The orientation of the ‘rhombic section’, the composition-plane of the pericline twin, in the plagioclase felspars as an index of the chemical composition of the felspar waJ first utilized by G. yore Rath, who measured the gngle a on the face (010) between the trace of the composition-plane and the edge [010,001]. Duparc and Reinhard, in their comprehensive work on the determination of the plagioclases, quote two series of values for this angle, one due to Wiilfmg and the other to Becke. They comment on the discordance between the two series, most marked at the acid end, and add that they did not then possess suitable material for critical determinations on their own account. Wülfing's values are given in the form of a curve based on data assembled by Schmidt, and those of Becke were first given in a paper on the felspars in crystalline schists.