The invasion of Electricity into the realms of Art. Greater scope for the musician's skill. Electrical self-expression in Autophonic music. Ways and Means. Duddell's “singing lamp” (1890). Electrical waves and Sound waves. Tone-frequency. The Sphærophon, Theremin or Aetherophon, and Electronde. With manual guides; the Martenot, Hellertion and Trautonium. Application of the keyboard; the Klaviatur-Sphærophon, Emicon, and Coupleux Organ. Electricity on an acoustical basis; the Orgatron, Baird and Puget Pipe Organs, the Neo-Bechstein Piano. Mechanical production; the Telharmonium, Magnetton, Hammond Organ, Wave Organ, Electrone, Superpiano, Phototone and Rangertone. Pros and Cons; and what of the Future?