Call for Submissions – Volume 31, Number 1
Issue thematic title: Sound, Music and Technology in Latin America
Date of Publication: April 2026
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Issue co-ordinators: Raúl Minsburg ( and Rodrigo Sigal (
Deadline for submission: 14 May 2025
Sound, Music and Technology in Latin America
Latin America has a long and vast tradition of artistic creation and research with respect to sound and music with electronic technologies. From the first electroacoustic pieces composed in the late 50s to the more recent new approaches in sound art, a rich history and repertory has developed of works involving various aesthetics and resources. Latin American research in this field has been improved and strengthened with the emergence of different types of institutions including CMMAS, Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras – which has been active for 20 years – and the more recent master’s programme in Art and Sound Studies at the National University of Tres de Febrero in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This vitality is also reflected by numerous and diverse initiatives leading toward an ever-increasing number of publications – papers, articles and books – as well as festivals and net labels in Latin America.
However, an asymmetrical situation can be observed, where most books or articles written in English have very few references (frequently none) to publications written in Spanish, whereas Spanish texts include references to numerous sources in English. This asymmetry of information has led to the lack of a real dialogue between English and Spanish artists and researchers.
With the aim of opening a dialogue, based on mutual knowledge, we have proposed this issue of Organised Sound, suggesting a non-exhaustive choice of topics related to aspects or approaches that are frequently discussed or analysed in Spanish, but which are under-represented in English language research literature.
Topics for consideration include:
- Acousmatic and electroacoustic music and sound art in Latin America: historic, musicological and sonological approaches.
- Arts, technologies, aesthetics and education: How sound-based art is and has been used as an educational or research tool in Latin America and beyond.
- Current, past and future practices of sound-based creativity in Latin America.
- The listening experience from a Latin-American perspective.
- The evolution of creative sound tools: reimagining sound organisation through unconventional technologies in Latin America.
- Rethinking the field of electroacoustic music studies through sound heritage, identities and transdisciplinary approaches – going beyond geographical borders.
- Investigations of the impulses and inspirations behind the sonic works of Latin American artists.
Furthermore, as always, submissions unrelated to the theme but relevant to the journal’s areas of focus are always welcome.
Please note that Organised Sound seeks submissions that are issue-driven and of relevance to the journal’s readership. It neither seeks artists’ statements or work/project descriptions without an underlying central question and broad contextualisation.
Notes for Contributors including how to submit on Scholar One and further details can be obtained from the inside back cover of published issues of Organised Sound or at the following url:
General queries should be sent to:, not to the guest editors.
Accepted articles will be published online via FirstView after copy editing prior to the full issue’s publication.
Editor: Leigh Landy; Associate Editor: James Andean
Founding Editors: Ross Kirk, Tony Myatt and Richard Orton†
Regional Editors: Liu Yen-Ling (Annie), Dugal McKinnon, Raúl Minsburg, Jøran Rudi, Margaret Schedel, Barry Truax
International Editorial Board: Miriam Akkermann, Marc Battier, Manuella Blackburn, Brian Bridges, Alessandro Cipriani, Ricardo Dal Farra, Simon Emmerson, Kenneth Fields, Rajmil Fischman, Kerry Hagan, Eduardo Miranda, Garth Paine, Mary Simoni, Martin Supper, Daniel Teruggi, Ian Whalley, David Worrall, Lonce Wyse