Some few remembrances of my misfortunes which have atended me since I were maryed (in my unhappy life), which was 14 of November 1671
1671, November 14 Thursday, the i4 of November and Childermas or Cross Day and dreadfully rainey, I was in London pryvatly marryed to Mr Percy Freke by Docter Johnson, my Lord Russells chaplin, in Coven Garden Church in London. My husband was the only son liveing of Captaine Aurthur Frek and grandson to Mr William Freke, the only brother of Sir Thomas Frek of Dorshetshire, who was my grandfather, and his son Mr Ralph Freke [was] my own deer father. And my deer mother was Sir Thomas Cullpepers daughter of Hollingburne in Kentt. Her name was Cicelia Cullpeper, who dyed in or about 1649 and left me, the eldest of five daughters, aboutt six or seven years of age and lyes buryed in the chancell att Hollingburne - where lyes six more brothers and sisters of myne which dyed young and my deer sister, the wife of Sir George Choutt, who lived his widow 12 years and dyed of the small pox, as did her only daughter, and are both inter'd in the chancell in Hollingburne. And affter aboutt 6 or seven years being engaged to my deer cosin Mr Percy Frek and all my three surviveing sisters maryed, viz., Cicelia maryed to Sir Georg Choutt in Kentt, Frances marryed to Sir George Norton att Abbots Leigh neer Bristoll, and Judith, my youngest sister, marryed Collonell Roberti Austen of Tenlerden in Kentt, I, the eldest, Elizabetth, as above, was maryed 14 of November 1671 to Mr Percy Frek withoutt my deer fathers consentt or knowledg in a most dreadfull raynie day (a presager of all my sorrows and misfortunes to mee).