Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 July 2012
Calculations are presented of the effective dosesper unit neutron fluence according to the ICRP publications 60 and 103.Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNPX) code was used for six geometricalconditions of irradiation (Anterior-Posterior, Posterior-Anterior,Left-Lateral, Right-Lateral, Rotation and Isotropic) on Oak RidgeNational Laboratory (ORNL) modified mathematical adult phantomsfor monoenergetic neutrons from 10-9 MeV to 20 MeV. The conversioncoefficients were compared with the results of an analytical phantom(Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD-5)) and some voxel model(ICRP/ICRU Reference Voxel Phantom (ICRP/ICRU RVP), HANAKO, TAROand Visible Human Project (VIPMAN)). From these comparisons, one canconclude that large discrepancies between data sets appear whenwR and different sizes of the phantoms have been used for calculations.Furthermore, the differences in applied Monte Carlo codes or simulatedbody models could make some discrepancies less than 15%.