$P{{\leq^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}}} Q$
, if there exists an
-computable function
$f\colon\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N\to\Gamma^*\times\mathbb N$
such that
for all
$(x,k)\in\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N$ we have that
$(x,k)\in P\Leftrightarrow f(x,k)\in Q$ ,
there exists a computable function
$g\colon\mathbb N\to\mathbb N$ such that for all
$(x,k)\in\Sigma^*\times\mathbb N$ and
$f(x,k)=(x',k')$ we have that
$k'\leq g(k)$ .
Finally, in order to show that a problem P is
${{\mathbf{para}}}\mathcal C$
-hard for some complexity class
$\mathcal C$
, it is sufficient to prove that for some
$c\in \mathbb N$
, the slice
$\mathcal C$
-hard in the classical setting (Flum and Grohe Reference Flum and Grohe2006, Thm. 2.14).
To define the complexity classes in
-hierarchy, the parameterized version of the problem
is now defined as follows.

The complexity classes of the
-hierarchy are characterized via the following definition.
Definition 5. (Flum and Grohe Reference Flum and Grohe2006, Def. 5.1). For every
$t\geq 1$
, we let
${{\mathbf{W}[t]}}\mathrel{\mathop:}= [\text{p-}\mathrm{WD}\text-{{\mathrm{\Pi}_{t}}}]^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}$
. The class
forms the t-th level of the
Alternatively, the
-hierarchy can be defined via the weighted satisfiability problem for propositional formulas. Let I be a nonempty index set and
$d\in\mathbb N$
. Consider the following special subclasses of propositional formulas:

) denote the class of all positive (negative) formulas in
The parameterized weighted satisfiability problem (
$\text{p-} {{\mathrm{WSAT}}}$
) for propositional formulas is defined as below. The parameter weight of an assignment s is the number of variables mapped to 1 by s.

The classes of the
-hierarchy are defined equivalently in terms of these problems.
Proposition 6. (Flum and Grohe Reference Flum and Grohe2006, Thm. 7.1). For every
$t\geq 1$
the following problems are
-complete under fpt-reductions.
$\text{p-}{{\mathrm{WSAT}(\Gamma^+_{t,1},)}}$ if t is even and
$\text{p-}{{\mathrm{WSAT}(\Gamma^-_{t,1})}}{}$ if t is odd.
$\text{p-}{{\mathrm{WSAT}(\Gamma_{t,d})}}{}$ for every
$t,d\geq 1$ .
Fig. 1 draws the complexity landscape with complete problems in parameterized complexity that are relevant.

Figure 1. Landscape of relevant parameterized complexity classes with complete problems. The definition of several of these complete problems is mentioned in the relevant proofs.
Team-based Logics. We assume basic familiarity with predicate logic (Ebbinghaus and Flum Reference Ebbinghaus and Flum1995). We consider first-order vocabularies
that are sets of function symbols and relation symbols with an equality symbol
. Let VAR be a countably infinite set of first-order variables. Terms over
are defined in the usual way, and the set of well-formed formulas of first-order logic (
) in negation normal form is defined by the following EBNF:

are terms
$1\leq i\leq k$
, R is a k-ary relation symbol from
$k\in\mathbb N$
, and
. If
is a formula, then we use
for its set of variables, and
for its set of free variables. We evaluate
-formulas in
-structures, which are pairs of the form
, where A is the domain of
(when clear from the context, we write A instead of
), and
interprets the function and relational symbols in the usual way (e.g.,
$t^\mathcal{A}\langle s\rangle=s(x)$
). If
$\mathbf t=(t_1,\dots,t_n)$
is a tuple of terms for
$n\in\mathbb N$
, then we write
$\mathbf t^\mathcal{A}\langle s\rangle$
$(t_1^\mathcal{A}\langle s\rangle, \dots, t_n^\mathcal{A}\langle s\rangle)$
Dependence logic
by dependence atoms of the form
$\mathbf t$
$\mathbf u$
are tuples of terms. Inclusion logic
is obtained by adding to
the inclusion atoms of the form
for tuples
$\mathbf t$
$ \mathbf u$
of terms. Finally, independence logic
by independence atoms of the form
for tuples
$\mathbf t, \mathbf u$
, and
$\mathbf v$
of terms. We call expressions of the kind
$t_1=t_2, R(\mathbf t),{\mathsf{dep}}({\mathbf{t}};\,{{u}}),{\mathbf{t}}\subseteq\mathbf{u}$
atomic formulas.
The semantics is defined through the concept of a team. Let
be a structure and
, then an assignment s is a mapping
$s\colon X\rightarrow A$
Definition 7. Let
. A team T in
with domain X is a set of assignments
$s\colon X\to A$
For a team T with domain
$X\supseteq Y$
define its restriction to Y as
$T{\upharpoonright} Y\:=\{\,s{\upharpoonright} Y \mid s\in T\,\}$
. If
$s\colon X\to A$
is an assignment and
is a variable, then
$s^x_a\colon X\cup\{x\}\to A$
is the assignment that maps x to a and
$y\in X\setminus\{x\}$
to s(y). Let T be a team in
with domain X. Then any function
$f\colon T\to \mathcal{P}(A)\setminus\{\emptyset\}$
can be used as a supplementing function of T to extend or modify T to the supplemented team
$T^x_f\:=\{\,s^x_a\mid s\in T,a\in f(s)\,\}$
. For the case
is the constant function, we simply write
. The semantics of formulas is defined as follows.
Definition 8. Let
be a vocabulary,
be a
-structure and T be a team over
with domain
. Then,

For a structure
and a team T over X in
, we let
denote the relation defined by T. That is,
$\mathrm{rel}(T)\mathrel{\mathop:}= \{\,\mathbf{a}\mid s(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{a},s\in T \,\}$
. Moreover, we say that a formula
is flat if for any team T over
we have that
$\mathcal{A},T\models \varphi$
if and only if
$\mathcal{A},\{s\}\models \varphi$
for every
$s\in T$
. The
-formulas satisfy this flatness property. Notice that, for
-formulas, by singleton equivalence, team semantics and classical Tarski semantics coincide, i.e.,
$\mathcal{A},\{s\}\models \varphi$
if and only if
$\mathcal{A}\models_s \varphi$
. Furthermore, note that
$\mathcal{A},T\models \varphi$
for all
(this is also called the empty team property). Finally,
-formulas for every
$\mathcal{C}\in \{{{\mathcal{FO}(\mathsf{dep})}},{{\mathcal{FO}(\subseteq)}},{{\mathcal{FO}(\bot)}}\}$
are local, that is, for a team T in
over domain X and a
, we have that
if and only if
We now extend the formulas classes (
) to the logics under consideration. To this end,
) denotes the collection of formulas
of the form
$\varphi\mathrel{\mathop:}= Q_1x_1Q_2x_2\dots Q_tx_t\psi$
such that
is a quantifier free
$Q_i\in \{\forall,\exists\}$
). In other words,
is a
-formula that starts with a
-quantifier (resp.,
) and has t-alternations of quantifiers. The classes
) for
) for
are similarly defined.
Weighted Team Definability. Now we introduce a novel version of the weighted definability problem for formulas in team-based logics. Let
$\mathcal{C}\in \{{{\mathcal{FO}(\mathsf{dep})}},{{\mathcal{FO}(\subseteq)}},{{\mathcal{FO}(\bot)}}\}$
be a fixed
-formula over free variables
$k\in \mathbb N$
. Then given a structure
, the weighted-team definable problem
asks if there is a team of size k for

Then the analogous parameterized version of
is defined as follows.

Note that the problem
references the set of free variables
of the formula
. As a consequence, our parameterization is trivial for sentences since there are only two teams
with the empty team domain. As before, for a set
${{\mathrm{\Theta}}}\subseteq \mathcal{C}$
of formulas, we denote by
the class of problems
such that
$\varphi\in {{\mathrm{\Theta}}}$
3. Complexity Results for Weighted Team Definability
3.1 First-order formulas
We begin our study of the complexity for
$\text{p-} \mathrm{WT}_\varphi$
in the case
$\varphi $
is a pure
-formula under team semantics. Notice that the consequence of disallowing free relation variables in
is that
is different than the weighted Fagin definability
. The following theorem establishes that the two problems are also different from the classical complexity theoretic point of view. Here, we assume basic familiarity about the circuit complexity classes
(for an introduction into this area, see the textbook of Vollmer Reference Vollmer1999).
Theorem 9. For any
the problem
is in DLOGTIME-uniform
Proof. The proof uses the flatness property of
-formulas under team semantics:

It is well known that
$\mathcal{A}\models_s \varphi$
can be decided by
-circuits, whence the original question reduces to counting the number t of satisfying assignments of
and checking whether
$t\ge k$
. This can be easily simulated by DLOGTIME-uniform
circuits as we can hardcode all possible assignments into the circuit. Here, notice that
is fixed and thereby the number of free variables are fixed to some constant
$c\in\mathbb N$
. Then, the input is the structure
$\mathcal A$
of size n yielding
many assignments.
3.2 Inclusion logic
In this section, we relate the
-hierarchy and
to weighted team definability for inclusion logic formulas. First, observe that if
is an
-sentence, then the problem
$\text{p-} \mathrm{WT}_\varphi$
is in
. This is due to the reason that the data complexity of fixed
-sentences is in
(Galliani and Hella Reference Galliani, Hella and Della Rocca2013).
Theorem 10. Let
be an
-sentence, then
is in
Proof. Recall that an
has a satisfying team T in
if and only if
$\mathcal{A},\{\emptyset\}\models \varphi$
due to the locality property. Then
is true in
if and only if there is a team T such that
$\mathcal{A},T\models \varphi$
Now we prove, that
can already be
-hard when
is a quantifier-free
-formula with free variables.
Theorem 11. There is a quantifier-free
such that the problem
-hard and in
Proof. We present a reduction from the
-complete problem
such that
is a quantifier free
-formula. Let
$G\mathrel{\mathop:}= (V,E)$
be a graph and
$k\in \mathbb N$
. Then, we let
$\varphi\:= E(x,y)\wedge x\neq y\wedge y\subseteq x \wedge x\subseteq y$
. We claim that G has a clique of size k if and only if
$G,T\models \varphi$
for a team T of size
. It is easy to check that the existence of a k-clique is equivalent to
$\varphi $
having a satisfying team of cardinality
. Clearly, a clique of size k contains
-many edges. Then the variables x and y take same values under each assignment in the resulting team which form a clique.
For containment in
, it suffices to note that the formula
can be expressed as an
with a
-quantifier prefix where the auxiliary binary predicate S encodes the team T. This gives an
-reduction between
. The result follows since
This result can be strengthened to more general formulas as witnessed by the following corollary.
Corollary 12. For any quantifier-free
, the problem
is in
Proof. For containment in
, it suffices to note that the any quantifier-free formula without disjunction can be expressed as an
with a
-quantifier prefix where the auxiliary binary predicate S encodes the team T.
Theorem 13. There is an
-quantifier prefix for which the problem
Proof. We present a reduction from the
-complete problem
such that
is a
-formula with
-quantifier prefix. Let
$G\mathrel{\mathop:}= (V,E)$
be a graph and
$k\in \mathbb N$
. Then we let,
$\varphi\mathrel{\mathop:}= \forall x \exists y (y\subseteq z \wedge ( E(x,y)\vee x=y))$
. It is straightforward to check that G has a dominating set of size k if and only if
$G,T\models \varphi$
for a team T with domain
of size k.
-membership, notice that for all graphs G and teams T:

is the first-order sentence encoding the problem
(see Example 2). A formal proof for the above equivalence is similar to the one given in Theorem 19.
The next lemma sets the stage for generalizing the two previous theorems to arbitrary levels of the
-hierarchy. To formulate the result, we assume an encoding of a formula
$\psi \in \Gamma^{+}_{t,d}$
(and a truth assignment) by its syntax circuit defined as follows.
Definition 14. Let
$\psi \in \Gamma^{+}_{t,d}$
be a propositional formula. We define the syntax circuit for
, where A is the set of subformulas of
, E is the immediate subformula relation,
$I\subseteq A$
are the variables of
, and o is a constant symbol interpreted by
. Moreover, we use a free relation variable
$S\subseteq I$
to represent a truth assignment for the variables of
Note that our encoding of
works for any
$t\in \mathbb N$
but for the definability result below t has to be fixed.
Lemma 15. Let
$t\in \mathbb{N}$
. Then there exists a fixed formula
$\varphi_t\in {{\mathcal{FO}}}(\subseteq)$
with one free variable z such that for all
$\psi \in \Gamma^{+}_{t,d}$
$k\ge 1$
has a satisfying assignment of weight k if and only if
$A_{\psi},T\models \varphi_t$
, for some team T of cardinality k.
Proof. Without loss of generality, we assume
. For higher d-values, the presented proof easily generalizes via a conjunction/disjunction of arity d. By the results of Galliani and Hella (Reference Galliani, Hella and Della Rocca2013), it suffices to show that the required formula can be expressed by a first-order sentence
in which the relation symbol S occurs only positively. Then the existence of

for all nonempty T and
follows. Note that
is not true under the assignment setting all the variables to false, but on the other hand
is always satisfied for
by the empty team property. It is easy to check that, for an even t,
can be expressed as follows:

In the case t is odd the conjunction after
has to be replaced by an implication. The relation symbol S has only one occurrence in the formula and it is positive. Now by Proposition 20 of Galliani and Hella (Reference Galliani, Hella and Della Rocca2013), there exists an
such (1) holds for the sentence
$\forall \vec{x}(S(\vec{x})\rightarrow \theta(S))$
for all
and all T. It is easy to see that
is equivalent with
$\forall \vec{x}(S(\vec{x})\rightarrow \theta(S))$
modulo the cases when
. In fact, it is straightforward to show that
can be obtained from
simply by replacing
by the inclusion atom
$x_t\subseteq z$
. The proof then is analogous to the proof of Theorem 19.
Notice further that the translation of the formula
to an
-formula only introduces inclusion atoms and, in particular, does not require any further quantification. Therefore, the following corollary follows immediately from the proof in Lemma 15.
Corollary 16. Let
$t\geq 2$
be even. Then there is an
for which the problem
-complete. Moreover,
${{\mathbf{W}[t]}} \subseteq [\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}\text-{{{{\mathcal{FO}(\subseteq)}}\text-{{\mathrm{\Pi}_{t}}}}}]^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}$
for all even
$t\geq 1$
$\bigcup_{t\ge1}{{\mathbf{W}[t]}} \subseteq [\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}\text-{{\mathcal{FO}(\subseteq)}}]^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}$
Proof. For the
-membership of
, notice that the translation between
and the
in the proof of Lemma 15 preserves a one-to-one correspondence between the solutions S for
and satisfying teams T for
. In other words,
has a solution of size k if and only if
has a satisfying team of size k. This yields
-membership since
$\theta\in {{\mathrm{\Pi}_{t}}}$
for each
$t\geq 1$
(see Def. 5). The
-hardness and the containment
${{\mathbf{W}[t]}} \subseteq [\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}\text-{{{{\mathcal{FO}(\subseteq)}}\text-{{\mathrm{\Pi}_{t}}}}}]^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}$
for all even
$t\geq 1$
follows from Proposition 6.
We conclude this section by presenting the upper bounds for
is an arbitrary
$ {{\mathcal{FO}}}(\subseteq)$
Theorem 17.
$[\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}\text-{{\mathcal{FO}}}(\subseteq)]^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}\subseteq {{\mathbf{W}[{{\mathbf{P}}}]}}$
Proof. We prove this via the machine characterization of the class
, analogous to the proof for
-formulas (Flum and Grohe Reference Flum and Grohe2006, Prop. 5.3). Let
be a
-formula with s free variables. An algorithm for the problem
proceeds as follows: Given a structure
and a k, nondeterministically guess k times an assignment (i.e., an s-tuple of elements of
), then deterministically verify that the team T has cardinality k and
$\mathcal{A},T\models \varphi$
. Guessing T requires
$s \cdot k\cdot \log |A|$
nondeterministic bits, and the verification that
$\mathcal{A},T\models \varphi$
can be done in deterministic polynomial time in
(Galliani and Hella Reference Galliani, Hella and Della Rocca2013). Thus,
is in
because the formula
is fixed and s is a constant. Moreover, the containment
$[\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}\text-{{\mathcal{FO}}}(\subseteq)]^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}\subseteq {{\mathbf{W}[{{\mathbf{P}}}]}}$
holds since
$\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}_\varphi\in {{\mathbf{W}[{{\mathbf{P}}}]}}$
for an arbitrary but fixed
3.3 Dependence logic
First observe that if
is a
-sentence, then the problem
$\text{p-} \mathrm{WT}_\varphi$
-complete. This is due to the reason that the data complexity of certain
-sentences is already
-complete (Väänänen Reference Väänänen2007).
Theorem 18. There is a
, such that the problem
Proof. Recall that by the locality property a
is satisfied by all teams T over
if and only if
$\mathcal{A},T^*\models \varphi$
for some nonempty team
. Let now
be a sentence of dependence logic expressing an
-complete problem. Then, for any fixed
, the problem: given a model
, determine whether there exists a team with k elements satisfying
-complete. This immediately implies that the problem
$\text{p-} \mathrm{WT}_\varphi$
Now, we relate the
-hierarchy to the weighted definability for dependence logic. This also settles the complexity of
$\text{p-} \mathrm{WT}{}$
-formulas. In the following, we prove that already one universal quantifier is enough in
to define
-complete problems.
Theorem 19. There is a
with only one universal quantifier such that the problem
Proof. We present a reduction from the
-complete problem
such that
-formula with only one universal quantifier. An input to
is a graph
$\mathcal{G}\mathrel{\mathop:}= (V,E)$
and a number
$k\in \mathbb N$
. The question is whether there is a set S of size k in
such that
$(a,b)\not \in E$
for every
$a,b\in S$
. We let
$\tau \mathrel{\mathop:}= \{N^1, P^1, I^2\}$
as our vocabulary where N,P are unary relations and I is a binary relation symbol. Moreover, the
is such that:
$\mathrm{dom}(\mathcal{A})\mathrel{\mathop:}= V\cup E$
$N^\mathcal{A}\mathrel{\mathop:}= V, P^\mathcal{A}\mathrel{\mathop:}= E$
simulates the edge relation
. That is,
$I\mathrel{\mathop:}=\{\,(a,b), (c,b)\mid a,c\in V,\text{ and } b\in P \text{ denotes the edge }(a,c)\in E\,\}$
. Finally, we define a
over a single free variable x as in the following.

The correctness of our reduction is established via the following claim and also shows that the formula
is, in fact, equivalent to the familiar definition of independent sets via a
-formula; hence,
Claim 20. There is a team T over x in
such that
$\mathcal{A},T\models \varphi$
if and only if there is an independent set in
of size k.
It remains to prove the claim. Suppose that
$T=\{\,s_i\mid i\leq k\,\}$
is a team over x for
such that
$a_i\in A$
. Moreover, let
$T'=\{\,s_{i,j}\mid i\leq k,j\leq |\mathcal{A}|\,\}$
denote the supplemented team, that is,
for every
$a_j\in \mathcal{A}$
. We prove that
$S=\{a_i \mid \exists s\in T, s(x)=a_i \}$
constitutes an independent set in
. Let
$a_i,a_j\in S$
, then there are
$s_i,s_j \in T$
such that
. Suppose further that
$(a_i,a_j)=e\in E^\mathcal{G}$
. Then, by our construction, there are
$s_{i,j},s_{j,j}\in T'$
such that
$s_{j,j}= a_ja_j$
. Moreover, the pair
cannot be in the subteam for the first disjunct since e is an edge and
$T'\models P(e)$
; it can also not belong to the subteam for the second disjunct since both
appear in the edge e. As a result,
must be in the subteam for the third disjunct, but then it cannot satisfy the atom
$s_{i,j}(y)= s_{j,j}(y)$
$s_{i,j}(x)\not= s_{j,j}(x)$
. Consequently,
$T'\not\models (\neg P(y)\lor \neg I(x,y)\lor {\mathsf{dep}}({y};{x}))$
$T\not\models \varphi$
, which is a contradiction.
Conversely, if there is an independent set S of size k in
then we prove that
$T\models \varphi(x)$
$T =\{s_i \mid i\leq k, s_i(x)\in S\}$
. Clearly, the supplemented team T’ over
has the following effect: for every y that corresponds to an edge e between elements
$a_i,a_j\in A$
, at most one of its endpoint
is in T, which is the case if and only if S is in independent set.
Once again, we prove the next lemma that generalizes the previous theorem to arbitrary levels of the
-hierarchy using the circuit representation of a formula (Def. 14).
Lemma 21. Let
$t\in \mathbb{N}$
. Then there exists a fixed formula
$\varphi_t\in {{\mathcal{FO}(\mathsf{dep})}}$
with one free variable z such that for all
$\psi \in \Gamma^{-}_{t,d}$
$k\ge 1$
has a satisfying assignment of weight k if and only if
$A_{\psi},T\models \varphi_t$
, for some team T of cardinality k.
Proof. Without loss of generality, we assume that
. Otherwise, the presented proof will easily generalize to larger values of d by a disjunction/conjunction of arity d. By the results of Kontinen and Väänänen (Reference Kontinen and Väänänen2009), it suffices to show that the required formula can be expressed by a first-order sentence
in which the relation symbol S occurs only negatively. Then the existence of

for all nonempty T and
follows. Now (for t even) it is easy to check that
can be expressed as follows:

In the case t is odd the conjunction after
has to be replaced by an implication. The relation symbol S appears only once in the formula and this appearance is negative.
Notice further that the translation of the formula
to a
-formula only introduces dependence atoms and, in particular, does not require any further quantification. Therefore, the following corollary (with proof analogous to Corollary 16) follows. Recall that every dependence logic formula can be put into the
-normal form. As a result, tracking the quantifier prefix in Lemma 21 is not useful and we get the much stronger statement that the whole
-hierarchy is already contained in
. Yet, there is a trade-off one has to keep in mind while reaching this normal form: each existential quantifier (beyond the first) then induces a dependence atom in that case.
Corollary 22. Let
$t\geq 1$
be odd. Then there is an
for which the problem
-complete. Moreover,
$\bigcup_{t\ge1}{{\mathbf{W}[t]}} \subseteq [\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}\text-{{{{\mathcal{FO}(\mathsf{dep})}}\text-{{\mathrm{\Pi}_{2}}}}}]^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}$
captures the class
as established below.
Theorem 23.
Proof. Hardness follows from Theorem 18. For membership, we present the following nondeterministic algorithm that runs in polynomial time in the size of
. Notice that since the formula is fixed, we have fixed many connectives including disjunctions and quantifiers. The idea of the algorithm is that it guesses a team T of size k, as well as, a sequence
$i\in \mathbb N$
of teams which corresponds to the operations of supplementation and splits according to the formula
. In other words, let
$\varphi=Q_1x_1Q_2x_2\dots Q_\ell x_\ell \psi$
be an
-formula, where
is quantifier free. Then the algorithm performs the following steps.
Guess a team T of size k over
${{\mathrm{Fr}}}(\varphi)$ in
$\mathcal{A}$ .
For each
$i\in \{\ell,\dots,1\}$ , guess a team
$T_i$ over
${{\mathrm{Fr}}}(\varphi)\cup\{x_\ell,\dots,x_i\}$ in an inside-out order of quantification, such that: if
$Q_i = \forall$ , then
$T_i = P^x_{\mathcal{A}}$ and if
$Q_i = \exists$ , then
$T_i = P^x_{f}$ where
$f\colon P\rightarrow \mathcal P(A)\setminus\emptyset $ and
$P=T_{i+1}$ (we let
$T_{\ell+1}=T$ ).Notice that
$|T_i| =|T_{i+1}|$ if
$Q_i=\exists$ (because
${{\mathcal{FO}(\mathsf{dep})}}$ is downward closed) and
$|T_i| =|T_{i+1}|\cdot |A|$ otherwise. As a result, we have that
$|T_i| \leq k\cdot |A|^{\ell-i}$ and the size of the team
$|T_1|$ is bounded by
$k\cdot |A|^{\ell}$ .Once the team
$T_1$ has been guessed, the algorithm needs to determine whether
$T_1 \models \psi$ . Since the data complexity of
${{\mathcal{FO}(\mathsf{dep})}}$ is still
${{\mathbf{NP}}}$ -complete for quantifier free formulas, this step is also nontrivial. Nevertheless, we can list recursively all the subformulas of
$\psi$ in terms of its syntax tree. This helps in labeling a subteams of
$T_1$ according to the connectives of
$\psi$ .
Guess subteams for subformulas in a top-down order of the syntax tree of
$\psi$ . To be precise, let
$T_\psi\mathrel{\mathop:}= T_1 $ . Then, for each subformula
$\alpha = \beta\land \gamma$ of
$\psi$ , let
$T_\beta=T_\gamma = T_\alpha$ , and for each
$\alpha = \beta\lor \gamma$ , let
$T_\beta\cup T_\gamma = T_\alpha$ .Clearly, the size of the subteam
$T_\alpha$ for each
$\alpha$ is atmost
$k\cdot |A|^\ell$ .
Accept if
$T_\alpha\models \alpha$ for each atomic subformula
$\alpha$ of
$\varphi$ .
Notice that for atomic formulas the truth evaluation
$T_\alpha\models \alpha$
can be determined in polynomial time. Moreover, the intermediate steps including the verification of the team supplementation can also be performed in polynomial time. Finally, the correctness follows from the fact that the algorithm simulates the truth evaluation (see Def. 8) for
. This results in
-membership of
for a fixed
3.4 Independence logic
In this section, we turn to independence logic. The following theorem is obtained from the results in the previous sections and the fact that any
(with an extra relation encoding the team) can be represented by an independence logic formula (Galliani Reference Galliani2012). It is worth remarking that
has the empty team property and can therefore only represent an
is also true for the empty relation. This is unproblematic since we implicitly assume that
$k\geq 1$
Theorem 24.
(1) For all
$t\in\mathbb N$ there is an
${{\mathcal{FO}(\bot)}}$ -formula
$\varphi_t$ such that
$\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}_{\varphi_t}$ is
${{\mathbf{W}[t]}}$ -complete.
(2) There is an
${{\mathcal{FO}(\bot)}}$ -formula
$\varphi_w$ such that
$\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}_{\varphi_w}$ is
${{\mathbf{W}[{{\mathbf{P}}}]}}$ -complete.
(3) There is a
${{\mathcal{FO}(\bot)}}$ -sentence
$\varphi$ , such that the problem
$\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}_\varphi$ is
${{\mathbf{para}}}{{\mathbf{NP}}}$ -complete.
$[\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}\text-{{\mathcal{FO}(\bot)}}]^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}={{\mathbf{para}}}{{\mathbf{NP}}}$ .
Proof. The first and third claim follow immediately from the fact that the logics
are sublogics of
(Galliani Reference Galliani2012) vtogether with Theorem 23. The containment of
) inside
yields the results for odd (even)
$t\in \mathbb N$
in conjunction with Corollary 22 (Cor. 16), thereby proving the first claim for all
$t\geq 1$
For the second claim, we use the fact that
-complete (Flum and Grohe Reference Flum and Grohe2006, Thm. 3.14), where CIRC
is the class of negation-free propositional formulas encoded as monotone Boolean circuits. Note that the circuit value problem can be readily expressed by an
, where S represents an input for the circuit. More precisely, assume we a given a DAG (A,E,D,K,I,o) encoding a Boolean circuit. Here A is the set of nodes/gates, E is the edge relation,
$I\subseteq A$
are the input gates of the circuit, o is the unique output,
$D\subseteq A$
is the set of OR-gates, and
$K\subseteq A$
is the set of AND-gates. A Boolean input for the circuit is represented by a subset
$S\subseteq I$
, i.e., a gate g gets input 1 if and only if
$g\in S$
. Now in
we can existentially quantify a proof tree witnessing the circuit accepting the input S. In other words, we quantify a subset
$P\subseteq A$
such that
$o\in A$ ,
$P\cap I=S$ ,
for all
$g\in P\cap D$ there exists at least one
$g'\in P$ such that E(g’,g),
for all
$g\in P\cap K$ and all g’, if E(g’,g) then
$g'\in P$ .
It is straightforward to check that the above conditions can be expressed in first-order logic.
Finally, the hardness for the last claim follows again from the fact that
is a sublogic of
and the membership proof is analogous to that of Theorem 23.
4. Conclusion
We have defined and studied the parameterized complexity of weighted team definability with respect to formulas of several team-based logics. Our results show that for plain first-order formulas weighted team definability differs greatly from weighted Fagin definability; the former being computationally much simpler. For dependence, independence, and inclusion logic formulas, the complexity of weighted team definability ranges between the classes
. Now, these results provide a wide range of natural complete problems for the aforementioned complexity classes enriching the landscape in a nontrivial way. Interestingly, the sentences in the considered logics depict different complexities: namely, membership in
-completeness for
. The main open question is whether the converse directions of Corollary 16 or Theorem 17 can be proven, i.e., if one of the inclusions
$\bigcup_{t\in\mathbb N}{{\mathbf{W}[t]}}\subseteq [\text{p-}\mathrm{WT}\text-{{\mathcal{FO}}}(\subseteq)]^{{{\mathbf{FPT}}}}\subseteq{{\mathbf{W}[{{\mathbf{P}}}]}}$
is in fact an equality.
Juha Kontinen: Partially funded by Academy of Finland grant 338259 Yasir Mahmood: Partially funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme within project ENEXA (101070305) Arne Meier: Partially funded by DFG grant ME 4279/3-1 Heribert Vollmer: Partially funded by DAAD Project-ID 57570031