The purpose of this report is to consider the provision on removal of disused installations, contained in Article 60.3 of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, in particular its history and scope, its further elaboration by “standards” to be established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other relevant questions. The questions to be considered with regard to the removal obligation include more specifically:
a) the position under the corresponding provision of the 1958 Continental Shelf Convention;
b) the position under customary international law;
c) the effect of Article 60.3 of the new Convention pending its entry into force, and thereafter;
d) the question of jus constituendum, i.e. the standards to be evolved in IMO or other appropriate international organizations;
e) the relation between rights and obligations derived from a) to d) above and those based on other international instruments such as in particular the Oslo and London Dumping Conventions of 1972.