Motivated by the wavelength division multiplexing in all-optical
networks, we consider the problem of finding an optimal (with
respect to the least possible number of wavelengths) set of ƒ+1
internally node disjoint dipaths connecting all pairs of distinct
nodes in the binary r-dimensional hypercube, where 0 ≤ ƒ < r. This system of dipaths constitutes a routing protocol that
remains functional in the presence of up to ƒ faults (of nodes
and/or links). The problem of constructing such protocols for
general networks was mentioned in [1]. We compute precise
values of ƒ-wise arc forwarding indexes and give (describe dipaths
and color them) nearly optimal all-to-all ƒ-fault tolerant
protocols for the hypercube network. Our results generalize
corresponding results from [1, 4, 14].