From letters of Ambrosius Traversarius, edited by Cannetus and published with the Vita Ambrosii Traversarii of Mehus, it is known that Ambrosius Traversarius translated the Vita Gregorii Nazianzeni written by Gregorius Presbyter and also four orations of Gregory Nazianzene, numbers 18, De Obitu Patris, and 6, 23, and 22, the three orations De Pace. The Vita with its dedicatory letter is preserved in at least eight manuscripts, but no trace of the orations has been found. Our information concerning the translation of the orations comes from the letters written by Ambrosius in the year 1436.
Scholars interested in Ambrosius Traversarius have uncovered no further information on these Latin translations. Ludwig Bertalot found twelve additional letters not contained in the collection of Cannetus.