A Remarkable pegmatite occurring on Bittleford Down (Wind Tor), near Widecombe, is described in the Survey Memoir as a veinrock containing (a) abundant hornblende, a mineral not previously found in any of the post-Carboniferous granites of the west of England, (b) much sphene, (c) porphyritic crystals of oligoclase, and (d) quartz crowded with fluid inclusions.
This rock is of peculiar interest in other respects. Its complete freedom from biotite and its high content of felspar (oligoclase dominant over orthoclase) imply considerable deviation in bulk composition from the normal Dartmoor granite. Moreover, its accessory minerals include both gold and silver.
Considered broadly as a coarse-grained felsic type, its position in the list of variants from the normal granite is shared by a still more felsic rock with which it is closely associated in the field.