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Editorial board

Professor Sally Kendall, CHSS, University of Kent, UK

Prof. Dr Mehmet Akman, Marmara University, Turkey

Associate Editor

Professor Rosamund Bryar, City, University of London, UK

Dr Marilena Anastasaki, MSc, PhD, Department of Social Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Crete, Greece

Dr Duygu Ayhan Baser, Hacettepe University School of Medicine

Dr Michael Fanner, University of Oxford, UK

Dr Emina Hadziabdic, Linnaeus University, Sweden

Dr Laura Hamilton, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Dr Boniface Oyugi, University of Kent, UK

Professor Daksha Trivedi, Ph.D (Lon); M.Phil (Cantab); M.Sc (Lon), Professor of Applied Health Research, Centre for Research in Public Health and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Professor Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, Brazil

Professor Roz Walker, Murdoch University, Australia

Dr Erin Ziegler, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Editorial Board

Professor Peter P. Groenewegen, Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, The Netherlands

Professor Jose Miguel Morales, University of Málaga , Spain

Dr Gerbrecht Elizabeth Pietersen, Independent Research Consultant, South Africa

Professor Chris Van Weel, University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Mrs Eleanor Hoverd, University of Warwick, UK

Dr Elena Petelos, University of Crete, Greece

Social Media Editor

Roxana Pomplun, University of Kent, UK