Public Health Nutrition Editorial Board
Please find the PHN Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor Conflict of Interest Statements here.
Dr Charlotte Evans
Keywords: diet quality (in children and adolescents), evaluation of nutrition policies and programmes, RCTs and quasi-experimental trials analysing diet behaviour change, systematic reviews and meta-analysis of diet behavioural change
Meet Dr Charlotte Evans: Editor-in-Chief of Public Health Nutrition
Editorial Office
Jennifer Lindsay-Smith (Mrs.)
Managing Editor
Deputy Editors
Asst. Professor Dr Geeta Appannah
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Keywords: dietary patterns, dietary tracking over the lifecourse, determinants of dietary intake, dietary cost, diet quality, weight loss/change intervention, childhood obesity
Dr Kaleab Baye
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Keywords: micronutrient status, mineral bioavailability, complementary feeding, dietary intake assessment
Dr Sonia Blaney
Université de Moncton, Canada
Keywords: infant, young child and woman nutrition, determinants of undernutrition, nutrition program planning, double burden, international nutrition, public nutrition, adolescent nutrition, food systems
Professor Mona S. Calvo
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City, USA
Keywords: vitamin D, dietary phosphorus intake, dietary calcium, nutrient requirements for bone health, chronic kidney disease, mushrooms as functional foods, food fortifications
Professor Mieke Faber
South African Medical Research Council, South Africa
Keywords: food based interventions to address micronutrient malnutrition, dietary intake assessment, food security, infant and young child feeding
Dr Cindy George
South African Medical Research Council, South Africa
Keywords: epidemiology, non-communicable disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes
Dr Allison Hodge
Cancer Epidemiology Division, Cancer Council Victoria, Australia and Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Melbourne, Australia
Keywords: cancer, epidemiology, dietary assessment, dietary intake, diabetes
Dr Brittany Johnson
Flinders University, Australia
Keywords: children and families, unhealthy food intake, school food, behaviour change theory, intervention design (e.g. behaviour change wheel) and protocols, systematic reviews / evidence synthesis, intervention coding (e.g. behaviour change techniques, mapping strategies)
Dr Cindy Leung
University of California, USA
Keywords: food insecurity, federal food assistance programs, child obesity, diet quality, nutrition policy
Dr Rebecca Pradeilles
IRD (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development), MoISA Unit, France
IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute), NDH unit, USA
Keywords: infant and maternal nutrition, diet, malnutrition in all its forms, public health, nutritional epidemiology, food environment, low- and middle-income countries
Dr Pierre Traissac
IRD (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development), MoISA Unit, France
Keywords: epidemiology, nutritional epidemiology, biostatistics, LMICs, nutritional status/adiposity measurement, non communicable diseases, risk factors, socio-economic factors, gender, evaluation of nutrition interventions
Dr Christina Vogel
University of Southampton, UK
Keywords: food environment and food systems research, nutritional epidemiology, behaviour change intervention research, maternal/child nutrition, dietary and social inequalities, food and nutrition policy
Dr Peter von Philipsborn
LMU University of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Food environments and policies, The politics of public health nutrition (i.e. the political process, and other political factors influencing food policy-making), Healthy and sustainable food systems, Systematic reviews, Qualitative and survey research, Policy analysis
Review Editor
Dr Amin Salehi-Abargouei
Sahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Keywords: nutritional epidemiology, systematic-reviews, meta-analyses
Statistical Editors
Dr Tulsi Adhikari
National Institute of Medical Statistics, India
Dr George O. Agogo
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kenya
Dr Jorg Huber
University of Brighton, UK
Dr. Mahsa Jessri
The University of British Columbia, Canada
Keywords: epidemiology, dietary patterns, dietary surveys, diet quality, statistics
Dr Rebecca Leech
Deakin University, Australia
Dr Anna Lipert
University of Lodz, Poland
Associate Editors
Dr Magaly Aceves-Martins
University of Aberdeen Institute of Applied Health Sciences, UK
Keywords: systematic Review. meta-Analysis, diet and environmental sustainability, childhood and adolescent obesity, food (in) security - with a public heath perspective
Dr Naser Alsharairi
Griffith University, Australia
Keywords: non-communicable disease prevention; maternal and child nutrition; determinants of dietary patterns; nutrition-related behaviour change theories; gut microbiota in health and disease; dietary supplements use; polyphenols/flavonoids and human health; longitudinal data analysis
Dr Adeladza Kofi Amegah
University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Keywords: nutritional epidemiology, vitamin D, pregnancy outcomes, cardiovascular outcomes
Associate Prof Zahra Bahadoran
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Keywords: nutrition and epidemiology of cardiometabolic diseases, with a particular focus on type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and metabolic syndrome, design and implementation of dietary interventions and clinical trials for cardiometabolic health, analysis of dietary patterns and their association with chronic disease risk, the role of dietary nitrate, nitrite, and nitric oxide in human health, the impact of dietary antioxidants and phytochemicals on cardiometabolic outcomes.
Dr Khor Ban Hock
Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Keywords: non-communicable diseases, diet and diseases, dietary assessment, dietary patterns
Dr Larissa Baraldi
University of Campinas, Brazil
Keywords: Nutritional epidemiology, Dietary surveys, Dietary intake, Child/adolescent nutrition, Dietary guidelines, Dietary patterns, Diet Quality
Professor Vassiliki Benetou
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Keywords: nutritional epidemiology, chronic disease epidemiology, cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporotic fractures, infant nutrition, breastfeeding, dietary patterns, Mediterranean diet, childhood obesity, food-based dietary guidelines, healthy ageing
Dr Angela Carriedo
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Keywords: Public health and food policy expert, Non-communicable diseases global crisis, epidemiology , commercial determinants of health, Policy analysis and public health research methods and policy and program evaluation (design, process, formative and impact), Qualitative and quantitative research methodologies for public health with robust experience in qualitative methods (focus groups, observations, questioners, photo-voice, and interviews), Community-based participatory research, programme evaluation, and social marketing for public health, Social Marketing interventions, Child and mother nutrition
Dr Ben Chrisinger
University of Oxford, UK
Keywords: food environment; welfare; policy evaluation; mixed-methods research
Dr Annalijn Conklin
The University of British Columbia, Canada
Keywords: diet quality, obesity, social context, economic factors, gender-based analysis, nutritional epidemiology, multilevel modelling
Dr Zhaoli Dai-Keller
UNSW Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Nutritional epidemiology, healthy ageing, public health guidelines, vitamin D, dietary fibre, and commercial influence on nutrition research.
Dr Shanong Dang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Keywords: Medicine and Health Sciences, Nutrition, Public health and epidemiology, Health care
Dr Fabio da Silva Gomes
Pan American Health Organisation, USA (PAHO)
Keywords: food and nutrition programmes, policies and interventions, food labelling, food marketing, fiscal policies, school food, food environment, food classification, nutrient profiling, public health, policy, conflict of interest, diet quality, dietary intake, epidemiology, statistics
Dr Subhasish Das
International centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh
Keywords: nutritional Epidemiology, dietary diversity, food insecurity, perinatal nutrition, Nutrition-infection interaction
Professor Muhammad Ali Dhansay
South African Medical Research Council, South Africa
Keywords: paediatric and child health and nutrition, maternal nutrition, micronutrients, public health nutrition, global health, human rights and ethics, nutritional epidemiology, anthropometric assessment, growth monitoring, conflicts of Interest and engagement with commercial role players, health and nutritional policy engagement, implementation and analysis
Dr Maria del Pilar Flores-Quispe
Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil
Keywords: nutritional epidemiology, health inequalities, infant, young child and woman nutritional status, breastfeeding, food assistance programs
Dr Warren Dodd
University of Waterloo, Canada
Keywords: global health, food security, ecological determinants of health, social determinants of health, rural development
Dr Shauna Downs
Rutgers School of Public Health, USA
Keywords: food environments, sustainable diets, food policy, food systems
Dr Elizabeth Dunford
The George Institute for Global Health, Australia
Keywords: food labelling, food databases (or nutrient databases), sodium, food supply, nutrition labels
Dr Megan Ferguson
The University of Queensland, Australia
Keywords: food security, food supply, retail interventions, food policy, Indigenous health, qualitative studies, mixed methods studies
Dr Sina Gallo
University of Georgia,USA
Keywords: Vitamin D among pregnant women and infants, Dietary assessment methods among children, Breastfeeding and infant feeding, US federal food assistance programs , Randomized clinical trials, Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Dr Constance Gewa
George Mason University, USA
Keywords: maternal dietary practices, child dietary practices, behavior change, dietary assessment methods
Dr Pamela Graham
Northumbria University, UK
Keywords: food insecurity, poverty and inequality, school and community health interventions, child and adolescent health and wellbeing, qualitative methods, public involvement and engagement
Ass. Prof. Kyungho Ha
Jeju National University, South Korea
Keywords: investigating appropriate macronutrient distribution and the role of macronutrient quantity/quality related to the risk of cardiometabolic diseases, developing valid tools to evaluate diet quality in populations, BDietary behaviors (e.g. meal timing, frequency, etc.) and chronic diseases
Dr Luc Hagenaars
Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands
Keywords: food policy (process) analysis, fiscal food policy, the political economy of food systems, commercial determinants of metabolic health, organizational food policies, systems thinking, systems mapping
Prof. Rhona Hanning
University of Waterloo, Canada
Keywords: indigenous food systems, community-based participatory research, public Health program and policy evaluation, especially as it relates to youth (schools, recreation facilities), scoping review, dietary assessment, mixed methods, survey research, qualitative analysis
Dr Ashleigh Haynes
University of Melbourne, Australia
Keywords: Food environment, food marketing, labelling, quantitative research, experimental design, survey research
Dr Richard Hoffman
University of Hertfordshire, UK
Keywords: Mediterranean diet, ready meals/convenience foods/processed foods, phytochemicals, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant nutrients in public health, food preparation and agricultural practices, dietary patterns, sustainable diets, cancer
Dr Paula Horta
Federal University of Minas, Brazil
Keywords: Dietary intake, Epidemiology, Food marketing, Food environment, Public health
Dr Megan Jarman
Aston University, UK
Keywords: dietary patterns, eating behaviour, children's diet, dietary assessment, mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative methologies), systems evaluation
Dr Rebecca Kanter
University of Chile, Chile
Keywords: food environment, agriculture, Latin/Central America, nutritional epidemiology, nutrition transition
Professor Tilakavati Karupaiah
Taylor's University, Malaysia
Keywords: human nutrition, food environment, noncommunicable diseases, renal nutrition, cardiometabolic nutrition
Dr Liisa Korkalo
University of Helsinki, Finland
Keywords: pre-school aged children, day-care meals, food services, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, food consumption, micronutrient intake, sources of micronutrients, validity of dietary assessment, use of food composition data in dietary assessment, food photographs
Dr Marleen Lentjes
Örebro University, Sweden
Keywords: : dietary assessment, validation studies, dietary supplements, health education
Professor Una MacIntyre
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: dietary assessment, portion size estimation aids, dietary intakes, nutritional assessment, infant and child nutrition
Dr Koutatsu Maruyama
Ehime University, Japan
Keywords: nutritional epidemiology, cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors, dietary assessment, eating behaviours
Dr Maria Gabriela Matias de Pinho
Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands
Keywords: epidemiology, nutrition, dietary patterns, obesity, cardio-metabolic disease prevention, food environment, GIS, exposome
Dr Angélica Ochoa-Avilés
Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
Keywords: dietary intake, physical activity, sedentary behavior, dietary assessment, children, adolescents, health prommotion
Dr Daniela Penafiel
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Ecuador
Keywords: rural sociology, human nutrition, children nutrition education, eating behaviour, poverty, food technology, indigenous / traditional eating
Dr Aurora Perez-Cornago
European Commission, Brussels
Keywords: adiposity, body composition, nutritional Epidemiology, dietary intake, dietary assessment, dietary patterns, cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity
Dr Carmen Piernas
University of Oxford, UK
Keywords: nutritional epidemiology, dietary patterns, dietary intake, dietary interventions, body composition, cardiovascular disease, obesity, food/nutrition policy
Dr Vundli Ramokolo
South African Medical Research Council, South Africa
Keywords: child growth, HIV, infant feeding, food access, epidemiology
Dr Fernanda Rauber
University of Sao Paolo
Keywords : Nutritional epidemiology, food consumption, food processing, ultra-processed foods, dietary patterns, dietary quality, dietary guidelines
Dr Malcolm Riley
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
Keywords: chronic disease epidemiology, dietary intake measurement, diet and diabetes, diet and nutrition in Asia, nutrition security
Dr Raquel Schincaglia
Federan University of RIo de Janeiro
Keywords : Nutrition, Child Nutrition (including breastfeeding and complementary food), Children development, Nutritional surveys, Child supplementation of micronutrients, Food intake assessment, Non-communicable diseases (Obesity, Chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, breast cancer), Food security, Food environment, Statistical analysis
Dr Natasha Tasevska
Arizona State University, USA
Keywords: dietary assessment, dietary biomarkers, dietary validation, nutritional epidemiology, diet and disease, diet and cancer, carbohydrates/sugars
Dr Lana Vanderlee
Laval University, Canada
Keywords: food environment, food policy, food labelling, food industry, population-health interventions
Dr Eliseu Verly-Jr
Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil
Keywords: Dietary assessment: measurement error, usual intakes, food and nutrient intakes.
Epidemiology: surveys, statistical analysis, prevalence of inadequacy
Economics: food prices, diet cost, sustainable and affordable diets, impacts of dietary interventions
Associate Professor Pattanee Winichagoon
Mahidol University, Thailand
Keywords: Maternal and child nutrition: micronutrients (esp. iron and anemia), infant and young child feeding, community-based interventions, public health nutrition
Professor Yajun Xu
Peking University, China
Keywords: early life nutrition and health development (DOHaD), maternal and infant nutrition, Dietary patterns and health, Food safety, intestinal microecology
Dr Amy Yau
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
Keywords: social determinants of diet, health inequalities, food advertising, evaluation of health policies, food purchasing behaviour and food insecurity
Dr Cai-Xia Zhang
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Keywords: nutritional epidemiology, non-communicable disease epidemiology, cancer epidemiology
Professor Shankuan Zhu
Zhejiang University, China
Keywords: chronic disease and nutritional epidemiology with focuses on body composition (fat, muscle and bone) and related diseases such as obeisty, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, etc. and their pathogeneses, preventions, interventionsm and diagnoses
Dr Christina Zorbas
Deakin University, Australia
Keywords: food price and affordability, nutrition and food equity , food policy analysis, inclusion and diversity in food policy, culturally sensitive food policy, qualitative analyses, cross-sectional surveys