The present investigation of the discharge of water from one vessel or reservoir to another with free surfaces, through capillary tubes of various ratios of outside to inside diameters between 1.59 and 4.31 and of various
ratios between 28.8(7) and 155.2, indicates that the behaviour as a whole is represented by
provided the ends of the tubes are sharp and the conditions within the range of values of R exhibited in fig. 2.
The losses of energy are reduced by grinding the ends to a bell-mouth shape, although the effect becomes very small with the longest tubes.
The author is indebted to Professor A. H. Gibson, D.Sc, LL.D., for the facilities placed at his disposal in the Whitworth Engineering Laboratory of Manchester University, and to Mr R. Butt, M.Sc, for assistance in both the experimental work and the calculation of results.