Photocurrent spectral distribution and relaxation in CdS/CdTe heterojunctions Sergiu Vatavu, Petru Gasin, Iuliana Caraman. Thin film CdS/CdTe solar cells have proved their importance in use as solar energy converters achieving 16.5 % efficiency. Thin film CdS/CdTe heterojunctions have been deposited by close spaced sublimation method (CSS), onto SnO2 covered glass plates (2õ2 cm2). The thickness of CdS and CdTe thin films was 0.3-1.6 m and 2.3-6.6 m respectively. For to enhance CdS/CdTe heterojunctions photoelectrical parameters and photosensitivity, the deposition procedure was followed by annealing in presence of CdCl2 at 420C for 15-60 min. Ni has been used as back contact to CdTe. After annealing, the photoelectrical parameters at 100 mW/ñm2 are: Uoc=0.73 V, Isc=21.7 mA/cm2, ff=0.43.
The analysis of the photosensitivity for samples with different thicknesses of the component layers in the 78-293K temperature range showed, that the increase of the photoconductivity for photon energies ħw>1.9 eV is determined by the generation-recombination processes in CdSxTe1-x interface layer, and in the 1.42 eV-1.85 eV region, by light absorption mechanism in CdTe.
At direct biases of the CdS/CdTe heterojunctions (2Uoc), the photocurrent spectral distribution is determined by the generation-recombination processes in CdS layer. The annealing of the heterojunction in presence of CdCl2 results in photocurrent increase more than one order of magnitude. CdS/CdTe at reverse biases, having a constant sensitivity in visible and near infrared spectral region, can be used in photometry as radiation detector.
The analysis of the absorption spectra and the photocurrent spectral distribution at direct biases resulted in determination of the holes mean free path in CdTe layer, being equal to 1.05 mm.
The ratio of the ambipolar diffusion coefficient and surface recombination velocity for CdS/CdTe interface is 0.3 m and the diffusion length is 0.6 m at 78K. The same parameters for Ni/CdTe interface are: 0.025 m and 0.05 m respectively.
The phococurrent relaxation curves have been studied for illumination throught both sides of the heterojunctions at different biases, temperatures and wavelength, determining different penetration depths and materials excitation. Nonequilibrium charge carriers lifetime has been determined. The thermal annealing of the CdS/CdTe heterojunctions in presence of CdCl2 determine the nonequilibrium charghe carrier lifetime increase by more than one order of magnitude from 22 s up to 280 s.